Chapter 11 - Time Spend Walking Through Memories

Through the Looking Glass
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Chapter 11 - Time Spend Walking Through Memories

"Eunmi how could you do this to our family!" My mother yelled and slapped me across the face. I felt a stinging sensation in my cheek, but I tried to ignore it. I did not want to show pain.

"I have my own dreams. I don't want to take over appas company!" I yelled back, "I want to..."

I was slapped by her again, "You cannot be a designer. That is not a job that will reflect positively to the public. Our family is know for managing people money, and you are not throwing that away."

"Is my happiness not important. It is all about status isn't it?" I asked.

"Our status is why made us Eunmi and you are  not going to do anything to jepordize that." My mother said as she grabbed me by my hair.  She pushed me down onto the floor, "Now get ready! You are meeting Hyunseung."

I opened my eyes and sat up quickly.  I was covered in sweat, and banged my head against something or someone. I looked up and noticed that it was the erted cat, Woohyun. I looked into his eyes and was about to scream, but he covered my mouth.

"Shhhh! I don't bite..." He pushed me down onto the bed and leaned down and whispered into my ear, "But I do scratch."   I watched him closely and looked into his lust filled eyes.  I reached my hand up and placed it in his messy black hair.  He seemed to be happy when I did that I could hear him purr, but it was only a game.  I grabbed onto one of his cat ears and kneed him in the stomach.

He meowed loudly and glared at me with those eyes of his.  "WHAT THE HELL WOMAN! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT HURTS!"

"Bastard! What the hell is your problem? Why did you sneak into my room? You smell like alcohol!" I said standing up.

"I'm sorry..." Woohyun pouted.  "You seemed to be having a nightmare princess." He slowly made his way closer to me and looked down at me. "Do you want a tour of Wonderland?"

"Only if you don't try any funny business Woohyun." I said with my arms crossed and noticed that the door to my room opened.  Mr. Grumpy was here now.  I wondered what her wanted from me or was he here for another reason.

"YAHHHH NAM WOOHYUN!" Sunggyu yelled at the door. He did not look to happy and it seemed like there was fire in his eyes.

"Hyungnim." Woohyun said in a cheerful voice and turned to look at him.  "Hyungnim don't look at me like that. You're tiny eyes do not scare me."

"What are you doing here?" Sunggyu walked into the room a bit further and looked towards me and studied me.  It seems like he was trying to figure out my body language.  "Normally when you visit me you appear in my room. Do not bother Miss Eunmi ok."

"I must have appeared in the wrong room in your house Gyu Hyung." Woohyun said as he started to throw hearts towards Sunggyu.  "I cannot control how I teleport."

"You're lying." Sunggyu said as he took a step towards Woohyun and grabbed onto his shirt. "Do not lay a hand on..."

"Sunggyu sii I asked him to give me a tour of Wonderland. Please don't get mad at Woohyun." I smiled and looked at the two boys.  I watched Sunggyu let go of Woohyun and he did not look to pleased with me.

"Be back before the sun goes down!" Sunggyu walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

"Wow! That is the first time he listened to someone.  He never really listens to anyone.  Hyungnim is really stubborn." Woohyun smirked, "Now Miss Eunmi where would you like to go first."

"I trust you! Take me where ever." I smiled at him and he took my hand and teleported out of the clock tower.  We were walking through the woods and he looked at me, "Why did you lie to Gyu hyung about exploring Wonderland?"

"I guess I did not want him to beat you to death." I said as a crossed my arms and sighed.

"Hyung cannot beat me to death.  There has to be a reason... you like me don't you?" Woohyun had a smug look on his face.

"I am just used to lying, but I normally got caught.  I was the only person born in my family and they had all these standards for me to follow.  I am not good when it comes to authority and taking orders from people. I am sick of it and now that I been here. I don't want to go back to my world."

"You don't seem like trouble maker to me?" Woohyun said in a worried tone.  I don't think he liked how I was talking.

"I was not Woohyun." I crossed my arms. "They were against me following my dreams."

"What was your dreams?" Woohyun asked.

"Falling in love with someone that I choose and going to school to become a fashion designer...umm I think in your land it's called a seamstress." I explained.

"You weren't allowed to fall in love with who you wanted." Woohyun said, "Not even if you met me?" Woohyun pouted.

"Don't get full of yourself Woohyun!" I slapped his arm, "I still haven't found my right match yet, but hopefully soon I will. I know Mr. Right is near."


Hoya was walking around the Kingdom of Hearts and was not really paying attention to anything.  He did not even hear the Red Queen call his name.  He suddenly jumped when he felt two hands on his bicep. He looked down and noticed Hyuna.

"Howon I called your name a million times and you did not answer me." Hyuna crossed her arms.  "You should not be ignoring my oppa."

"Do you really think it matters if I pay attention to you or not. I am forever a slave to the Kingdom of Hearts." Hoya said harshly. "What do you need my Queen?"

"I want you to follow Hyunseung around.  I think he is doing something behind my back and I want to make sure nothing bad happens. I want my plans to not be messed up Howon!" She caressed his cheek and smirked, "I will be the one and only Queen of Wonderland and have my Knave by my side."

"What do you plan on doing with the White Queen, Hatter, and Time Keeper?" Hoya asked.

"The Time Keeper is the least of my worried Howon.  He never leaves that tower of his. He may be one of the strongest residence of Wonderland, but if he continues to have panic attacks. He is far from a threat.  As for the Hatter..." Hyuna smirked.  "I just need to create a game that he will never win."

"How is creating a game he will never win even possible?" Hoya asked as he placed a  hand on Hyuna's wrist and pulled her hand off of his wrist.  "Dongwoo is crazy and will kill anyone who gets in the way of him winning."

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im pushing back my updates will monday. My weekend is busy. I will have a double update that will complete this story.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Wow first story on this website to win the bid.
Chapter 4: Alice in the country of hearts I believe :) if you haven't read you should , very good manga XD
rukehna #3
like alice in wonderland?
Chapter 18: author-nim! why i can't read chapter 16? >_<
Rianne2580 #5
Chapter 53: i finished this :3 hehe :3 yay :3
so many kingdoms and stuff lol~ i like this though~~
Chapter 53: Awesome like always! WooJong nagging moment was a perfect option for ending.
Well done author-nim
Chapter 53: Wah it was so amazing. I did feel like it was a bit rushed between chapters 49 and 50 just because it jumped from hyuensung attacking her to Sunggyu letting her go... Overall I have loved this story so much! Good job Chica! :D can't wait for your other stories!
Kimjewelly #8
Chapter 53: Omg this story is so amazing, i still remember being so anxious and exited for your updates author nim! Hope u keep up the amazing stories!!
Chapter 53: Thank you for the story and its nice open ending. I love this and will do till the end.