The Beginning.

Seasons Come and Go




Nam Woohyun.


The love of Kim Sunggyu’s life. The one that caused him to realize that love did exist, the one that showed him a different side of the world, the one that caused him to be who he was right now. Nothing could compare to Nam Woohyun to Sunggyu.


Sunggyu sighed happily as he got ready to leave his apartment. He was going on a date today, and he was extremely excited since he hadn’t seen Woohyun in such a long time. Both Woohyun and Sunggyu had gotten jobs, and both had no time to meet up because they worked late. Sunggyu worked as an editor for a magazine while Woohyun had taken a job at a cafe. Sunggyu often had extra work to do, especially because his office mates gave him their work to check over since he was one of the best at the firm. Woohyun on the other hand, was a big eye catcher at the cafe. Many girls and guys came in because of talk about the ‘handsome server’, so the cafe’s owner decided to have Woohyun work longer hours in order to attract more people.


Of course, Sunggyu didn’t mind. He knew Woohyun loved him, and only him. He could trust Woohyun. As he walked over to the cafe where Woohyun worked, Sunggyu passed a store where couple rings were sold, and a pair caught his eye. He backtracked and walked towards the shop window. In a box there were two rings, one gold and one silver. Both were designed like belts, and the “holes” of the belt were set with small diamonds. Without hesitation, Sunggyu walked into the store, the bells attached to the door jingling as he pushed his way in.


A sales lady greeted him. “Hello sir, may I help you?” Prim and proper, Sunggyu noticed.


“Yes, hello. I would like to see the display couple rings with the belt designs.”


“As you wish.” She moved to unlock the display case, taking out the rings. Sunggyu stood there patiently waiting. He was already the wallet in his pocket, thinking of how pleased Woohyun would be. He could already picture the wide smile spreading on Woohyun’s face.


The sales lady placed the two rings on the counter on top of a velvet placemat. Sunggyu picked the silver one up and studied it carefully before placing it back down and picking up the gold one. “These are for you and your girlfriend, sir?” the sales lady smiled.


“Boyfriend. Me and my boyfriend.” Sunggyu didn’t mind correcting her. “Do you have the gold in seven and a half and the silver in eight?”


“Yes I do. Please wait a moment.”


Sunggyu nodded, taking out his wallet. It would cost a lot, but it would be worth it; worth his lover’s happiness. After a short period of time, the sales lady came back carrying a neat package.


Sunggyu handed her his card. He couldn’t wait to give it to Woohyun.




Woohyun gave the man in front of him a large grin. “Hello, what would you like?”

The man gave him a lopsided smirk n return, taking off his fedora, revealing his eyes. Woohyun was startled; the man was very attractive with perfectly smooth skin, flawless features, and eyes that drew him in. “Strawberry frappuccino. Extra sweet.” The man his lower lip, eyes locked on Woohyun’s.

Woohyun swallowed nervously, his eyes staring at the man’s plump lips, unable to tear away from the sight. “Aah.. yes, sir,” he stammered. He looked down to punch in the order, his fingers trembling. What had gotten into him?  He didn’t know. “One extra sweet strawberry frappe!” Woohyun yelled out.

The door of the cafe opened, and Woohyun looked to see who it was. Sunggyu walked in, looking crisp in his dark blue wash jeans, white tee shirt and black converse. His light brown hair was styled neatly, and his eyes disappeared into his smile as he saw Woohyun.


Sunggyu strode over to Woohyun and reached out to caress his face. Woohyun leaned into Sunggyu’s hand, closed his eyes and smiled. “I missed you,” he whispered.

And it was true. He hadn’t seen Sunggyu for too long. Of course, they talked on the phone, texted and skyped with each other, but it was different than having him right here, with him. Nothing could make up for his warm embrace, the gentle touches of his lover, or the soft lips caressing his own. Often, Woohyun would wake up in the middle of the night aching for Sunggyu, needing him to be with him, because the loneliness of knowing that he was without Sunggyu hurt too much.

“Ahem.” The two looked around, startled, to find the man with the fedora looking at them. Sunggyu was a bit flustered, and pulled his hand away, but Woohyun caught it and laced their fingers together over the counter. He smiled at the man, the full, happy smile he could only smile when he was with Sunggyu, before looking away. “Tell boss I’m getting off early!” Woohyun shouted towards the kitchen. He let go of Sunggyu’s hand as he took off his apron, throwing it on the hook beside him. Sunggyu chuckled, knowing how impatient Woohyun was, and waited as Woohyun ran out from behind the counter to meet him.

Sunggyu held out his hand, and Woohyun grinned, taking it. “Let’s go!”


They decided to go to the mall, where they bought many things for each other. Woohyun never failed to make Sunggyu laugh, and both couldn’t keep their eyes off each other. They were in love, truly in love, and every person could see it. The way Sunggyu always walked on the outside of the sidewalk so woohyun didn’t have to, the way Woohyun always had his hands linked to Sunggyu, the way they called each other tenderly and lovingly.

By the end of the day, both were exhausted with shopping, so Sunggyu led Woohyun to a bench overlooking the sunset outside. “Woo, I have something to give you.” Sunggyu reached into his pocket and pulled out a white box, adorned with a red bow. “Go ahead and open it, baby.”

Woohyun nodded, his fingers undoing the bow. He gasped when he opened the box; the two rings lay nestled inside, gleaming in the light. “Sunggyu... you got this for us?” Woohyun was in wonder.

“Yes. Do you like it?”

Woohyun was at loss for words. “Baby... you didn’t have to. You shouldn’t have!”

“But I wanted to. Here, let me put on your ring.” Sunggyu smiled, satisfied that Woohyun liked them. He took the silver ring from the box, and slipped it onto Woohyun’s finger, before taking the gold ring and putting it on his own.

“Thank you, Sunggyu, I really, really like it.” Woohyun lifted his head to look at Sunggyu, and gave a sudden, mischievous grin as he noticed how close they were. Their noses were a breadth of a hair away from touching, and he could feel the gentle exhale from Sunggyu’s lips.

“It’s al-” Sunggyu didn’t even finish his sentence as Woohyun tilted his head and silenced him. Woohyun wrapped his arms around Sunggyu’s neck, while Sunggyu pulled him closer by the waist. Sunggyu tasted Woohyun’s lips, and on his upper lip; he couldn’t believe how soft they were. Woohyun parted his lips and Sunggyu’s tongue immediately darted inside, dancing with Woohyun’s, fighting for dominance before Woohyun gave in. It was pure ecstasy, and both wanted it to last forever. Woohyun’s hand started to creep underneath Sunggyu’s shirt, but Sunggyu pulled away.




“We’re in public, babe.”


“Don’t care.”


Sunggyu chuckled and gave Woohyun a chaste kiss on the lips. “And I love you for that.”




So this is just the beginning, a little bridge before the real story starts, so it's a bit short. The coming chapters will be much longer, rest assured. Aren't WooGyu cute? ^^ I love them, as you guys can probably tell, LOL. Well i think this was a bit of a shaky start, so tell me how it was! constructive criticism welcome.


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AznDuckies #1
Chapter 4: It gave me a very burning sad feeling . I don't like it but I LOVE UR PLOT AND STORY LOL CONTINUE PLEASE and aww I'm a Woogyu shipper lol
Chapter 4: haha maybe Sunggyu will start liking Dongwoo instead :)
Chapter 3: Omo! I loved this chapter! My feels are all over the place. I loved Sunggyu's thoughts while he was watching.. I like read it the way I thought he would think it.. like almost rapidly fast and manic. It was awesome and it broke my heart and now I want to know what happened!! Please update soon~~~ <3 and omg the roses ;__;
Chapter 3: lemme guess... gyu got into an accident didnt he? T-T aish the drama. you did a good job on getting the emotions across :)
Chapter 2: okay... i wonder exactly what kind of scene he came across. it's just sad. im not that into woogyu but i could so feel gyu's devotion towards namu, so i can only imagine just how hurt the former would feel :<
Chapter 2: NOOOO
i think i know what happened T^T
update again soon ;)
that's so cute xD
great first chapter!
Seems interesting^^
hmm...I think it's gonna have angst in it? ;o