
Taming dragons


“LOSER!” kris laughed while pointing at Jooyong who was breathing heavily after the long race.


 “It’s not fair! You’ve got abnormally long legs.” She panted.


“Nope, I won fair and square.” Kris chimed as he grabbed the straps of his back pack and whistled his way to class.


“Oh-“Kris stopped in his tracks and turned towards to Jooyong who was still gasping for air, “-love the locks.” He winked, giving her a face splitting grin before running up towards his posy.


Jooyong’s face darken as it dawned on her that she had yet to hide her less than appropriate hair up into a bun. , , , , . She covered her head with both hands and ran outside of the school grounds, ignoring the ear shattering sound of the school bell.


She ran towards a secluded area which was well hidden behind a large tree and the school’s brick fence, peeling her bag off her back as she did so. Jooyong muttered several profanities while letting the contents of her Giordano pack spew on the ground. Nothing. Not a single pin or rubber band could be found. Where is a bobby pin when you need one? She palmed her face as if it made her any less sloven.


Without any other choice, she grabbed a pencil and twisted it into her hair making a very messy bun. This will have to do for now. She pinched the bridge of her nose and made a mental note to stock her bag up with more hair tying materials.


Rushing into the building, Jooyong came stumbling into her class room just as the teacher finished homeroom. “Jooyong, I already marked you absent. Ask your parents to verify if you don’t want a detention slip.” Mr Lee calmly instructed her, however the exasperation in his voice was palpable. This guy is not to be messed with. Patient teachers are scariest when their angry.


Jooyong bowed and scattered towards her seat, cringing when students started to snicker as she walked passed them. As long as they don’t chop my hair off. But as she sat down on her desk, Jooyong started to wonder how Wufan managed to keep his blonde dyed hair without getting thrown out of school. Speak of the devil Jooyong rolled her eyes as she felt the jabs of a pencil infiltrate her personal little bubble.


“You look like a librarian.” Wufan whispered only loud enough for her to hear. Jooyong rolled her eyes and slightly turned her neck to face him. As always, he was smirking, his mouth twisted upwards, satisfied that he caught her attention.


Boy, did he catch her attention. Jooyong stopped to stare at Wufan, making the boy uncomfortable. Kris felt his face burn as the girl continued to gawk at him.


“What?” he whispered, creasing his eyebrows. The girl immediately placed her palm on his forehead, “Wufan, you’re burning. Your lips are turning blue.” She whispered back, thanking god that they were at the back of the class.


Wufan swatted her hand away and bit his lips, trying to bring color into them and muttered, “I’m fine. Pay attention to class.” He placed his hands on both sides of her head and forced her to look forwards.


The girl didn’t fuss about him anymore and started to immerse herself into the wonderful world of 12th grade biology…



“Hey, wanna go get lunch?” Sohae smiled at Jooyong.


Nodding her head, Jooyong stood up from her seat and jogged towards the cafeteria with her friend. “Why are we rushing?” Jooyong asked between breathes as they ran up towards the 2nd floor where the cafeteria is inconveniently located.


“It’s Wednesday! Don’t you have Wednesday specials in your old school?” Sohae said as they queued up on the already long line of sweaty human bodies. “No”


As guaranteed, today’s lunch was absolutely delicious. Jooyong’s eyes were wide as saucers as she took in the huge pile of food on her plate, having no trouble inhaling the enormous slice of pizza, a plate of french-fries, a side of broccolis, a giant bottle of freshly squeezed orange juice, and a quaint cup of chocolate and strawberry pudding. Now that’s what you call lunch.


“You eat like a horse” Sohae mumbled as she failed to finish the french-fries on her plate.


Jooyong shrugged, smiling. What can I say? Finally done, the two girls giggled down to class while hitting their enlarged bellies.



“Omo… I hope Oppa’s okay. He still looks sick today.”


“Let’s make lunch for him tomorrow.”


“I hope he gets better. It pains me seeing him like that.”



A group of young girls were standing around the corridor in front of the 12C classroom.


“Shoo, lowly 10th graders. What do you think you’re doing downstairs? Go back up to your own habitat.” Sohae scowled, scaring the group of girls.


“Stupid girls” Sohae mumbled before stepping into the classroom, making Jooyong smile.


“Why were they here?”


Sohae pointed her chin towards the back of the class where a group of boys were huddled together.




“Alright kids get back to your seats” Mrs. Choi chimed as the bell rang. “Wufan-“ She gasped “Are you allright? You look terribly pale.” She said, sitting down on her chair


Everyone in class glance behind to see Wufan who was clearly ill.


“Yes, Mrs choi, I’m fine.” He quickly muttered rather harshly.


“Well… alright then, let’s get started. Class, Submit your homework.” Mrs Choi ordered, placing her head on her hands while staring out the window.


“Here, I’ll take it for you.” Jooyong offered her hand out to help him put his homework to the teacher’s table, but Wufan ignored her. As cold as ever, Wufan stood up from his chair and strode up to the front of class along with everybody else.




Jooyong shook her head and followed him to the teacher’s desk, but just as he passed her, Wufan’s eyelids suddenly closed and he collapses onto Jooyong.


“Wufan!” Several people shrieked.


Jooyong tried her best to keep the unconscious Wufan on his feet; to keep herself on her feet.


“I’ll take him to the nurse’s office.” The city girl quickly muttered, dragging Wufan out the class before she could see the teacher’s response.


The nurse’s office was dull and smelled of sanitary. The smell of ethanol filled the air, and the atmosphere was similar of that of a clinic from a horror movie as the fluorescent neon lights blinked off for a split second every once in a while. Pale blue curtains lined up the row of 4 beds in total, 3 of which were already occupied.  


“Oh my god, what happened?” The nurse squeaked, clutching her face as she imitates the ‘scream’.


“He passed out.” The teenage girl breathlessly muttered.


“Oh my, just…just put him down on one of the beds.” The nurse scurried around the two as Jooyong placed Wufan down on the last bed available which was on the other end of the room.


“Umm…what’s your name?”




“Can you please watch him, give him this-“the nurse handed her a small plastic cup filled with a pill, “- When he wakes up. Vitamins.”


Jooyong nodded, and the Nurse left the small room with a large stack of paper in her hands.


The teenage girl felt  a waft of air hit her face and found herself slightly shiver from the cold. Shegrabbed the sheets which was folded neatly by Wufan’s foot and placed the fabric over the sleeping boy then placed her hands underneath the warm blanket, sitting on the small stool while laying her head on the small unoccupied space on the bed right beside Wufan’s hip.



“W-what time is it?” A husky voice grumbled, yawning.


The sleepy girl yawned and rubbed her face, finding herself inches away from a pair of black eyes.


She froze.


“Um… here!” She said a little too loudly, grabbing the small, pill-filled cup and handing it to the blonde haired boy.


“It’s 5:24” Wufan muttered, swallowing the pills down his throat.


“What?!” Jooyong’s voice hitched up several octaves, quickly glancing up the wall clock. School has been over for more than 2 hours already!


I am so dead.


“I’ve got to get back home.” Jooyong stumbled onto her feet and managed to trip over the stool and fall face first onto Wufan’s lap.


Her cheeks flushed like mad. “Bye” she whispered, walking out of the office and broke to a run as she got closer to her classroom to grab her backpack.


“Hey, it’s getting dark. I’ll walk with you.”  Wufan yawned, calmly walking over his desk to grab his own pack.


“No. I’m fine.”


“fine… don’t tell me I didn’t warn you when you find yourself on the back of a e’s minivan.”


Her eyes widened, stuttering, Jooyong finally managed to let out a small “Fine…”


Nodding, Wufan walked her, the still-blushing-because-of-falling-onto-wufan’s-lap incident, home.


“Wonder why the nurse didn’t wake us up…hmh… she probably fell asleep in the bathroom again, oh well.”


“Ughh… don’t remind me. I am so dead.”


“Pshh… don’t worry. All I have to do is come up with a brilliant story.”


Rolling her eyes, Jooyong sighed “Well, none of this would happen if you didn’t collapse onto me.”


“Well, aren’t you the lucky little girl.”


“Ughh… please, why can’t you listen to people and go to the nurse’s office on your own two feet.”


“Yes, ma’am.” Wufan gave her a salute.


“Shut up, WU.”


“Oh, so it’s Wu now? Gyo?” He sassed


“Immature brat… Thanks for walking me home.” She whispered, walking over to the patio, waiting for Wufan to leave.


“Well get in. We don’t want you getting kidnapped.”


The two were so immersed with their bickering that they didn’t realise the front door open.


“Well, hello there. You are…” Mrs Gyo gave her hand out to Wufan who immediately shook it.


“Wu YiFan, Mrs. Gyo. Umm… I’ll take my leave now. Seeya Gyo.” He gave Jooyong a tap on her shoulders, bowed, and then left.


“Who was that.” Mrs Gyo asked, while looking out into the darkness where Wufan just ran off to.


“A friend.”


“He’s cute.” Mrs. Gyo winked


“Mom!” The city girl shreaked


“Just saying.” Mrs gyo put both her hands in the air in defeat.


“Ughhh” Her daughter groaned.





Author's note:

Thanks for reading <3 

=.= ughhhh I don't want to go all the way to the theatre though.... dilemas of a lazy- girl. 

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did i confuse anybody?


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Author-nimmmm D: D: D:
Where are you? D:
Is this on hiatus?
Please update soon!
The story is really nice~ :)
NaNa198892 #3
Chapter 6: very interesting i like how you accidentally fell on his lap had me lol!
thanks for updating ^^!
NaNa198892 #4
Chapter 5: thats was really cute lol! had me smiling like there was no tomorrow
the relationship they starting to have is turning out sweet!
thanks for updating ^^!
NaNa198892 #5
Chapter 4: Wah this was good very interesting!
Happy late bday as well and Congrats on the present lucky you!! >.<
I can't wait what they have to do the next day
This is very good
Thanks for updating ^^
Chapter 4: waaahh so far so good
happy belated birthday
and wow that's so sweet of your firend
i wonder if any of my friends would have had the gall to do it?
Chapter 3: Update soon! Oh and happy belated birthday to you! :)
Chapter 3: OMG. It's so interesting! ><
Curious what will happen to wufan? xD
Chapter 3: Ogomgomgomg ASDFGHJKL That was getting really interesting... Update soon please! :)