

"Mother er," Chanyeol seethed. Kai grunted in agreement, his jaw clenched too tightly to say anything.

He was afraid that if he opened his mouth to say anything, he'd lose control.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Kai clutched the sides of their lab table.

Yixing continued retrieving his calculator.

"Holy , those pants are so damn tight," Chanyeol groaned as he put his head down.

"How is he so attractive Chan? Those thighs are so nice, holy ," Kai whined as he shook his best friend back and forth.

"His proportions defy all things we ever knew," Chanyeol muttered as Yixing took his normal seat at their lab table.

"....what?" Yixing said, as he caught sight of Chanyeol and Kai whispering to each other while looking at him.

"Hahaha, nothing Yixing. Don't be sassy," Chanyeol scratched his head.

"I'm not sassy! Why do you guys always say that?" Yixing asked.

"We kid Yixing, we kid," Kai said , "But by the way, you look nice today."

"...thanks," Yixing said slowly before giving them one last cautious look. Yixing just returned to his work, while Kai and Chanyeol resisted the urge to bust out laughing.

"....hey Princess," Kai called.

"Hold on," Yixing says as he punches a few more numbers into his calculator.  Kai laughs to himself at his and Chanyeol's small victory. Yixing always got annoyed when he was called Princess by either Chanyeol or Kai, but it seems like Yixing has finally responded to his innate name.

"Yes?" Yixing said after a moment.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?" Kai blurted out before he could stop himself. Chanyeol just resisted the urge to snicker, but also listened as he was curious himself.

"Yeah...," Yixing said.

"Oh. Well you just don't seem like the type to ever have a girlfriend."

"............Are you asking if I'm gay?" Yixing asked, making Kai and Chanyeol bust out laughing nervously.

"N-no! Haha, I've never even thought about that! I-I'm just saying because you just don't seem like the relationship type," Kai laughed as he scratched his head nervously," But now that you mention it, are you?"

"No, I'm not. And I have had a girlfriend before," Yixing said dismissively as he returned to his work, deeming that this conversation had no importance.

Damn. That's too bad....

"Well, I can't imagine a girl that's suitable for you," Chanyeol shrugged, thinking about Yixing's serious demeanor and cranky morning mood shifts and if they could ever attract a girl.

"Is that all you two do? Fantasize about me?" Yixing asked.


The bells rings.

Kai's knuckles go white as he clutches he sides of his desk. Talking to Yixing had distracted him, and it was passing period time.

You know how you walk down the hall way, and you don' notice anything?

And then you meet someone from your school and all of a sudden you see them everywhere?

That's what was happening to Kai.

He never noticed the ever-adorable Kyungsoo waddling his way down the hallway,

but now he sees him in every passing period.

Kai's tan face went white, Chanyeol patted him on his back, trying to comfort him. Chanyeol and Kai exit through the back entrance of their chemistry classroom.

"Just remember our routine," Chanyeol said.

"...Kai, breathe," Chanyeol said. Kai merely nodded.

"If you've forgotten what we do every day, I'll refresh you." Chanyeol took the initiative as Kai tries to keep his eyes trained on Chanyeol instead of looking around for his Perfection.

"Go ahead."

"The routine is to admire Yixing's delicious body until we get to our next class."

"...right, right,"

Kai tried to control himself as he inevitably saw Kyungsoo just minding his own business as he walked down the hallway. Kai could hear Chanyeol's deep chuckling and resisted the urge to punch his best friend for finding this situation funny.

Oh my goodness. Why are you so adorable Kyungsoo?

Kyungsoo was just wearing a simple purple shirt with simple skinny jeans, yet Kai was blushing to his ears. Kyungsoo happened to notice Kai, and Kai's eyes bulged in surprise. Kai quickly looked away, Chanyeol laughing his off.

Kai held his breath as he passed and released it heavily when he was out of sight.

"Chanyeol-ah, do you think I'm being foolish? I feel stupid, putting myself out there. Especially because my target is like, super unresponsive," Kai sighed.

"Uh. No. Well, maybe. Wait, actually, yeah it's pretty... I feel kind of embarrassed for you. But I think you should keep trying... who knows. Maybe he's one of those people who don't show any emotion, but really inside, his brain is like, a chaotic feel factory," Chanyeol said thoughtfully.

"....Let's hope so," I sighed, shaking my head," How do I even know if he's gay? I just kind of assumed that he'd be gay... truth is! He might be freaking straight!! Oh my goodness I can't believe the thought never crossed my mind! HE MIGHT LIKE GIRLS!"

"I think he's gay...I'm pretty sure. I think he would have called national security on you by now if he wasn't..."

"Kai!" a coarse yet smooth voice called. Both Chanyeol and Kai turned around to see Baekhyun standing behind them.

"Oh, Baekhyun-ah, anneong," Kai waved with a bright smile.

"Hey, I just wanted to know if we had an English club meeting today," He smiled. Chanyeol just fiddled with his hands, afraid to look at Chanyeol. Kai was aware of his best friend's silence.

Baekhyun was pretty beautiful. He had a gentle kind of beauty that made him look warm.

"No, we don't actually," Kai replied with an apologetic smile.

"Oh," Baekhyun said as he frowned briefly," That's too bad."

"Yeah, it is. But hey, why don't you come eat lunch with my friends and me today?" Kai asked, not missing how Chanyeol's head snapped up. Baekyun was unaware, however.

"Oh, uh," Baekhyun smiled. His smile looked a little tenative and Kai noticed.

"Hey, if you don't want to, that's totally fine! It's no big deal," Kai smiled. Chanyeol's heart clenched.

"No, it's not that I don't want to. I do... but.... oh, well nevermind. Alright then! I'll see you at lunch Kai," Baekhyun smiled.

"See ya!' Kai said as Baekhyun walked away.

"Hey. Chanyeol. Chanyeol!" Kai said as he shook his friend's shoulder.

"Yah! Mr. Tomato!" Kai laughed. Chanyeol's face was completely red.

"Kai, I just remembered, my friend asked me to sit with him at lunch today. So I won't be joining you."

".........Nice try."




Sehun froze at the calling of his name. He'd recognize that voice anywhere.

It belonged to a certain doe-eyed teacher whose face made the cartilage between his joints turn to liquid.

Sehun stopped and slowly turned around.

"Uh, Hi Luhan, Did you need something?" Sehun tried smiling normally, but his face felt like plastic.

"No! I just wanted to see if you could come by my desk after school," Luhan smiled.

"Oh sure. But may I ask why?" Sehun replied, his nervousness temporarily distracted by his curiosity.

"Oh don't worry Sehun-ah, it's nothing bad! Just don't forget. And here,"Luhan said as he held out a packet. Sehun took it, their hands accidentally brushing as Luhan exchanged the packets. Sehun blushed immediately, and hs flush grew deeper as he noticed that Luhan was avoiding his eyes, blushing as well.

"Just read over this packet when you get a chance. Don't forget! I'll be going now. I have some teacher stuff to do... as a teacher, at this school... for teachers," Luhan said as he wheeled away.



"Jongin, will you take this sheet down to 18C?" Ms. Jung called without looking up from her work.

"Yes Ms. Jung," Kai agreed as he stood up. Ms. Jung was his health teacher. She was one of the only teachers he had that did not call him by Kai.

Kai walked down the white hallways.

"F hall... E hall... D hallllll, Ah. Here's C," Kai hummed to himself. Kai approached the brown wooden door and gave it a knock. Kai had never been to 18C before.

The door handle twisted and the door opened, revealing the face that made Kai's knees go weak beneath him.

Kyungsoo paid no attention as nearly let the door slam in Kai's face. Kyungsoo had intention on waiting for Kai. Kai scrambled as he grabbed the door before it could shut. 

Kai entered a rowdy classroom, the students of the classroom seemed to be doing group projects. Kai couldn't help but notice tat Kyungsoo was just working by himself, his headphones over his ears.

Kai walked to the teacher's desk, and in its occupation sat an exasperated looking teacher with dark bags beneath her eyes. She sat with her face in her hands, her eyes shut.

"Uh, Ms. Jung wanted me to deliver this to you," Kai replied.

"Please, tell me, by chance, are they sedatives?" she mumbled without opening her eyes. Kai frowned. Why would she think that Kai would be delivering sedatives?

".....No, it isn't a sedative. It's just a piece of paper," Kai said as he set it down.

"Well thanks a lot," she mumbled in a croaky voice as she opened her eyes. Kai nodded his head and turned around, headed for the exit of the classroom.

Maybe I should ask him to eat lunch with me today too. There's no harm in trying. The worst he can do is say no. Come on Kim Jongin, you can handle rejection. Take this chance! Just do it.

As Kai neared the door, Kyungsoo paying no attention to him.

".....Kyungsoo," Kai called.

Kyungsoo didn't stir. Kai remembered that Kyungsoo was listening to music, and groaned.

Kai was about to poke Kyungsoo to get his attention, but Kai decided against it.

Instead he grabbed a piece of paper from some random desk and a pen from another. He scribbled on it.


Kyungsoo! Come eat lunch with my friends and me today! We sit towards the middle of the cafeteria.    -Kai


Kai quickly set the paper on Kyungsoo desk before he could convince himself not to and fled through the door.




Kai felt his heart sink, as if it wasn't already in the pit of his stomach.

Kai knew that Kyungsoo always sat about three tables behind them. Kai could see him now. Just adorably eating his food in silence as the people around him conversed.

Kai was confused. If Kyungsoo didn't like his advances then why can't Kyungsoo turn him down properly?

Why won't he just say "Dude. You're gross. Get away." and be done with it?

Nope. Instead, Kyungsoo just replies stoically, neither indicating positivity nor negativity. Great.

He mindlessly poked at his food. There were only ten minutes left of lunch, and Kyungsoo was not sitting with them. Baekhyun was no where to be seen either, so Chanyeol was also aimlessly poking at his food. Sehun was too busy burying his head in the giant packet of paper that Luhan had given him earlier. The three friends were quiet, 

What was I thinking anyways? Why would he eat lunch with me! Ughh this is soooo hard.This really stinks.

Kai sighed for the nth time. The bell rang, and lunch was dismissed.

"...Going for it Chanyeol-ah," Kai muttered as he stood up to through his trash away.


"Just hurry up and shoot me down Kyungsoo."






It's been months since we update right? Bear with us. This chapter is necessary for the next humilation-filled/possibly-fluffy chapters. We know it's moving sort of slowly.

And if you guys didn't know.

xD This actually happened to JingyoungB1A4. She liked a guy, and apparently, the guy was super unresponsive at first.....

and we won't divulge how it ends.



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Pichhy #1
Chapter 6: Are there any update next?
Chapter 6: AWWW this is so cute!!!
Chapter 6: *clutches heart*
cookiemonster1898 #4
Chapter 6: Damn! You make them sound so cute XD
Chapter 6: odg jongin you are so lame XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
Sandraa #6
Aw this is so cuuute :D lol I love how chanyeol and jongin embrace their inner creep XD
illLoveYouForever #7
"Delicious, no?" Kibum asked with his feline smile.

"I guess he is," Kyungsoo shrugged.

"I was talking about the donut, Do Kyungsoo," Kibum smiled even more widely, making Kyungsoo choke for a second.

"So was I.....?"

Chapter 6: MUAHAHA
tohtohs #9
Chapter 6: hahahaha! i love the joke! finally baekyeol met!!!!!!