My Wife is a Gangster(sequel)

My Wife is a Gangster

That night Gill had a dream,a huge fight against the Lai's troupe.She fight on them with her brother.But then she saw in front of her how the Lai Brothers killed Stephen.She was so shocked,crying and calling her brother.

Gill:"Brother!,Brother!". *she's just sleeping having a bad dream*

Jae Joong suddenly woke up and tried to wake her up by that bad dream.

Jae Joong:"Gillian,Gillian!".

Gill woke up gasping,sweating and looks so tired,Jae Joong hugs her.

Gill:"my brother,i should save him".

Jae Joong:"it's okay,it's just a bad dream".

Gill looks so scared,then Jae Joong felt that she had a fever.They let her stay in bed and have some rest.

Mrs.Kim:"Here's the medicine,and soup".

Jae Joong:"thanks Mom".

Jae Joong:"eat first".

Gill:"no,i need to go now".

Jae Joong:"what?!".

Mrs.Kim:"you can't go,you're sick".

Gill:"i can't stay here,i have things to do". *then she stand up*

But she suddenly felt so much pain in her head,and almost fell,luckily Jae Joong held her.

Jae Joong:"see,you're not okay,you should rest first,eat and take your medicine".

Gill has no choice but to follow so she can regain a little strength.Jae Joong took care of her,he became so responsible for her.Gill appreciated it all and also his family.

Jae Joong gone for a while but when he back to check Gill,she's gone and left a note.

"Thanks for everything,also to Mommy and the kids,but i really need to go,i hope you understand...don't follow me,let's just meet tomorrow morning at Hotel room".

But Jae Joong felt so worried for her,she's still sick so he go to find her.

Mrs.Kim:"where are you going?".

Jae Joong:"she's gone".


Jae Joong:"don't worry Mom,i'll find her". *then he go*

Gillian was alone walking on a street,she feels that there's someone was following her,so she make a trick to find out who he is...

This guy followed on her trap,Gill got him,she pushed him to a stone wall,held him tightly so he can't move.They stared eye to eye...

Gill:"as i expected,Shawn". *Shawn can't move and almost can't breathe*

Gill:"why you're following me?,it's Dad right?".

Shawn:"your father wants you to back in hongkong,the Lai family knew that you killed Blu".

Gill:"and so?,he deserves it".

Shawn:"but your life is in danger young Master".

Gill:"no,it's them who is in danger,they killed my brother and i'll make them pay!". *she finally released Shawn*

Shawn:"your father will never let you to do that,he's still worried for you".

Gill:"worried?,but he can't fight,he can't face them for what happened to Stephen,if he can't do then i'll do it by my own,i will kill them!".

Gill doesn't know that Jae Joong was already there and heard
everything,when Gill turned back she saw him,shocked with anger on his eyes.

Gill:"Jae Joong?".

Jae Joong:"i heard everything and i clearly understand it,what's this?,you're just using me all along so you can accomplish what you want".

Gill:"you're right i used you for my plans".

Jae Joong:"plans to kill people". *he strangely looked on Gill's eyes and held her shoulders*

Gill:"people who killed my own brother!". *Jae Joong suddenly stopped by that*

Gill:"yes,you heard it,they brutally killed my brother".

Jae Joong:"then you also want to become a killer like them".

Gill:"you don't understand".

Jae Joong:"maybe i don't understand b'coz i don't know who you really was,but it's clear for me that you want to kill,to become a murderer like to those who killed my real family". *with tears in his eyes*

Gill was shocked to know that his real family was killed.

Jae Joong:"those town murderers,they killed my family without any reason,but i never think of revenge b'coz i don't want to become like them!...listen to me we're just the same,you don't need to put the justice on your hands,you can't be like them".

Gill was just staring at him,then removing his hands on her shoulders.

Gill:"i'm sorry,we're not the same,i decided and no one can stop me,even you". *Jae Joong was deeply hurt by that*

Gill continue to go away from them while Jae Joong was so disappointed,he wants to release his anger,he kicked the trash can near on him then hitting the wall.

Jae Joong:"AAAHHH!!why?why?.."*as he cried*

to be continued...

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