My Wife is a Gangster(sequel)

My Wife is a Gangster

That time Leo suddenly stopped it.

Leo:"stop!,me and my brother will finish this".

Gill was gasping,getting a little strength.

Ken:"you're too arrogant but now,you looks like a dying animal". *Gill smirked*

Gill:"at least i showed that i can fight by my own,not like you and your brother,just waiting until i became weak...what a losers!".

Leo:"stop talking,we will sure to you that you will die by our hands,you will pay for Blu's life!".

Gill:"let's just see who will pay on us". *as she stands up*

The two Lai Brothers was holding their swords and started to attack Gill.Even tired and weak Gill still fight fairly on them.Ken was slashed on the chest by Gill.

Gill:"if my brother cutted off your left hand,i'll make it both!".

As she eagerly attacked Ken but Leo can't let it.

Leo:"you can't beat the two of us!".

Gill:"really?,i will not just make a scar on your face,but i will take off your head!".

Leo was too anger,he got her wounded,slashed a little on her right shoulder.

Leo:"now who will be cutted-off?". *he didn't know that Gill's sword was already placed on his neck and ready to make a slash*



It's too late,he's head was already cutted-off and his body with full of blood fell on the ground,Ken saw it,shocked.


Gill was too fast,Ken tried to escape but it's too late,his other hand was already cutted-off.

Ken:"AAAHHH!,kill her!".

Then those men will start to attack her but they heard the police cars,so they stopped.


Man2:"we should escape now Boss".


Man3:"let's go now Sir!". *then they run away with Ken*

Gill was left alone weak,and almost fell but there's someone came for her and held her.

Gill:"Jae Joong?".

JJ:"let's go now". *they escape as fast as they can*

They hide in the forest.

JJ:"let's stay here". *he lean her on a big rock*

JJ:"you loss a lot of blood,i should bring you to the hospital immediately".

Gill:"no,i just need some rest".

JJ:"Gillian!,can you just please listen to me even once".

Gill:"why?why you came?why you're here?,i thought you don't like people like me,a killer,a murderer?".

JJ:"i don't know! *as they stared eye to eye*...i can't help it,but everytime i think of you,that you're just alone,i feels so worried...i'm not in with this kind of underground negotiations,so i called the polices but then i still help you to escape,now i feel like you".

Gill:"then why you did that?".

JJ:"hai!,you're so numb". *he murmured*

Gill:"are you telling something?".

JJ:"none,it's just i think that you have a low IQ".


JJ:"b'coz you didn't remember,i did this b' for you!,as your Hero". *then she remembered,and touched by it*

Gill:"okay,i'll accept that".

JJ:"hai..." *then he stood up,going to somewhere*

Gill:"where are you going?".

JJ:"you don't want to go to the hospital so i'll just find some herbs here".

Jae Joong got some,he took off his shirt.His upper masculine body was revealed.

Gill:"hey!,what are you doing?".

JJ:"why?,i'll just cure your wounds".

Gill:"cure?,but why you took off your shirt?".

JJ:"of course,what will i use as a bandage to your wounds?,your shirt?".

Gill:"no...*then Jae Joong putted some herbs on her wound by the knee*,aaahhh!!!". *it's too painful*

JJ:"just bear it". *he teared his shirt then bandaged it,and he next her wound on the shoulder part*

Gill:"aahhh!!!". *it's really painful so she accidentally scratched him*

JJ:"ouch!,you're being so harsh to me".

Gill:"it's you,just put it slowly".

He removed Gill's jacket rolled on her chest.

JJ:"this would be much painful".

Gill:"huh?,*as he putted the herbs*,AAHHH!!!". *she grasp JJ's hair forcibly*

JJ:"hey stop!,you're hurting me,aahhh!".

After a few minutes finally they are done.Jae Joong was so tired,and just leaned on the rock too beside Gill.

JJ:"*deep breathe* you make me really tired,but you know i loved the experience,thanks for the adventure". *as he smiled while Gill smiled back too*

Jae Joong feels so cold without clothes so Gill moved closer to him and shared her jacket on him.By that JJ feels a little shy,feeling Gill closer on him.

Gill:"thank you".

JJ:"for what?".

Gill:"for everything...and don't worry you will never be get involve".

JJ:"i never mind it as long as you're safe".

Until Gill lean on him,by her head to his shoulder.Jae Joong was actually surprised,and again his heart beats more faster,a different heat that want to explode at that time,he can't help it as he moved his face closer to Gill.They looked eye to eye,Gill was also moving his face closer to him and finally they made a kiss,a sensational kiss ever!.After it they just smiled and felt a little shy.

to be continued...

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