Amusement Park and The Ferris-Wheel

We are The Cupid!

First Challenge for Ririn Team:

Wear this handcuff together and enjoy the amusement park together.


Seungri did not bother to hide his surprise as he re-read the pink card, while CL stared at the silver handcuff as if it was her first time seeing it. The camera zoomed in. The two raised their head at the same time to look at their smiling opponent team. And still so shocked they were, that neither tried to resist when Jiyong clasped the handcuff to Seungri’s left wrist and CL’s right wrist.

The cameraman shot their surrounding and recorded the view of the Everland Amusement Theme Park in Seoul, the place they were all located at the moment. The lens returned its focus back to the Ririn Team once Seungri’s first yell finally came out.

“Yah! Hyung! What do you think you’re doing?!”

Dara answered in her teammate place. “The rule of this show is that each team may give challenges to the other. And this is our challenge to you.”

“Do enjoy, Chaerin-ah, Seungri-ya,” said Jiyong with a wink as he and Dara walked away, leaving the handcuffed couple began their ignored protests.

"Don't come near me you stingy rat!"

"No need to tell me you mad cat!"

And so their endless bicker began while they walked away from their place. Together. Well, they have no choice after all.

Dara put down her binocular and smirked at her partner. They were inside the Ferris-Wheel gondola, just a gondola behind Seungri and CL’s gondola. Cameras were already installed temporarily by the PD in each of the two gondolas.  Dara smiled brightly at the camera and explained their situation. Jiyong and her had decided to follow the Ririn couple together to the Ferris-Wheel ride. As the Daragon team took the gondola after Seungri and CL, the spying team could have a clear image on what was happening inside the gondola in front of her. The binoculars Jiyong bought earlier also helped the spying project.

“Do you think they’re gonna take their revenge on us twice as bad?” asked Dara.

Jiyong averted his intense gaze from the other gondola to his partner. “Uh-huh, I think so. We're talking about Seungri here. We should not question his capability in giving us prank . CL also seems to pose us a threat though.”

Dara nodded in affirmation. Her waved, brown hair bounced naturally in the process. “CL definitely can be a threat, even her aura and her stare said so.” Dara nibbled her lower lips. A sign when she appear to be nervous.

Jiyong asked for the binocular from his counterpart and stared at the gondola below. Their own gondola had just passed the top peak and was slowly riding down. He grinned upon noticing the stiff team. “Perhaps we’re a little too cruel with the handcuff thing. They look uncomfortable enough.”

“Nah. It’s a good plan. Look at them, at least they stopped bickering with each other,” commented the long-haired girl. “They need that much pushing anyway.”

“I can’t seem to deny it.”

Silence ensued among the two and they chose the moment to just gaze down at the other’s gondola. The ride would be over soon. CL and Seungri’s gondola had just arrived at the ground and the two pair walked out off the ride (which much difficulties, thanks to the handcuff). Jiyong grinned at the expression Seungri made. BIGBANG's maknae glared at his leader with a betrayed expression. Jiyong lost the sight of him soon though, as CL dragged Seungri to talk to one of We are The Cupid!'s staff. The ride was momentarily halted as some staffs got in to the gondola the Ririn team had just been to take off the camera and the small speaker device.

Their own gondola finally reached the ground but just when Mr. G-Dragon wanted to open the door, Seungri immediately jumped to the platform (forcing CL to step up too) and pushed back the door so that it wouldn’t budge. Seungri may be the youngest, but his strength is no less compared to his hyungs if he wanted to. Before Dara could help Jiyong to push the door open, CL took another handcuff that she got from the staff and clasped it to the gondola’s door handle, making the two people inside trapped.

“Payback time!” shouted Seungri.

CL followed suit. “This is our challenge to you! Go spend time together locked up inside until we free you!”

Jiyong turned slightly nervous while Dara only clapped her hands. It was an unfortunate situation to her too, but she found Seungri and CL’s rebellion to be more hilarious than her own irritation to them. 

“Pretty smart, that rat,” said Jiyong as he gave up forcing the door to open. Their gondola began to move upwards again. Being handcuffed to each other might be dreadful, but at the very least, Seungri and CL could go wherever they wanted to in the amusement park’s festivity. People would still be around them, unlike the situation he was in with Dara, where they could only be the two of them for the ride that lasted only God and the Ririn team knew how long.

Dara finally ceased her laughter. “Yeah. I didn’t expect CL to act that way either. They moved in sync.”

Jiyong shoved his hands inside his pocket and leaned back to his seat. “So what are we going to do now?” he asked, though he himself already knew the answer, there really was nothing that they could do. Being locked up inside a long ride, only the two of them, without any other distraction available.

Although among the 2NE1 girls Dara was one that was considerably pretty close to him, but by the term ‘close’, he could not claim that he never had any kind of awkwardness with her. Especially in that situation, where he was forced to look at her and her only. Well, he could look at the scenery outside, but such excuse could not last forever. Nervousness began to creep inside of him.

People often considered him as the ladies men, or even worse, sometimes people called him womanizer or manwhore. He knew that he was called the 'girls' magnet' or sometimes also 'prince charming' by the fellow artists or his fans. Many girls would love to throw their body just to be with him, or even just for the sake of one minute attention from him. As much as he took pride in such title, he sometimes regarded himself as the usual boy next door who was prone to shyness. He did not say that he was shy all the time. Perhaps all those time on air and in front of the cameras had awakened the ‘playboy’ side inside of him and flirtations came out naturally sometimes. But the thing about being the prince charming was that although he could be one when necessary, but he could not always be one.

The camera is here now. This is the necessary time to act like the prince, he told himself. He repeated the mantra all over again and was about to open his mouth…

…but Dara beat him to it.

“You don’t have to force yourself, you know, Ji,” she said. Her chin was propped up with her hand, her lips partially concealed. But a tug of smile and her calm gaze were still visible.


She leaned back to a more comfortable position. “We don’t have to talk if we don’t have anything to talk to,” she elaborated. “This part will most likely be edited anyway.”

Sometimes she awed him in the way her honest and straightforward words did not offend him at all. She could understand the usual taboo in a social relationship and accepted it. Jiyong supposed he had to give credit to Dara for being paradoxically considerate.

He gave her a smile and felt himself relax. And as his anxiety faded away, his exhaustion resurfaced. After the choreography practice the night before, he spent his entire night in the studio, tried to make a song or editing some songs for his group's repackage album. He had not had enough sleep, and he had to wake up early that morning for the shooting of We are The Cupid!. His mind drifted away. This situation mildly reminded him to a certain event back then before he debuted. An almost similar event that took place in amusement park also. When everything seems lot more easier than now. Back then, he and the person in front of him right now were very close to each other. He'll always be there for her. She was so fragile, as if she'll crash into dust when someone touched her. That's why he always insisted that he'll become her oppa despite being four years younger than her. But now, everything seems unreal. Everything was just a past. He didn't know what made them became further and further like this. Like they never that close before.

Alright, he admitted to himself. He always find himself watching the petite girl without knowing the reason. It's just feel so right. He watched how she struggled so much to fulfill her dream. He watched silently when she broke her tears when no one else around. Even when he with another girl, it's always been her face that haunted him. Basically, she drove him crazy. But it's not love. He doesnt want to admit it, yet. Because he still doesn't feel the longing feel.

Heck, it's not even close to crush. It's just caring. And what the hell  was i thinking?

Time flew and he did not realize that he had fallen in a quick sleep inside the Ferris Wheel ride.

The slight shake wakened him, but his body was still too tired to do anything. Jiyong lazily opened his eyes and found Dara was sitting on the seat across him, currently preoccupied with reading the magazine she had carried in her tote bag.

“What time is it?” he asked in a sleepy slur.

Dara looked up at her wrist watch. “4.20 PM.”

His mind calculated. “We’ve been here for an hour? And those two have not let us out?”

The 2NE1's fresh vocal chuckled. “Apparently so. Don’t mind them, Ji. You look tired. Go sleep again.”

If he had been in his usual fit form, he would refuse her advice. But he was too tired and the way the gondola moved just naturally lulled him to sleep. He closed his eyes again. His head tilted to the side and due to the time accumulation of uncomfortable sleeping position, he felt his neck was beginning to feel cramped.

Absentmindedly, with eyes still closed, he murmured, “Dara?”


“Can you lend me your shoulders?”

If he was awake, if he was not tired, if he was on his right mind, he would never ask that.

Dara blinked, surprised by his request. Her mind momentarily thought that he asked that on purpose because they were being recorded and all, but then she remembered that if they wanted to win the show, then he would not show any kind of indication like this.

I’m thinking too far, Dara concluded mentally. She had hesitated, but she later decided that there was no harm helping her own sunbae. “Sure,” she said as moving to sit next to him.

His head was soon propped up against her shoulder and she immediately smelt his faint scent. Musk tinted with soap smell. Jiyong’s steady breathing told her that he had fallen asleep one more time.

Dara shook her head upon noticing how this man could act too young for his age sometimes. She decided to shrug the thought away as she flipped open her magazine again.






A/N : Yeaaaaaay finally the first official episode! This is my apology present for not able to update regulary while in fact i'm just a newbie and noob writer. Hope you guys enjoy it :') What? Boring? I know, lol. Please bear it for a while. You'll miss this boredom once the drama has started after all kkk *smirks*

Sigh, honestly speaking i have too many plots in mind. But until now, i don't really have decided to use which plot. I'll focus on the characterization first and hopefully they will tell the stories themselves. Well, at least, that's what i aim :p I'll try to update the next chapter today, again. Lol i really have nothing to do today. *accidentally glance at my thesis file and gasped, loud gasped*

As always, comment and subscribe will be most appreciated. Ciao~!



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Chapter 4: Update pls???
kittypurry #2
Please update soon authornim! I really miss this story ^_^
Chapter 4: pfffffttttt mocking Jiyong sfm rn. "mind lending me your shoulder?" WTF IS THAT MAN THAT'S A CHEAP TRICK (i love it tho hahaha)

LOL authornim pls ignore this lame reader of yours. I wanted to spam your comment box errtime i finish a paragraph but mehh ~ you'll get annoyed later hahaha.

YA GOOD JOB!! shall wait for your next update :3
Chapter 3: LOL omg Jiyong stop flirting you're not even in the show yet zzzz >.<
#TEAMAPPLER, anyone? nyahahaha

"OMG i never thought that comments from readers actually this meaningful for a writer." THIS YEOROBUN. DO YOU READ ME?? DO YOUUUUUUU???? lmao why am I ranting in your comment box hahahaha XD

ps sorry for commenting /and reading/ so late sobs ;;
Chapter 4: kyaaaa, it's just too sweet!
actually I don't ship any couple from Big Bang and 2NE1, but I guess I'm starting to, lol

please update soon, keep on hard working! xD
SilverApple06 #8
Chapter 4: I like this fanfic! It's interesting...
And I want Jiyong to feel the "longing" one day..

PLs update soon.. New reader btw :)
abya01 #9
Chapter 4: Please update soon :)
Chapter 4: Giddiness overload XD Imma pyro so I've read the orginal one ;) There were like twenty-something chapters and yup, pinboo unnie is talented XD But I wanna the daragon version too!! XD This will be fun XD Haha, I almost thought that RiRin might end up slashing each other's throat when they accepted nyongdal couple's challenge XD Thanks for the update :) Seems like Minzy knows a lot about applers, huh? ;) Maybe she's also an appler, lol XD