Taming dragons






With no one to guide her out the darkened forest, Jooyong accepted Grandma Wu’s invitation to spend the night. Covering her head with the thick duvet, the sleepy girl tried as hard as she could to stifle the noises coming from the other side of the corridor.


It’s hard to accept the fact that a dragon boy is making all that ruckus. What’s even more surprising is that the very rational Jooyong had accepted the idea of a dragon boy and has agreed to stay the night in his home. “Don’t worry dear Wufan won’t hurt you.” Grandma Wu said earlier that evening.   


Not so long after, the irritably scary noise ceased and nothing was heard but the eerie sound of the woods outside. Jooyong, now calm, started to drift off to sleep.


Pitch black eyes searched deep into hers, his claws tightly clasping her upper arm. Jooyong looked down, avoiding his deathly stare. The creature pushed her chin up as Jooyong tightly shut her eyes, not daring to meet his gaze. Look at me he said inside her head, Look at me! And she did, slowly opening her lids.


Jolting up from her sleep, Jooyong lazily rubbed her face, groaning at the unpleasant dream she just had. “Mmm…” someone groaned, pulling her into an embracive hug. Jooyong screamed at the top of her lungs as she tightly closed her eyes, trying with all her might to pull away from this erted stranger.


“Oww…” he yelped as she kicked him off the bed.


“WUFAN!” she screamed in surprise as she finally opened her eyes to see the ert’s face. “What the hell are you doing here?! Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?!” she half whispered half screamed, covering her eyes with her hands.


“I should be asking you that - not that you’re topless or anything- Why are you in my bedroom?” He quizzically asked, rubbing his eyes as the orange sunlight kisses his beautiful features.


Jooyong blushes. “your grandma told me to sleep here –Get a shirt will you!” she grabbed the duvet in an attempt to separate herself from Wufan who was now sitting on the queen sized bed, a palpable smirk smeared on his pale face.


“You’re blushing” no . Jooyong rolled her eyes, annoyed with his toying around, and pushed him by the chest, sending him crashing to the floor.


Wufan stood up, his smirk replaced with an angry expression as he pounced on Jooyong, grabbing her by the wrist and pinned her down on the bed.


“You are one aggressive woman.” He said, his eyes barely visible as his unruly bed hair clings onto his forehead, lightly draping over his almond shaped eyes. He looks different. She thought as she looked into his eyes with the same intensity, anger coursing through her veins, and she doesn’t know why.


“Oh my, sorry kids” grandma Wu gasped.


“No grandma it’s not what you think!” Jooyong slipped out of Wufan’s weakened grasps and pushed him off her. In a state of panic, The girl tumbled off he bed stumbling towards the door.


“It’s alright dear, I know how teenagers can be, I was one too you know.” She blushed and closed the door.


Jooyong ran her fingers through her hair and stomped towards the bathroom,


“That’s my bathroom!” Wufan whined.


Blowing her hair from her face, Jooyong turned around, scowling at the bare chested boy in front of her “I. don’t. care.” She said each word in staccato, making sure that he heard every syllable before shutting the bathroom door behind her, locking it.



“Thanks to you, now we’re going to be late.” Jooyong spat.


“Nothing new there.” He rolled his eyes as they walk down the forest path.


An awkward silence enveloped the two as they finally stopped bickering.


“So… you’re a dragon huh? I knew you were conspicuously weird, but never did I thought that-“


“Let’s drop it…” He whispered his eyes dark. Ouch… that kinda hurt.


“Umm, I’m just not comfortable talking about it. Grandma must have told you, did she?” he said as if reading her mind. Jooyong nodded, and once again,they walk to the school on silence.


“So…uh… how’d you like it here, so far?”


“It’s not bad, I guess.” She huffed.


“You better start working out though, I’ve never seen anyone puff like you before. Tsktsktsk, city girls.”


Jooyong gaped at him, offended, “Excuse me?” She squeaked, her face red with anger.


Wufan raised both his hands in defence, smiling that boyish smile and giggled “We need to win the class cup, it’s our last year. And you will only be extra baggage that is, unless you start pumping the iron.”


“Please, I don’t think you have a right to say that, Adonis-“ She said oozing with sarcasm “-From what I’ve seen you seem quite the stickly to me.” She lied, grinning from ear to ear.


“Stickly is not a word!” he said matter-of-factly. Jooyong only rolled her eyes.


“Fine, let’s have a race. The first one to get to school wins. One…two...- HEY!” he yelled as the girl beside him rocketed down the pathway, grinning.


“You are so dead!” He yelled and ran after her as fast as his legs could go.






Hullo~~~ I just finished sitting my O-levels this week so i am permanently BACK! *throws confetti. Thank you for sticking with me, and here is a Very short chapter to celebrate. LOVE YOU GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READIN, AGAIN, I LOVE YOU. I will be back with a full update very soon. Love'yall~~~ BYEEEEEE


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Author-nimmmm D: D: D:
Where are you? D:
Is this on hiatus?
Please update soon!
The story is really nice~ :)
NaNa198892 #3
Chapter 6: very interesting i like how you accidentally fell on his lap had me lol!
thanks for updating ^^!
NaNa198892 #4
Chapter 5: thats was really cute lol! had me smiling like there was no tomorrow
the relationship they starting to have is turning out sweet!
thanks for updating ^^!
NaNa198892 #5
Chapter 4: Wah this was good very interesting!
Happy late bday as well and Congrats on the present lucky you!! >.<
I can't wait what they have to do the next day
This is very good
Thanks for updating ^^
Chapter 4: waaahh so far so good
happy belated birthday
and wow that's so sweet of your firend
i wonder if any of my friends would have had the gall to do it?
Chapter 3: Update soon! Oh and happy belated birthday to you! :)
Chapter 3: OMG. It's so interesting! ><
Curious what will happen to wufan? xD
Chapter 3: Ogomgomgomg ASDFGHJKL That was getting really interesting... Update soon please! :)