Chapter 2

Seasons Come and Go


But that was exactly six months ago, and things were different, a bit too different for Sunggyu’s liking. Woohyun “didn’t have time” to meet up as often, and when he did, Sunggyu had an overload of work where he couldn’t possible even spare a minute. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to; Sunggyu’s company had some issues with their business as well, resulting in having all their employees working almost double time every week. Often, he was too exhausted to even eat- once he got home he collapsed onto his bed, hoping to sap up the few hours he could to rest before he had to go to work again.

Woohyun, he noticed, had gotten considerably closer to the new male employee at the cafe. His name? Kim Myungsoo. Sunggyu didn’t like him. Kim Myungsoo with the many plaid shirts, Kim Myungsoo with the irritating smirk, Kim Myungsoo who never spoke to him but seemed to see everything, Kim Myungsoo who had more time than he to spend with his baby Woo, Kim Myungsoo with that awfully perfect face that Sunggyu just wanted to rub with dirt. How was it fair?

Every time Sunggyu had the time to go find Woohyun, he would enter a very intimate moment- that guy with his Woo laughing and smiling, that guy with his hand on HIS Woohyun’s back, that guy with his face inches away from Woohyun. And he noticed too, how Woohyun was becoming more and more distant from him. They didn’t text that much anymore, or call. They used to Skype every day, but soon it became 5 times a week, 2 times a week, once 2 or three weeks. And they would be short, ending as quickly as Sunggyu’s sleep.

And it was always Sunggyu who asked the questions. Woohyun would give him a smile, nod, answer in short sentences. Whenever Sunggyu asked him what was wrong, Woohyun would sigh, saying that he was tired and needed to rest. Of course, Sunggyu being Sunggyu, immediately told Woohyun to go sleep, and that it would be ok, because Woohyun’s health was much more important than anything else. And that was how it went for a while.


Sunggyu was dressing up in front of his mirror, buttoning his buttons and checking his hair. Today, he had called his boss to take the day off; since he had worked hard for the past months and had contributed a lot, his boss agreed. Sunggyu had actually prepared a lot for today, because today was special. He didn’t tell Woohyun about what he was to be doing, because he had wanted it to be a surprise for him. June 9th. Two years ago on this very day, Kim Sunggyu had mustered up the courage to ask out Nam Woohyun. And it was hard, really. Nam Woohyun was popular, open, outgoing and talkative, while Sunggyu was the awkward friend who didn’t speak too much. Everyone liked Nam Woohyun, and seeing the competition Sunggyu had, it hindered his decision of confessing for a few years.

But after watching Woohyun together with someone else, feeling the pain of him smiling at someone that wasn’t him, having his heart breaking when that someone broke up with Woohyun, leaving Woohyun shattered and broken- Sunggyu couldn’t take it, and confessed.

It turned out to be his best decision- and he would never regret it. Would he?


Many turned their heads to look at the man walking down the street. He was well dressed, attractive, and well mannered. Girls whispered to each other about how good looking he was, and wondered who his lucky girlfriend (or in his case, boyfriend) was. He didn’t notice them; his attention was solely upon the thought of how Woohyun would be pleased.

He smiled as he imagined Woohyun’s surprised smile, and the warm embrace and gentle (or not so gentle) kisses he would receive. It would be perfect, and nothing would make him so happy. Sunggyu hummed a tune as he opened the door to the cafe-

but what he saw before him, was something he had never expected to see- or would have hoped for.



sorry for the shortness of it, but the length is crucial to keep the suspense ^ ^ sorry for slow updating, but it is because i am in junior year: meaning lots of work, lots of pressure, and a lot less time. i will still try to update, but it will most likely be once a week/ once two weeks. sorry, but i hope you guys understand! but if i get more comments... that may spur me on ;) comments are fuel!

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AznDuckies #1
Chapter 4: It gave me a very burning sad feeling . I don't like it but I LOVE UR PLOT AND STORY LOL CONTINUE PLEASE and aww I'm a Woogyu shipper lol
Chapter 4: haha maybe Sunggyu will start liking Dongwoo instead :)
Chapter 3: Omo! I loved this chapter! My feels are all over the place. I loved Sunggyu's thoughts while he was watching.. I like read it the way I thought he would think it.. like almost rapidly fast and manic. It was awesome and it broke my heart and now I want to know what happened!! Please update soon~~~ <3 and omg the roses ;__;
Chapter 3: lemme guess... gyu got into an accident didnt he? T-T aish the drama. you did a good job on getting the emotions across :)
Chapter 2: okay... i wonder exactly what kind of scene he came across. it's just sad. im not that into woogyu but i could so feel gyu's devotion towards namu, so i can only imagine just how hurt the former would feel :<
Chapter 2: NOOOO
i think i know what happened T^T
update again soon ;)
that's so cute xD
great first chapter!
Seems interesting^^
hmm...I think it's gonna have angst in it? ;o