


An: Usually, things would be in third POV, but since we already wrote this part in first, it will be in first.


And also, we apologize for the mistakes in chapter 2. We wrote that Kyungsoo was in class with Kai and Sehun, and that's the first time he saw Kyungsoo, but then we later wrote that Kai saw him for the first time in the hallway....

We edited again, but please, if there are any mistakes, feel free to voice your opinion.

Voice your opinion on anything.




“Chan! Look!!! There he goes! Him! That one!” I tried to point subtly to the head of black hair that was walking a couple feet in front of us.

“That one?” Chanyeol pointed to some kid with a million piercings.

“NOOOOO,” I sighed and slinked forward just a bit to stand right behind him.  I turned around and walked backwards as I gestured with my thumb behind me.

“This one,” I mouthed silently to Chanyeol. Chanyeol looked at me with wide eyes before nodding a couple times.  Many girls gave me weird looks as I jogged back to Chanyeol.

“That kid sits at my lunch table! I’ve seen him before. He’s really pretty Kai. And adorable,” Chanyeol said.

“I knowwwww,” I grinned as I sighed. Chanyeol suddenly stopped walking and I looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“Kai…,” Chanyeol sighed as he covered his face with one giant hand.

“What….?” I thought about what could possibly be wrong. Usually Chanyeol only did this when……

“Nooooooo,”I groaned as I did an OTL, “I was being creepy again, wasn’t I?”

“Yes we were. You were practically following him as you pointed to his head,” Chanyeol stated.

“I can’t help it,” I sighed as I got up and continued walking to class.

“I know, me neither,” Chanyeol sighed.


A couple days later~


“I’m doing it,” Sehun said.

“NOOOO,” I whined and yanked on his hoodie sleeves. Sehun and I had just spent first period devising a plan to accidentally have me meet the new boy I’ve seen around. Sehun was going to ask the boy if they went to the same high school freshman year since Sehun only attending Yang Min since last year, his sophomore year. Then Sehun was going to make me say hi after that.

I didn’t think Sehun would actually do that.

I sent Chanyeol my “fool-proof” (Sehun said while giving me his “undeniably irresistible” smile. I pinched his cheeks because of how cute this kid was, but now I know that he’s a con man) plan and Chanyeol wished me good luck and said he would get there from his class as quickly as he could.

The new face I’ve seen has this class second period, and being the creeper I am, I knew that his class was in the adjacent hallway, so he got here pretty quickly. The clock read 8:24, so class would end in a minute.

I could feel my heart beating rapidly as I started taking shorter breaths.

“Calm down Kkamjongie, you’ve got this,” Sehun said to me as he gave me a little “Fighting!” and put a hand on my shoulder.

“Sehunnnn I can’t do this!” I groaned as I tugged on my hair.


Crap. The bell rang. The new face was approximately 20 seconds away.

Where is Chanyeol when I need that freak?

The plan was for me to wait for Sehun, because Sehun was going to drop his pencil box so that he would have to stop what he was doing and pick up his things.

So Sehun expertly dropped his pencils.

“Aww man! Kai, help me out would you?” Sehun said. I almost believed he accidentally dropped his pencils. I blinked a couple times and bent down and helped him pick up his pencils. I froze as I bent down because out of the corner of my eye, in came Perfection, who was adorably blinking as he went to his seat.

“Sehun!” I urgently whispered as I picked up a pencil. Sehun smiled at me slyly.

I handed Sehun his pencils as we stood up.

“Thanks Kai,” Sehun smiled, giving me what he called his “undeniably irresistible” smile. And it was, because I was temporarily sidetracked by the thought of pinching his adorable cheeks. But then I remembered our current situation and wanted to faint.

Sehun put his pencils neatly back into his box and back pack. Sehun started walking out, and I started to panic, wondering if he forgot. I followed him, but then he stopped.

“Hey… didn’t we go to high school freshman year together?” Sehun said with just enough question in his voice as he cocked his head to the side. Sehun looked at him and I forced myself to, as any other normal person would.

“No, I didn’t live here,” he replied. I felt myself blush. His voice was cute too -___-.

“Oh. I’m sorry. What was your name?” Sehun asked innocently.

“Kyungsoo,” he replied, not saying anything else. I wanted to fangirl over his adorable name immediately, but I controlled myself.

“Oh, well I’m Sehun,” he said before glancing at me.

“Say hi Kai,” Sehun said to me.

“H-hi,” I mentally beat myself up for stuttering. Kyungsoo waved plainly, but of course I found it adorable.

“Let’s go to class,” I said to Sehun. Sehun nodded before waving goodbye to Kyungsoo. I could barely control myself from running from the classroom as I walked out.

However, as soon as I was in the hallway, I threw myself into the lockers, face-first.

“Sehunn!!!” I wailed as I banged my fist to the locker,” that was so hard!”

I started sobbing dramatically before I felt big hands on my shoulder.

“How did it go!”  Chanyeol gave me his creepy smile.

“Channnn!” I wailed as I grasped a handful of his shirt,” It was horrible!”

Chanyeol’s smile drop, replaced with a concerned frown. I put my head to his shoulder as I did some more wailing.

“It wasn’t bad Chanyeol, Kai’s just being dramatic,” Sehun laughed and I could almost hear his eyes rolling.

“It was horrible Channie!” I gave him the lost puppy dog look as I grasped his shirt collars. Chan plucked my hands from his clothing before he ruffled my hair. We started walking to class.

“So what happened?” Chanyeol asked as we went up the stairs.

“SehunaskedhimifhewenttothesameschoolfreshmanyearandhesaidnoandSehunsaidhisnamewasSehunandmademesayhisoIsaidhiandhisnameisKyungsoosoIsaidhiandKyungsoobeatmeupbecauseIstutteredandI’mhopelesslycreepy,” I explained in two seconds.

“Sehun, what really happened? I doubt Kyungsoo beat you up,” Chanyeol gave me a look and I pouted.

“He beat me up using his cute face! See! My face is so red from all of it! I can’t even walk properly because I’m so wounded!” I wailed as I resisted the urge to through myself against the wall and bang on it. Sehun rolled his eyes.

“Well, that’s pretty much what happened… and it did look like Kai was getting beat up. He had the most scared (yet hilarious) expression on his face when he said hi,” Sehun snickered. I frowned and held up a fist dramatically as if to say “I’ll beat you up afterschool!”  Chanyeol  groaned and sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"This is madness."


Later, in algebra 2~ (3rd POV)


"KAI!" Chanyeol screeched from across the room.

"Quiet down woman!" Kai said as he took his seat next to Chanyeol," What's up?"

"I rubbed his head!!" Chanyeol clapped excitedly.

"Who is this person and how much is he suing?" Kai asked tiredly,"When do I need to wire the money?"

"No, what I meant is that I saw that little pretty boy of yours. He actually has lunch with me. And so I scooted next to him and asked him if I could hug him," Chanyeol laughed while Kai thought he was going to pass out from envy.

"CHAN. OH GOODNESS. I bet he smelled like strawberries. Was he not creeped out? Usually people are by just looking at your seven foot tall self," Kai said as his head fell to the table with a clunk.

"He actually didn't do anything. His impossibly big eyes got even bigger though. Then I couldn't help but tell him how cute he was and rub his head," Chanyeol poked Kai's cheek.

"Chan. You lucky dog you," Kai mumbled as he banged his fist on the desk, crying out.

"You're the lucky dog! You get to spend your time basking in Baekhyun's glittery golden presence," Chanyeol sighed as his mind started to daydream.

"I bet he's really soft," Kai mumbled distractedly.

"I bet he smells like sunshine," Chanyeol sighed as he rested his face in his palm. Kai broke from his lovesick reverie and looked at his best friend. He busted out laughing and Chanyeol just laughed along.

"Really Yeol? Sunshine? What does sunshine smell like?" Kai asked as he looked at his best friend.

"Smells like Baekyun," Chanyeol decided after a few moments. Kai shook his head and laughed at his impossibly weird best friend.

"You know Chan, you should really go after him. I think you have a really good chance on cracking his abstinence of past-platonic relationships," Kai said. Chanyeol's eyes brightened considerably, then quickly dimmed.

"He's so cute. I don't think there's enough room for me," Chanyeol laughed sadly.

"There's never enough room anywhere for you and your nine feet tall self Yeol. You just have to shove everything out of the way so you can fit," Kai slapped Chanyeol on his back.

"Yahh! Kim Jongin, are you even my friend?" Chanyeol said, his voice cracking.

"Unfortunately, I was into the black hole before knowing what it was, so yes, I'm your friend," Kai sighed with mock exasperation. Chanyeol smiled.

"Should I really?" Chanyeol asked.

"YES WOMAN! YOU SHOULD. Just attack his skinny little body and have your way with him," Kai pumped his fist in the air. Chanyeol just sat there with wide eyes as his face turned completely red.

"...you're actually imagining that aren't you?" Kai groaned. Chanyeol nodded and swallowed.

"You're crazy Mr. Sunshine."

"I think I really am."



"So here is the plan," the dark-haired tan boy said to his best friend across a table at a bubble tea diner.
The best friend, with his head of golden curls, nodded intently as he listened.
"You, sir, are going to take Baekhyun's ity an-"
"Sorry, that's the second to last phase of the plan. I forgot to mention the first ones."
"I'm kidding Yeol. We want real relationships undeterred by our hormones, right?"
"that's what I want... I don't know about you."
"Anyway, my humorous friend, phase one includes making our existence known to our significant others, correct?"
"Yes Mr. Kim."
"I like you Park Chanyeol," Kai said as he gave his best friend a thumbs up and an approving look," So the common bridge between you, JGG,and Baekhyun aka Mr. Sunshine is me, aka God. What we'll do is I'll invite him over to sit with us at lunch, and that's how you two will get kicked off. Any questions, comments or concerns?"
"What's 'JGG' Mr. Kim?"
"That's you of course, Jolly Green Giant- ParkChanyeol."
"And what's phase one with Kyungsoo?"
"Phase one with Kyungsoo, aka Perfection, is made possible by you, the Jolly Green Giant who also likes to rub heads while hugging. But because your bridge is relatively new-just having being built spontaneously a few days ago- I have to fortify the bridge with my social skills."
"You mean your ability to be creepy?"
"That's just an inevitable side effect to my skills. If you're done hating, best friend, I'd like to continue," Kai sighed, dramatically pinching the bridge of his nose
"Go ahead " God" Mr. Kim," Chanyeol scoffed. Kai just laughed.
"So JGG will be known to Mr. Sunshine through God, and God will be known to Perfection though the super abilities of himself," Kai nodded confidently to himself.
"And how exactly will you exploit your "social skills" in order to talk to the stoic Perfection?"
"It's simple, Mr. Park. I'm going old-fashioned, and just asking to be friends," Kai gave his most convincing smile. Chanyeol just busted out laughing, eyes twitching and everything.
"We both know you're interminably awkward when it comes to Kyungsoo," Chanyeol said between gasps. Kai was about to protest, but quickly gave up by face-palming.
"I know Chanyeol!!! I know!!" Kai wailed.
"It's okay. At least we still have Sehun, who's the least awkward person that is aware of our hobbies," Chanyeol used his giant hand to ruffle Kai's hair.
"I fear Sehun has lost his suave abilities too," Kai looked up, laughing to himself.
"What do you mean?" 
"Our substitute in World Geography is..-well how do I say this?.....Beautiful. Prettier than flowers," Kai began, but the confusion hadn't left Chanyeol's face.
"Prince Thehun is on our team, right?" Chanyeol asked, his lips pouting slightly in concentration.
"Yeah, Our sub is a male, his name is Luhan, well that's what we call him. And he's the total opposite of our Prince. Luhan is all warm and smiley, and Sehun is all cold and frowny," Kai laughed.
"So what does Sehun do?"
"Well, last class, Sehun kept snapping pencils in half every time Luhan did something seemingly normal, but Sehun found it intoxicating or something. Luhan was just writing on the board, and his shirt came up, barely exposing a slit of skin, and Sehun was like "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? CALL THE COPS JONGIN, HE'S DONG ILLEGAL STUFF." and he thought his nose was bleeding. On top of that, I volunteered him to go help Luhan write on the board, and Sehun was sweating from being so close to Luhan. It was so funny," Kai laughed at recalling the incidents. 
"Then there's no hope Kai," Chanyeol sighed," Sehun was our last hope at seeming normal."
"Well, we could always ask Yixing for help. Yixing is pretty damn good at being attractive and being cool." Kai said thoughtfully.
"Yeah. That means we have to get at least an A+ on our next lab report if we want Yixing's help," Chanyeol sighed.
"Well, that's never going to happen, so looks like we're going to have to be normal on our own," Kai looked at his best friend seriously. Chanyeol nodded, brows furrowed in determination. Kai couldn't help but bust out laughing.
"Like hell that's ever going to happen. It looks like the only way we'll achieve any of our phases is through persistency."
"Sehun-ah, will you come here for a second?" Luhan called Sehun to his desk.
"He's going to pop the question Prince," Kai punched his arm. Sehun silenced him with his royal death glare.
"Yes Mr. Luhan?" Sehun asked as he tentatively approached the teacher's desk. Luhan frowned slightly as he looked up at Sehun.
"Please just address me by Luhan, Sehun," Luhan smiled , his doe-eyes crinkling.
"U-uh, yes Mr. L-, I mean yes Luhan," Sehun replied, his cheeks glossed by a red tint.
"Anyways Sehun, it seems you forgot to complete the backside of your worksheet, and I want you to do well in school, so please don't forget to check the backside of your assignments next time," Luhan smiled slightly as he handed the paper back to Sehun.
"Uh, yes Luhan," Sehun replied, completely distracted by how soft Luhan's hair looked.
"Just bring it back when you're done," Luhan smiled. Sehun took his worksheet and stumbled back to his desk.
"Sehun, do you like Luhan?" Kai asked bluntly as Sehun seated himself.
"YAH!" Sehun whisper-shouted as he clapped a hand over Kai's mouth," If you want to keep those pretty little lips of yours, then let's be quiet."
"Mm mmnhmamm!"
"What?" Sehun asked,"EWW Jongin!"
Sehun yanked his hand away and wiped his Jongin saliva-covered hand on his jeans.
Kai simply gave the cheekiest smile he could and Sehun couldn't help but smile at his cute little friend.
"Aigoo, I swear Jongin, if you weren't so handsome, you'd be dead," Sehun muttered as he picked up his pencil and began completing his worksheet.
"You mean if Luhan wasn't so handsome, I'd be dead," Kai smirked mischievously.
Sehun blushed and pretended not to hear Kai.
"Okay, okay Princess, I'll stop," Kai sighed," anyways, I plan to propose today."
Sehun put his pencil down as he looked up at Kai.
"Jongin, would you care to divulge just who you'll be proposing to?"
"Oh, calm down, don't get your peach colored in a wad," Kai scoffed," I'm just just proposing friendship to Perfection."
"....What are you talking about? Perfection is an inanimate intangible noun...." Sehun said. 
"I meant Kyungsoo," Kai laughed," and that's not true, perfection is touchable. I mean, Perfection has nice big eyes, and milky-white skin. Perfection also has the cutest I've ever seen."
"That still doesn't make it touchable...."
"Oh, I'll be touching all over this inanimate intangible noun pretty soon. Don't be jealous because he beat you out for nicest ."
"Jongin.... You guys aren't even friends...," Sehun rolled his eyes.
"Have you seen those thighs? Oh my goodness, I just want to gra-"
"How's that worksheet coming along Sehun-ah?" Luhan said as he walked past.
"F-fine!" Sehun stuttered as he immediately straightened up in his seat.
"Luhan! Can you please help me? I don't understand this..." Kai pouted his plump lips forward. Sehun was puzzled; Jongin finished the worksheet a long time ago, and with ease, but suddenly there were many blanks on his paper.
"That's what I'm here for Kkamjongie," Luhan gave a bright smile as he walked over between Kai's desk and Sehun's desk.
Sehun felt a rush of heat flood quickly through his skin. Why did Luhan have a nickname for Jongin? Sehun never sees them talk.
"I can't read this country's name. The print is too small, and I don't understand the question," Kai's lower lip naturally stuck out as he pouted.
Bastard. Why the hell is Jongin so damn cute.
"Hmm, let me see," Luhan said as he bent over to get a closer look at the paper. As a result (can you guess?) Luhan's kind of got in Sehun's way.
And Sehun did not mind looking at it either.
In fact he might have liked it...
tooooo much.
"Ah! That says Azerbaijan! And I believe... well it looks like nothing printed correctly on your paper, let me just look at Sehun's," Luhan said as he swiveled over and leaned over Sehun's shoulder.
"Ah! It's asking its gross domestic product in the year 2007 and its percentage of improvement in the two years before it, and the two years after it," Luhan said.
"Thanks hyung!" Jongin smiled brightly.
Sehun's eyes bulged at the informality.
"Can I really be your Hyung? Aigoo, what a cute dongsaeng I have," Luhan smiled as he walked away, his eye smiles giving Sehun a heart attack.
"Jongin, you dog!" Sehun seethed as soon as Luhan was out of ear-shot. Jongin smirked.
"He smells like strawberries. STRAWBERRIES. He smells like... kawaii. I don't know!" Sehun whined.
"Again, do not get your peach. colored. . in. a. wet. little. wad." Kai said," I did it for you! It's obvious you weren't going to do anything about it, so I want to help you. Much like how you're helping me!"
Sehun took a while to think about it. He knew that despite how Jongin joked all the time, he was a really sincere and warm person.
"... speaking of that. It's almost time. Are you still proposing?" Sehun sighed.
"Oh Sehun! I don't know what I'm going to do!!!" Kai snapped out of his smooth joking persona into his fretful jumpy anxious blushing one.
"Calm down... just talk to him normally. And say something like you just want to be his friend because he seems like a cool person," Sehun rolled his eyes.
"Sehun-ah! Let me hold your hand!" Kai grabbed Sehun's hand. Sehun frowned and took it back, causing Jongin to pout.
"...Jongin. Chill out. You'll be fine," Sehun said.
"Okay, okay. Let me just take the remaining five minutes of class to mentally prepare myself," Kai said as he turned around in his chair.
"Okay. Do that while I turn this in," Sehun sighed as he quickly finished his worksheet. Sehun stood up and walked over to Luhan's desk. Luhan was busy reading a giant book that dwarfed his tiny face.
"Oh, Sehun-ah! You're done? Thank you. Don't forget next time," Luhan said, as Sehun was contemplating if he should do what he was thinking about.
"I won't... Thank you... Hyung," Sehun said, fighting the blush on his face. Luhan stopped reading, and looked up at Sehun with widened eyes.
"Ah! You're welcome Sehun-ah, no problem!" Luhan gave Sehun a chinky smile, "I'm your teacher after all!"
Yes, believe me, I know that well.
Sehun turned around wordlessly to see Jongin patting his cheeks and whispering, seemingly to himself.
Sehun laughed as he saw Jongin look up, broken from his frantic reverie, hie eyes all wide like a lost puppy.
"Jongin! Come on!" I ushered him. Kai nodded wordlessly and gathered his backpack.
Kai held his breath as Kyungsoo came in. Kyungsoo was wearing a purple shirt again, and his hair was just flopping adorably over his eyes.
Sehun gave an encouraging pat on Kai's back as he walked out.
Kyungsoo could feel Kai staring at him.
"Hello..." Kyungsoo said as he looked at Kai who was just staring at him with wide eyes.
"Oh.. heh.. hi~" Kai said as he resisted the urge to beat himself up at how uncool he was being.
"Well, you're probably wondering why.... well you see. I just...," Kai swallowed as he fiddled around with the safety pins he wore every day on his shirt.
"...." Kyungsoo just looked at him.
"Well, I just really want to be friends, and since we don't have any classes together, I thought that this would be an appropriate time to talk to you," Kai said hurriedly as he flopped his arms. His voice rose four octaves.
He wasn't sure why his arms were just loosly flying all over the place and why he couldn't keep them still.
"... Sure." Kyungsoo said wordlessly as he sat down, not even looking twice at Kai. Kai just muttered a quick "bye -__-" before trying to leave the classroom slowly.
Kai just walked out of the classroom with one solid expression on his face. It didn't change as he walked past Chanyeol and Sehun who were waiting to hear the results. 
Kai just kept trudging past them with the same expression.
Chanyeol and Sehun weren't even sure if Kai saw either of them.
Chanyeol and Sehun caught up with Kai.
"Jongin....?" Sehun poked Kai. Kai craned his neck over, his face seemingly frozen in the same blank look.
"Yes Sehun? Can I help you in anything?" Jongin asked politely with a smile that belonged to a flight attendant.
"....how did it go?"
"How did what go?"
"Kyungsoo? Oh him? Well it...."
Jongin's eye twitched once before he broke down.
"SEHUN IT WAS AWFUL!!!" Kai shouted as he scrunched his eyes shut.
"What do you mean Kai?" Chanyeol asked as he took hold of Kai's wrist.
"I was just  like 'LET'S BE FRIENDS?!?! OKAY OKAY OKAY?!?! WE MUST BE FRIENDS BECAUSE I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND!!!" Yeah.....," Kai sighed as he resisted the urge to just shove himself into Chanyeol's backpack and stay there.
"It wasn't that bad. I heard some of it," Sehun patted Kai's back.
"Sehun... every time I replay it in my mind, I feel like... I'm a rabid dog, and I'm foaming at my mouth while threatening him to be my friend," Kai sighed.
"It's okay! You'll be fine!"
"I need a vaccination for creepyness. Careful, it's contageous -_____-" Kai said as he trudged to the door of classroom.
"We'll talk at lunch then since we have to go to class," Sehun said as he waved.
"Bye bye."
Side note--
Kai really likes it when people holds his hands or his wrist.
He finds it soothing.
He doesn't know why.
He's just always held hands with his friends since he can remember.
When any of his good friends hold his hands, it's because they know it calms him down.
So try not to take like as if Kyungsoo was holding his wrist... :)
A lot of you are A18C readers, so did you get the little thing I did there?
Peach colored ^____^
From SuhoAngel-
I'm really sorry I haven't been updating, at like atll.
I'm such a horrible author.
From JinyoungB1A4-
I've just been too caught up with school, sorry~



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Pichhy #1
Chapter 6: Are there any update next?
Chapter 6: AWWW this is so cute!!!
Chapter 6: *clutches heart*
cookiemonster1898 #4
Chapter 6: Damn! You make them sound so cute XD
Chapter 6: odg jongin you are so lame XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
Sandraa #6
Aw this is so cuuute :D lol I love how chanyeol and jongin embrace their inner creep XD
illLoveYouForever #7
"Delicious, no?" Kibum asked with his feline smile.

"I guess he is," Kyungsoo shrugged.

"I was talking about the donut, Do Kyungsoo," Kibum smiled even more widely, making Kyungsoo choke for a second.

"So was I.....?"

Chapter 6: MUAHAHA
tohtohs #9
Chapter 6: hahahaha! i love the joke! finally baekyeol met!!!!!!