I remember you

Vampire diaries


   Chapter 4 :


I remember you 


' Aren't you afraid of me ? ' 

He blurted out suddenly , then he avoided her eyes . 

He was afraid . 

She shivered as her fingertips touched his skin , and she tried hard to not look at the blood covering his hands . Why does he seem so pitiful to her while he's looking more like a monster than anything? Tiffany managed to smile weakly as she pat his head slowly . His eyes grew bigger and he finally had the courage to meet her gaze / It felt as if his heart would burst in his chest : 

She looked stunning to him . 

' I am afraid ' she whispered and he hanged his head down ' Not of you , i'd never be afraid of you ' 

He looked at her helplessly 

' I am afraid of the monster hiding in you ;;;; Hiding in us all ' 

He felt like melting as a small tear run across her pink cold cheek , he gently brushed it and in other hand burst into tears as he repeated .

' I am sorry , i am sorry ' 


A small blue light enveloped them and his blank head was suddenly filled with a million of memories . 


' As a vampire i am scared of him ' 

' They say that he's the spirit of the old Hung sung-----' 

' Shut up he might hear us ! ' 

For an orphan , wasn't life mean enough?  as he crossed the streets he tried to avoid people's scared eyes and he tries to not mind how things turns to be anytime he wants to approach someone . 

He was a lonely fellow . 

Did he even wish to be the descendant of a malicious vampire? did he wish to be the grand child of Hung Sung?  as if things weren't horrible enough ;; He looked with teary eyes , children jumping in their parent's embrace , going back to their warm houses while he had no ' Home ' , while he had to sleep and wake up to be the victim of critics and legends 

No one wanted to play with him 

No one dared to meet his eyes 

He thought himself as ugly as a disgrace for everyone . He should just die , disappear forever . 


' Did you see how he killed that animal , i am telling you he's dangerous ' 


With teary eyes , he looked at the unmoving creature and he cried silently . He wished that they would all go away and leave him for once , he wished that he would enjoy his last moments with his one and only friend . 

It was back in december , when he met that small deer , the animal looked as lost and sad as him . 

And on the contrary of the other people's acts he didn't run away . 

Today he found his only friend killed . 

For a child of eight years old , weren't they mean enough ?  

' Just leave Him away ' 

and she appeared from nowhere , that small little girl , who chased all the villains away . 

It was the start . 


' You didn't have to knock him out so badly Kris ' said Tiffany as she cleaned his hands . 

' He was targeting you , i wouldn't let anyone hurt you , never ' 

she slowly met his gaze and her heart raced even more . 

The fact that kris had just beaten up Teamin didn't really please her , but then why does she feel so relieved that he did so ? 

' He's a vampire hunter , i should've killed him ' 

' No ' she shook her head ' we won't kill anyone ' 

' But ... ' 

and as he froze in his spot , she unconsciously moved closer to him 

touching his lips

' You're the reason why i wished for this peace ' she whispered . 

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GeeDeeAddictor #1
Chapter 11: update soon :)
Chapter 11: Update soon authornim^^
Chapter 4: Hmm this chapter is kinda bit confusing, "you" is refering to whom? To tiffany?

But i like it:)
Woah! Thanks for the welcome^^
surely i will read this fanfic ^_^
allmylove #5
Chapter 11: I just found this fanfic, update soon :)
LuFanisme #6
Hello to you. :) thank you... Don't worry I won't copy other person art...
Chapter 11: Love this fanfic ...
Please update Y(^_^)Y
Chapter 11: You're finally back! TT u TT I missed you~
it feels as if u lost hope lol
sorry im finally back
i had exams
tiffany_pink_monster #10
Chapter 9: the update, thank you.... waiting for the other update.