Chapter 5

Seasons Come and Go

He opened his eyes, groaning as the bright light greeted him. Where was he? He blinked groggily and focused. White room. What? This wasn’t his house. Sunggyu brought his hand to his face- and noticed the thing protruding from it. IV? Wait, he was in the hospital?

Sunggyu closed his eyes and wearily tried to remember. Running. Bumping into people. Crying. Why though? Tears. So many tears. Then impact.

He shook his head. Sunggyu couldn’t remember clearly what had happened, but at least he got the jist of it. The only thing he could not understand was why he got himself into that. He let out a sigh, and attempted to sit up.

Suddenly, two hands from nowhere pushed him down. Sunggyu gasped, and looked up to find a very concerned face looking right back at him. “Don’t move. You broke two ribs, sprained one other, broke your leg, and sprained your arm. All on the left side. It was a miracle that you are still alive!”

Sunggyu furrowed his brow in confusion. This man...did he know him? a blurry image of someone hovering over him entered his mind. He could feel that someone pressing his lips on his- was it him? He tried focusing on the face, and he could make out those eyes...


Woohyun had trudged home, upset. He didn’t bother to answer Myungsoo’s calls, nor his boss’s. He had gone to Sunggyu’s office, but his office mates told him that Sunggyu had not arrived because he took the day off to celebrate something. For me, Woohyun thought, tears slipping from his eyes. And i ruined it.

As Woohyun opened the door to his house, he didn’t bother taking off his shoes and fell on the couch like a sack of potatoes. It was disgruntling how he was so pathetic; he who believed cheating was disgusting and low, he who vowed to love Sunggyu with all his heart, and he, who had caused all this hurt and pain to both of them. Especially Sunggyu.

Sunggyu... Woohyun rolled up into a ball on the couch, his legs tucked under, his arms wrapping around his knees. He buried his head in his arms and bawled. If Sunggyu was here, he would have sat next to him, thrown an arm over him and pulled Woohyun close, whispering things like, it’s going to be okay, shhh, i’m here, showering him with small kisses until he felt better- but now there was no Sunggyu to comfort him. No longer was the soft aroma of his love here to help him, no longer would he be here to help him. After all, after all Sunggyu had done for Woohyun, Woohyun had repaid him with utter betrayal...


By the time Woohyun woke up, it was already noon. He had fallen asleep from exhaustion, spent from crying. Miserably, Woohyun the tv to the news section.

...This morning in Seoul, a man ran into the middle of an ongoing traffic intersection. He was immediately hit by a car, but survived with some major injuries, all thanks to an onlooker who quickly rushed out to help him. The man would have died if his airway had not been cleared in time, so luckily, the rescuer was able to perform CPR and successfully cleared it for him. According to eyewitnesses, the man had been running frantically through the streets with tears in his eyes, and did not notice the red pedestrian light. We hope he recovers soon, and for those watching, let this be a reminder to watch where you are going!

Woohyun couldn’t breathe. He felt as if his heart was in his throat, and as choking on it. It couldn’t be... it just couldn’t be! Yet the coverage that the newscast showed was exactly where he and Sunggyu were this morning, at the same time dated as well. A chill ran through his spine as he remembered something. “Hey, we don’t need another distraught man incident. One is enough,” A man told him. another distraught man incident. ANOTHER distraught man incident. it couldn't be, yet everything screamed out that it was.

Woohyun stared down at the silver belt ring around his finger, trembling.

Oh GOD, Sunggyu, what have I done to you?


hahahhaha..... so i havent updated in a while... kill me now. im also here to promote this new apply fic (with my buddy KatingaTrouble!) called Because Time is Running Out (with Infinite <3). so those who are interested, go ahead and click the title^^ id love it if you guys could check it out and apply? xD
ill try to double update this fic today, but no promises OTL. please comment on how this was too! thank youuuuu <3

and also, happy valentines day! forever single ;A;
especially coz the guy i like likes my friend. sigh.

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AznDuckies #1
Chapter 4: It gave me a very burning sad feeling . I don't like it but I LOVE UR PLOT AND STORY LOL CONTINUE PLEASE and aww I'm a Woogyu shipper lol
Chapter 4: haha maybe Sunggyu will start liking Dongwoo instead :)
Chapter 3: Omo! I loved this chapter! My feels are all over the place. I loved Sunggyu's thoughts while he was watching.. I like read it the way I thought he would think it.. like almost rapidly fast and manic. It was awesome and it broke my heart and now I want to know what happened!! Please update soon~~~ <3 and omg the roses ;__;
Chapter 3: lemme guess... gyu got into an accident didnt he? T-T aish the drama. you did a good job on getting the emotions across :)
Chapter 2: okay... i wonder exactly what kind of scene he came across. it's just sad. im not that into woogyu but i could so feel gyu's devotion towards namu, so i can only imagine just how hurt the former would feel :<
Chapter 2: NOOOO
i think i know what happened T^T
update again soon ;)
that's so cute xD
great first chapter!
Seems interesting^^
hmm...I think it's gonna have angst in it? ;o