

The whole class period consisted of Sehun clenching his textbook and Kai cracking up over Sehun's blatantly obvious reaction. Luhan had told the class that he preferred them to call him Luhan.


Kai looked up to see Sehun's pencil now in two pieces. Kai couldn't resist snickering that time.

"We should begin class now," Luhan said. Luhan walked over to the chalkboard and reached for a piece of chalk.

"Seems like there's a lot of information to write, so I guess I'll have to write at the very top," he said.

"Oh my goodness. Jongin. My nose. Is it bleeding?" he asked Kai. Kai was kind of taken aback because Sehun never admitted his attraction, which he was kind of doing now.

"Not yet... if it is, you're an alien because you're blood is translucent. Which would explain why you're so ugly," Kai shrugged.

"Says the little ert who can't stop staring at my . I'm not an alien Kai," Sehun sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Then I'm sorry."


"You're just that ugly. You aren't an alien," Kai laughed as he slapped his own knee. Kai looked at Sehun's desk where there at least 30 halves of pencils piled on top of each other.

"Why are there so many broken pencils on your desk? Are we going camping? It's a number two bonfire. I'm not sure how strong a number two fire is, but I don't think it's going to emit enough heat to heat anything. However, I could be wrong. The wood of a number two pencil could be much stronger than ten foot logs," Kai joked.

"Seriously, look at that, he's being so inappropriate right now," Sehun seethed. Kai looked over at Luhan, who was on his tip toes trying to write at the top. In effort, his shirt had ridden up, so now the edge of his hip was exposed, and Sehun was indeed wishing to be an alien. His nose would surely bleed so hard that he'd skyrocket to the cold moon. But it wouldn't matter if he was an alien. 

"Uh, Mr. Luhan? Do you need help?" Kai pitched up suddenly.

"That would be so nice. Would you like to help me -...?" Luhan asked.

"My name is Kai," Kai replied, "But actually, Sehun would like to help, he's just shy sometimes."

Sehun's eyes bulged.

"Sehun, would you help me?" Luhan asked. He asked it so cutely, one would think he was using aegyo. Luhan was just that cute.

"S-sure," Sehun said as he stood up.

"Control yourself Sehun. The masters of the bedroom are the masters of chalk," Kai said.


"I don't know. Just go help your Luhan," Kai shrugged. 


After a class of digs on Sehun, and Sehun snapping pencils in response, the bell finally rang.

Kai and Sehun gathered their things as they prepared to go to chemistry.

Sehun headed out the door firs and into the hallway as he chattered to Kai about the importance of self-control. Kai was kind of listening until he caught the sight of a face he's never seen before. 

It seemed as his brain went into fluff-photoshop-drama mode. Boys Over Flowers' "Almost Paradise" started playing in his head as the boy with the wide eyes walked by. Time slowed down and the scene around him went completely grey-scale.

Kai was vaguely aware that his jaw had dropped to the ground. It seemed as if everyone else was walking way faster than he and the wide eyed boy. Kai had never seen such perfection. His lips were full and cute, as were his nose and wide eyes.



Kai snapped out of his reverie to see Sehun handing him a tissue.

"What's this for?" Kai asked as he closed his mouth.

"Well, if you keep drooling at this rate, you might flood the world faster than global warning, and you'll go down in history books. You'll be the death of a species. And so I'm being Superman's equivalent by giving you some tissues," Sehun shrugged.

"Go draw on a chalkboard teacher's pet," Kai said as he took the tissue. He didn't realize just how much he drooled.

"Here's another one. It might be rabies though," Sehun shrugged.

"But you didn't bite me," Kai said smugly.

"YAH! How do you always win?" Sehun crossed his arms.


"I hear Channie," Kai said as he turned around, looking for his gangly six foot best friend, the ever cute Park Chanyeol.

"KIM JONGIN!" Chanyeol yelled in his deep voice. Kai turned around to see his best friend stumbling over himself through the crowded hallway to get to Kai. Chanyeol finally got to Kai, but lost his balance and fell on Sehun. Kai cracked up of course, and Sehun grumbled. 


"What's wrong Chan?"

"I saw the most adorable being on the planet today"

"Really? Do you know his name?"

"I think it's Baekhyun," Chanyeol smiled dreamily.

"I know Baekhyun!" Kai exclaimed.

"You do?"

"Yeah. That guy's like super popular. He has his own fan club. A lot of girls like him... but I'm pretty sure he's not for their team," Kai laughed.

"Kai, you don't understand how cute he is. I wanted to stick my head in a locker and shut the door on my head because he's just that cute," Chanyeol threw his hands up in the air.

"I'm surprised you didn't," Kai laughed.

"He would have if he actually knew a locker and its combination," Sehun laughed to himself, thinking his comment was so great.

"Here he comes now, Chanyeol," Kai said. Chanyeol's eyes got really wide and his face immediately turned red. Chanyeol's hands started getting all shaky

"Kai! Are you going to English club afterschool?" Baekhyun said as he walked by.

"Yeah! See you there!" Kai called after him. Chanyeol exhaled loudly as soon as Baekhyun was gone from his sight.

"Kai, that was so hard!" Chanyeol whined as he leaned on Kai for support.

"What do you mean? You just stood there," Kai stated, arching his brow in question.

"I had to simulataneously keep myself from jumping on him and also keep myself from running," Chanyeol said as he cracked his creepy smile.

" Come on Chan, let's go to class. I have to tell you about my trip to heaven. See you later Thehun," Kai snickered as he walked away, dragging Chanyeol with him.

"YAH KIM JONGIN I DO NOT HAVE A LITHP ANYMORE!" Sehun screeched after the two best friends, his voice cracking in the process. Sehun wanted to kneel on the ground about how manly he just sounded.


"So in conclusion, that's my trip to heaven. I saw an angel in the hallway," Kai finished up dramatically as they took their seats in chemistry. Kai and Chanyeol had chemistry with the ever delicious Yixing.

Yixing was a pretty intense person. Yixing had the appearance of a very serious intellectual person, and his personality also reflected that. Except many people didn't know Yixing had a cute side too. Yixing spent most of his time thinking about school.

Whenever there was a lab in chemistry, Yixing was in a group with Chanyeol and Kai. Kai and Chanyeol did kind of feel bad because all the two best friends ever did was fangirl over whatever they'd seen that day or over a Teen Top.  Yixing also had a body that he was unaware of.

Chanyeol and Kai stole many glances throughout their labs.

Yixing also liked to wear well fitting pants, and it killed the two best friends because Yixing was just further emphasizing his glorious body.

Today, Yixing looked like a cute little vegetable because he was wearing dark green jeans and a lighter nonmatching colored shirt. Kai and Chanyeol thought it to be utterly adorable (and y).

Yixing had a cute behind, and very nice shoulders.

Kai wouldn't ever forget the one instance Kai had to go to Yixing's house in order to do a chemistry project, and Yixing decided to wear a (super y and showy) tank top that showcased his glorious shoulders and neck. Kai knew he wasn't doing it on purpose though.

Chanyeol and Kai just considered it another weird hobby they had.

Checking someone out could be included in a mundane conversation:

"Hey what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"I don't know. Watch a movie? Go shopping? Check Yixing out? Check out that new restaurant?"

"Oh goodness Chanyeol, I can't take those pants. They're too tight for his own good," Kai rasped as Yixing turned the gas for the Bunsen burner on.

"I know. Too bad it's not Sehun."

"What makes you say that?"

"He didn't kill us the last time we satisfied our curiosity."

"You're such a creepy little ert.

"Yeah, but that's why we're best friends. You're exactly the same."

"Damn. That's true."



Author's note:

Thank you for subscribing.

JinyoungB1A4 and I don't really like this chapter.

Seems like there's something missing.

We might edit this chapter.

Check out my other fanfictions ^~^


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Pichhy #1
Chapter 6: Are there any update next?
Chapter 6: AWWW this is so cute!!!
Chapter 6: *clutches heart*
cookiemonster1898 #4
Chapter 6: Damn! You make them sound so cute XD
Chapter 6: odg jongin you are so lame XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
Sandraa #6
Aw this is so cuuute :D lol I love how chanyeol and jongin embrace their inner creep XD
illLoveYouForever #7
"Delicious, no?" Kibum asked with his feline smile.

"I guess he is," Kyungsoo shrugged.

"I was talking about the donut, Do Kyungsoo," Kibum smiled even more widely, making Kyungsoo choke for a second.

"So was I.....?"

Chapter 6: MUAHAHA
tohtohs #9
Chapter 6: hahahaha! i love the joke! finally baekyeol met!!!!!!