annoying expressions

Taming dragons



Jooyong stormed towards the three-story building, fuming with anger as she struggled to find the blonde headed country boy. She's going to give that impudent child a piece of her mind whether he likes it or not. Once inside, the impetus that drove her anger slowly faded, now realizing that she had no idea where she was going. Scratching her head, she examined the main hall that was split into two wings.


People came rushing in through the main door, hugging their friends as if they hadn’t met each other for decades. Student after student walk passed her, glancing up and down at the city girl as if she was a part of the mummy exhibit at a museum. Standing frozen like an idiot, Jooyong finally gave up looking for the boy as the jitters came back, finally setting in.


Jooyong tried her best to forget about the manifestation of crimson on her cheeks by inhaling an excessive amount of air. *I should look for the office…yes, office…I-I should go there* She said to herself, pulling the straps of her backpack as she blew her cheeks out, and was about to march down one of the hallways when she suddenly felt someone tap her back.


“May I help you?” A small girl with bangs that painfully covered her eyes squeaked at the towering Jooyong. “Umm…Yes I’m looking for th-“


“You must be Jooyong.” The girl interrupted, “I don’t know how you do it in Seoul, but we like to introduce our names first here. It’s only common courtesy. I’m Sohae, Kim Sohae. ” She cheerfully informed Jooyong with a cheesy smile.


Jooyong gaped at her, rather insulted by the rude remark. She had a feeling that the folks here don’t particularly like city people, at least this girl didn’t. “Follow me, I’ll show you to the office.” Sohae said, leading the still dumbfounded Jooyong into the right side of the building.



It was wilder than Mnet’s 20s choice awards. Students jumped in and out of their class rooms from the slide-able windows and into the narrow hallways, causing Jooyong to flinch every time someone randomly pops out in front of her.  Boys started chasing and head butting each other while girls would giggle and laugh, trying to avoid getting run over.


“It’s only bad on Mondays” Sohae squeaked, almost getting hit with an orange juice box if not for her lightning fast reflexes. Too bad Jooyong didn’t have reflexes like Sohae, because the next item that flew out the window (A shoe) managed to hit the left side of her face.


“Ow!” she screamed, rubbing her red cheek as the sting started to bring tears in her eyes.


Everyone stopped their monkeying around and stared at her. “Fannie! You hit the new girl!” A boy shouted, breaking the silence.


A taller boy slowly appeared, wearing only one shoe, out the classroom door. His sandy blonde hair pointed out in all directions, his tie was loose, and his shirt was askew. “Sorry!” he muttered, making a peace sign with his fingers, smiling. Jooyong’s eyes turned to slits as she realized that it was the same guy who had bumped into her not too long ago. Jooyong doesn’t know why, but something about the expression on his face infuriated her. That smug look of pure innocence, as if he doesn’t have a care in the world, annoyed her. *Conceited jerk*


“YOU! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?” She half-yelled, making everyone gossip amongst each other


“Fannie! You know her?”


“They must be exes!”


“No way, she’s too pretty for him.”


“How dare you insult Fannie?”


“Isn’t she the newbie from Seoul? How the hell would Fannie know her?”


 “Our Fannie is a playah!”


“What are you talking about; he has the mindset of a five year-old. Girls are yucky, aren’t they Fannie?”



The uproar continued until a loud clunk was heard. Everyone directed their eyes at Jooyong and then at the sneaker which had fallen in front of blonde haired boy’s feet, a shoe print clearly visible on his white but crinkly uniform.


“That was for messing up my skirt…and hitting me on the face.” Jooyong muttered before walking through the crowded hallway with Sohae.


“Nice one!” Sohae winked at Jooyong once they were inside the teacher’s office.


“That boy needs someone to teach him a lesson. Our class has the lowest grade average and it’s all because of him and his shenanigans. I don’t understand why the girls in our school swoon over such a mindless dope.” Sohae said, shaking her head.


“Seriously, that derp has worshipers?” Jooyong asked, her eyebrows rose in a questioning manner. Sohae chuckled “You don’t want to know. They even have locker shrines for god sakes.” Jooyong laughed for the first time in what seemed like a century. She and Sohae are going to get along just fine.


“Hello girls, can I help you?” A short, balled man beamed at the two.


“Yes sir. This is Jooyong sir, from Seoul.” Sohae said as if she were talking to an army general


“Oh glad to meet you!” he said, taking Jooyong’s hand into his and shaking it furiously.



The bell rang just before the teacher could open his mouth again.


“Let’s just get you signed up for class, shall we?” he said, ushering her and Sohae into his own little cubicle. “Well, here is your student guide. I hope you have a great first day!” he cheerfully said, waving at the two girls as they left the office.


“Let me see that!” Sohae said, pulling the piece of paper from Jooyong’s hands. She slowly scanned the sheet as the two walked along the empty hallway, shouting a loud "OOO! you're in my class!" when she saw Jooyong's class number. Finally, they came to a stop in front of a door which had a sign that read '12c'. Sohae recklessly slid the door open, exposing the two girls to 20-or so pairs of eyes inside the cramped class room.


“SHE’S WITH US! YOU OWE ME TEN BUCKS!” someone screamed, slapping the palm of his hand on top of his classmate's desk.


“Great, now we will never win the class cup. She hasn't got a muscle in her body.” Another moaned.


“E-hem” the homeroom teacher cleared his throat. “As I was saying, we have a new student today. She’s from Seoul and has never been to Danyang before, so treat her nicely.” He coldly said, earning nods from his students. “Welcome to our class. Please, introduce yourself.” The young teacher smiled at her.


“Hello, my name is-“Jooyong stopped when she realized that Sohae had left her side and had firmly sat on her own desk, observing Jooyong from the distance. *Traitor* she squinted. “My name is Gyo Jooyong, I’m 17 years old. I just transferred from Choeyeong high, Seoul. Please take care of me.” She finished with a small bow.


“Thank you Miss Gyo. Now please, find yourself a seat.” The teacher calmly said to her.


Jooyong bowed once more and led herself towards the back of her class. She had her head down the whole time, avoiding any eye contact, and searched for a desk that didn’t have a pair of legs occupying its floor space. Finally finding one that was empty, Jooyong slid into the chair, glad that it was situated right beside the window. *Let’s just get this day over with* She thought, covering her face with her hands.


The teacher went on with his speech. He mentioned something about spirit week and an Olympics festival, but she soon managed to tune everything out. Jooyong played with the bun on her head, unaccustomed to having her hair tied up. It's just so uncomfortable. 


Apparently, she wasn't the only one who failed to pay attention on the teacher and his speech. Jab after jab, she ignored the person sitting behind her, fearing the worst. 




Jooyong turned around, slowly facing the pencil jabbing culprit. 


"That wasn't very nice you know, throwing that shoe at me." The blonde haired boy smiled a gummy smile. *I knew it!* Jooyong wasn't even surprised. Somehow, she was expecting this. Still, she had no idea how to answer him. Sticking her tongue out, Jooyong refrained from giving him the finger, remembering that they were in a class filled with witnesses. She can't risk getting detention on her first day. Quickly, she turned her head the right way forward, completely ignoring her annoying classmate.






My kris feels are over the moon right now ;_; hahahah I don't know why, but i feel all giddy whenever I start writting the chapters of this fic. 

(/;_;)/  Thanks for reading <3


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Author-nimmmm D: D: D:
Where are you? D:
Is this on hiatus?
Please update soon!
The story is really nice~ :)
NaNa198892 #3
Chapter 6: very interesting i like how you accidentally fell on his lap had me lol!
thanks for updating ^^!
NaNa198892 #4
Chapter 5: thats was really cute lol! had me smiling like there was no tomorrow
the relationship they starting to have is turning out sweet!
thanks for updating ^^!
NaNa198892 #5
Chapter 4: Wah this was good very interesting!
Happy late bday as well and Congrats on the present lucky you!! >.<
I can't wait what they have to do the next day
This is very good
Thanks for updating ^^
Chapter 4: waaahh so far so good
happy belated birthday
and wow that's so sweet of your firend
i wonder if any of my friends would have had the gall to do it?
Chapter 3: Update soon! Oh and happy belated birthday to you! :)
Chapter 3: OMG. It's so interesting! ><
Curious what will happen to wufan? xD
Chapter 3: Ogomgomgomg ASDFGHJKL That was getting really interesting... Update soon please! :)