My Wife is a Gangster (sequel)

My Wife is a Gangster

 Jae Joong went home happily b'coz of his new job,that night he doesn't know that Gill was planning something.After drinking a glass of wine,Gill leave the hotel and went to that place again.
Finally she saw the factory that she's looking,but there's a lot of guards outside.She silently killed them all,she sneak in and saw that man,one of the Lai Brothers who killed her brother.

Blu Lai was instructing his men about their business without knowing that Gill was already there.

Blu:"you should deliver those stocks in Seoul,but don't forget to be more careful,keep on eye".

Man:"yes boss!". *then Gill walked near to him,clapping*

Blu saw her and he's really shocked but still moved calmly.

Gill:"oh,where's your right ear Blu?,it lessen your good appearance,tsk...tsk..tsk...,i think i know who did that?".

Blu:"you surprised me,Mr.Wong's daughter,Gillian".

Gill:"and Stephen's younger brother that you killed together with your brothers". *Blu laughed with his men*

Blu:"that's why you're here?".


Blu:"really?,what a brave girl?,but do you think you can do your revenge here,maybe you forgot that this is our territory".

Gill:"nope,but you can see". *then one of Blu's men was rushing to tell something on him*

Man:"Boss!Boss!,our guards they are all killed!".

Blu:"what?!". *Gill smiled*

Blu:"you !,kill her!".

They all attacked Gill but all of them are no match to her.Those men used their swords,but Gill got one and killed whoever blocks her way.The other used guns,but she's so fast,mentally and physically.Blu felt nervous so he decided to run away but Gill easily blocked him.

Gill:"where are you going?". *pointing her sword*

Blu:"please,we didn't mean to kill your brother,it's an accident".

Gill:"really?". *but there's someone away who's pointing his gun to Gill and ready to shoot her on the back*

Blu:"please don't kill me,i can give whatever you want,just tell me".

Gill:"your life!". *Gill jumped on his back,as that man fired already*

Blu was the one who was shot and Gill pointed her sword on the back and stabbed him.Slowly Blu fell on the floor and died then Gill continue to kill his men.After that bloody fight Gill burned that factory and leave.

What happened was broadcast and easily sent to his brothers.

Ken went on Leo's office and told him about what happened.


Ken:"No one survive on that accident even Blu".

Leo:"we should tell this to Dad".

They called their Dad and told him everything.Mr. Wen Lai prepared a personal meeting with Mr.Wong.

Mr.Wong:"Condolence to what happened with Blu,we really don't expect that it would happen to him".

Lai:"thanks,even us we are all shocked especially his brothers,but the hardest thing that we can't accept was he didn't die b'coz of the fire but murdered by someone". *Mr.Wong stopped drinking his tea for a while*


Lai:"according to his autopsy,he has a gun shot in the heart and stabbed by a sword in his back". *he's looking suspiciously on Mr.Wong*

Lai:"by the way,where's your daughter?,we know that she just back from New York but we haven't seen her lately".

Wong:"My daughter?,actually even me i really don't know where she is,we had a fight last time,i think she's just hiding on me".

Lai:"really?,Mr.Wong i'll be frank with you,i'm not here just for a tea..actually we're gradually suspecting your daughter by causing this to my son,i don't want to offend you but we both know the truth,you insist to hide your daughter but if we found out that she's really behind this,i'm sorry Mr.Wong but we will make her pay". *then he stood up*

Wong:"then why you suspected my daughter?,are you just afraid to the truth that maybe Gillian found out who really killed her brother?".

Lai:"you can take your chances Mr.Wong". *then they leave*

In Korea,there's a unexpected package for the 2 Lai Brothers from a unknown sender.

Man:"Sir,there's someone left this for you and for Boss Ken".

Leo:"who left this?".

Man:"we really don't know Sir".

Ken:"what's that?". *then Leo opened it*

They are both shocked to see what's inside,it's Blu's left ear.The two was very angry about it.

At Gill's place...

Jae Joong was rushing to talk with Gill.

Gill:"good!,actually i'm about to call you".

Jae Joong:"have you read the newspaper already?".


Jae Joong:"see this..." *he showed the newspaper*

Jae Joong:"this is the place that you're looking right?,but it was burned already".

Gill:"so?". *then she walked back shutting down her laptop*

Jae Joong:"so?,what do you mean by that?".

Gill:"just forget about that place,we have a new place to find".

Jae Joong:"what?,wait but what about your money,the debt of that person?".

Gill:"he's paid".

Jae Joong:"huh?". *then Gill went near to him holding a paper,info for the next place that she wants to find*

Gill:"let me remind you first about your job,you will just be my translator and tour guide,but you don't have the right to ask any questions to me especially personal things that you don't need to know,clear?". *as she gave the paper to him*

Jae Joong:"yeah,okay Ms.Gillian".

Gill:"let's go now".

Gill drove her car,and Jae Joong was beside her.

Jae joong:"i know this town,this is near to my house but i think there's no any chicken farm there".

Gill:"impossible!,that group was selling chicken eggs in the market".

Jae Joong:"i don't know but we can still ask someone there".

They came to that town,they left the car on a parking area for a while,so they can easily ask the people living there.Jae Joong started to ask them for some info but they haven't get even just one clue.

Jae Joong:"aaahhh!,even just one info about this farm,we haven't find".

Gill:"just keep asking.."

Jae Joong:"haven't you feel tired?".

Gill:"no,b'coz i need to find that place".

Jae Joong:"can i ask something?,why do you need to find this farm?".

Gill:"i remind you already right?". *looking at him seriously*

Jae Joong:"yeah,okay i'll shut up".

Suddenly Jae Joong saw a ice cream cart,and he got an idea.He went there to buy,Gill followed him.

Gill:"hey!,we should go now".

Jae Joong:"wait,be cool first,what do you want,choco?,strawberry?,or vanilla?".

Gill:"we're in a rush".

Jae Joong:"please,my treat". *Gill felt that magical spark again through his eyes*


Jae Joong:"give me 1 chocolate and 1 strawberry". *the vendor gave him and he paid*

He gave the strawberry ice cream to Gill as he also eat his own.

Jae Joong:"uhmmm...yummy!,try it". *Gill tasted it*

There's some ice cream left on her lips and Jae joong saw it.

Jae Joong:"wait,don't move". *he wiped it and unintentionally touched her lips*

Gill suddenly stopped,she can't understand but her heart beats so fast,can't help but stared directly to Jae's eyes,she doesn't know that Jae Joong feel the same way.

Jae Joong:"it's done".


Jae Joong:"let's go now".

Gill:"uhm!". *then they continue searching the town*

to be continued...

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