Chapter Seven.

Locked To You


Jonghyun dropped down on the couch in the resting room, feeling extremely exhausted.

Yah! Move over a bit” Jessica complained.

Jonghyun moved his feet only to place it over Jessica’s lap again when she sat down.

Massage my leg!” Jonghyun commanded and earned himself a hard slap from Jessica.

Who am I? Your slave?” She asked as she rolled her head back.

It was their first day as interns at Seoul National Hospital and they were allocated to spend 5 weeks in the Emergency Department to gain experience. Upon arrival, the lead doctor for the Emergency Department immediately ordered them to help out. It was now 5PM and they were only on their lunch break.

I’m hungry. Let’s go eat” Jessica suggested in which Jonghyun quickly agreed to.

As they reach the door of the cafeteria, their pagers went off,

Attention new interns! There is an urgent meeting held in the Director’s meeting room. Please head there as soon as possible”

Jonghyun groaned and kept walking into the cafeteria. Jessica caught his hands and asked, “Where are you going? We have a meeting”

Jonghyun gave her a mischievous look, “It said to be there as soon as possible, not right now. Eating is much, much more important!”

Jessica rolled his eyes and hit his head, “Let’s go idiot”


As they sat in the meeting room, listening to the Director welcoming them to the hospital, Jonghyun yawned continuously. To keep him awake and away from trouble, Jessica kept pinching his arm whenever he would doze off. After the meeting, they were finally let off work. As the two walked towards Jonghyun’s car, someone called his name,

Jjong! Wait for me”

Jonghyun and Jessica turned around to the person who called him. A nurse, whose shirt had a bit too much of her buttons undone, eyed Jessica disgustingly but then smiled when she reverted her attention back to Jonghyun. Jonghyun gulped as he recognized her from the group of nurses that he was flirting with earlier.

Where are you going? Did you want to go out for dinner?” She asked Jonghyun in a nasally-supposed-to-be-cute voice.

Jonghyun cringed and stood behind Jessica.  “Sorry. But I have to take my girlfriend home. She’s not feeling too well you know” emphasising on the word ‘girlfriend’ as he wrapped his arms around Jessica’s shoulder.

Jessica looked up at him and widens her eyes in shock. Trying not to blow his cover, he gave her a discreet wink, signalling her to play along.  The female nurse scoffed and glared at Jessica, eyeing her from heads to toes,

Wow, I didn’t think your standards is so low” The nurse commented

You’re not any better” Jessica retorted.

The nurse smirked and Jonghyun gave Jessica’s shoulder a little squeeze to calm her down.

My legs are longer, my body is so much thinner, my eyes are larger, lips are more kissable and… I’m not flat chested!” The nurse pointed out.

You --!” Jessica shouted but Jonghyun hushed her,

Baby, we’re in the hospital, keep it down. And Miss I-can’t-remember-your-name, I don’t appreciate ---“

Jonghyun was stopped midsentence when Jessica pushed his hands away and walked away,

You either stay with Miss big chest here or come home with me. You decide”

Although it was all an act, Jessica hoped that Jonghyun would chase after her. She didn’t like the fact the nurse had pointed out all of her insecurities infront of Jonghyun. She was jealous by the fact that Jonghyun had flirted with the nurse in the first place. As she walked further away from Jonghyun, her heart slightly ached at the realization that he wasn’t chasing after her. Suddenly, a pair of muscular arms wrapped around her waist from the back.

Baby don’t do this to me. I don’t think I can live without you” Jonghyun pleaded.

Jessica was over the moon. She was happy – no she was eccentric. Her heart was beating furiously and she swore that it was beating so loud the Director on level 8 can probably hear it. The touch from Jonghyun gave her a strange feeling, like a bolt of electricity rushed through her body – and she liked it. Jonghyun didn’t know what he was doing. But felt that it was the right thing to do. Once again that strange feeling that he gets around Jessica reappeared. He couldn’t control the rapid beating of heart. The two remained in that position for quite some time, and the nurse disappeared once she got the message.

You can let me go… I think she left” Jessica said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

To her surprise, Jonghyun refused to. He closed his eyes, tightened his grip around her and rested his head on her shoulder. He didn’t want her to leave, he wanted this strange feeling to stay, he wanted Jessica by his side. He didn’t want to lose her to Onew… not again.

Let’s stay like this… just for a bit” Jonghyun whispered.

Jonghyun…” Jessica whispered his name when she felt a tear drop on her shirt. Jonghyun was crying. She sensed that something was wrong; Jonghyun didn’t seem like the guy that would just randomly cry.

She thought her heart was going to explode when he slowly retreated his arms and quickly wiped his tears away. Jonghyun gaze meet a pair of familiar eyes that was intensely staring at him.

Onew hyung…” Jonghyun called out softly, guilt written all over his face. 

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littlebusta #1
Chapter 10: Doh! He finally did it! Jongsica fighting!
Chapter 10: Jjong and sica!!
4ever9 #3
Chapter 9: Hahaha Jessica is too cute at the end. Poor Jjongie
Chapter 8: Jessica and Jonghyun make my heart so happy <3
Chapter 8: Um, Taeyeon can be with Onew so that JongSica will be happy OTL. Aww, so sad. Cheer up Jonghyun! Jessica will mend your broken heart!

PS. The new feature is so cool XD
LoveXOXO2256 #6
Chapter 7: Update soon love this fanfic
sicabias #7
@littlebusta: all to be revealed in the next chapter ! (:
littlebusta #8
Lose her to Onew . . . Again? Wa?!
Aw! Poor onew! :( but you cant help who someone else wants to be with :l
sicabias #10
@sweetdelight: if only we can ask him in real life ): !