Chapter 4

Seasons Come and Go

Woohyun wanted to run out, follow Sunggyu, but an arm held him back. “Let go!” he exclaimed.

Myungsoo only held on tighter. “He needs his alone time,” he said quietly, letting out a soft sigh.

Woohyun turned around and shoved his face into Myungsoo’s chest, tears slowly trailing down his cheeks. Myungsoo wrapped his arms around the sniffing figure, burying his face in Woohyun’s hair. “I can’t- I can’t believe I forgot today...what today was...”

Woohyun stopped, as realization hit him. “Oh god, and I’m not even worried about Sunggyu, but more that he caught us! This is so bad...I am such a poor excuse of a human.”

Myungsoo shook his head. “No, don’t do this to yourself. It wasn’t your fault Woohyun. It wasn’t you...” He wrapped his arms tighter around Woohyun in an attempt to soothe the distraught man.

“I love Sunggyu...I didn’t mean for him to end up hurt because of me!” Woohyun, oblivious to the tense arms wrapped around him, continued anyway, pulling out of the embrace. “But what is even more that I am in love with another man. And that man, happens to be you, Kim Myungsoo!”


Woohyun couldn’t bear to see Myungsoo anymore, and rushed over to Sunggyu’s apartment. He banged on the door, screaming out Sunggyu’s name, but there was no answer. He called Sunggyu’s cell, home, and work numbers, but none were received. “Sunggyu, Sunggyu, baby, please-” Woohyun’s voice broke, as the tears choked him. “please, I’m so sorry, talk to me, I need to see you, please, please, i beg you... please-” and the worst thing that Woohyun knew, was that what he had done was unforgivable, and no matter how many times he apologized, it would never be enough.


Woohyun made his way, running, stumbling, across the road toward Sunggyu’s office. He doubted that Sunggyu was there, but hope still built up in his chest. Tears were still building up as he almost ran out onto the busy street- a hand caught him.

“Hey, we don’t need another distraught man incident. One is enough,” A man told him.

Woohyun just nodded, not fully comprehending the words spoken to him. The man let go of his arm, and punched the pedestrian button for him before walking away.


“Man unconscious, found on street knocked out from car impact. Severe injuries, loading him into ambulance. On our way; taking him to the ER RIGHT NOW!”

Men swarmed around a cot, where a man lay still, bloodied and unconscious. His nice clothes were ruined by the dirt and blood, his eyes closed, blood trailing out of his slightly open mouth. Through the hustle, no one noticed the tear leaking out of his eye, trailing down his face and onto his neck. Nor did anyone seem to see the hand that lay upon his , slightly clenched as if to hold back the pain in his heart.


He had been minding his own business, until a man stumbled into him. Startled, he looked up. The man was a mess; tears were running down his face, and he looked like he had just lost something dear to him. The man didn’t seem to notice him, or the red light- and staggered straight into the melee of cars.
He called out to the man, “What the hell do you think you’re doing??” only to be answered by a car crashing right into the man.

The traffic stopped; the driver stepped out of the car, panicking like crazy. Dongwoo didn’t think twice and ran out to help, narrowly missing an accident himself. “Call 911, and hurry!” he told the driver, who immediately nodded and started dialing.

Dongwoo looked down and winced; the man was unconscious, with blood seeping out of his mouth. He gently prodded the man’s rib cage and concluded that he had broken two of his left ribs. one of the man’s leg was also twisted at an odd angle. He realized that the man had been hit along the left side, and that the right side of him should be ok, save a few bruises.

Peering closely, he realized the man wasn’t breathing, probably from blood gathering in in throat. I’ve got to clear his airway, he thought. He started to perform CPR, cringing slightly as he brought his lips down on the man’s.

First kiss with a male...

updated! but short again, i know ><
finished two tests today and three more tmr. gotta go study OTL
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AznDuckies #1
Chapter 4: It gave me a very burning sad feeling . I don't like it but I LOVE UR PLOT AND STORY LOL CONTINUE PLEASE and aww I'm a Woogyu shipper lol
Chapter 4: haha maybe Sunggyu will start liking Dongwoo instead :)
Chapter 3: Omo! I loved this chapter! My feels are all over the place. I loved Sunggyu's thoughts while he was watching.. I like read it the way I thought he would think it.. like almost rapidly fast and manic. It was awesome and it broke my heart and now I want to know what happened!! Please update soon~~~ <3 and omg the roses ;__;
Chapter 3: lemme guess... gyu got into an accident didnt he? T-T aish the drama. you did a good job on getting the emotions across :)
Chapter 2: okay... i wonder exactly what kind of scene he came across. it's just sad. im not that into woogyu but i could so feel gyu's devotion towards namu, so i can only imagine just how hurt the former would feel :<
Chapter 2: NOOOO
i think i know what happened T^T
update again soon ;)
that's so cute xD
great first chapter!
Seems interesting^^
hmm...I think it's gonna have angst in it? ;o