Chapter 7

The Princess' Prince

Sohee's POV


I washed the dishes and cleaned the house. I have nothing else to do. I decided to go to the living room and watch tv. As I was browsing the channels, I saw this news about Hyuna. They say that she's finallyin the country, I say that she really looks beautiful and so elegant. She's really pretty and looks kind, maybe that is why Donghae have fall for her. Why am I thinking about those stuffs, am I really that affected. I should busy myself with something for me not to think about it.


I decided to go and do some groceries. I went to a store and look for some things needed at home. As I was picking some stuffs I bump into someone. I quickly apologize to him. I can say that he's a man, he actually has a well built body and he's very tall. “mianhe!” but I notice that he didn't move nor say a word so I decided to see if he's mad at me. I look at him, and really he's very familiar. He might notice who I really am so I decided to escape. As I was about to go away, he held me by the arm.


“Kim Sohee?” he said to me.


“oh, ani! I'm not Kim Sohee” I said to him and turn my back and was about to leave when he held me tighter. “ I know it's you. Don't deny it. You're Kim Sohee” oh my God. How will I escape from him. For sure he'll tell this to my dad and my dad will force me to marry this man. Yes! This man, I bumped into, is the one my father wants me to marry. But really, I forgot his name.


“what do you want? Just let me go! You can't do anything to me. I won't come with you.” I said to him angrily. “who said I'll force you to came with me?” what did he say? He don't want me to came with him? is he fooling me? Maybe this is trap. “I'm true with my words, really, I won't force you” he said as I look into his eyes. He seems sincere though. “well, what do you want?” I asked curiously. “I just want to talk to you” hmmm. “fine, but wait, what's your name again?” he seemed shock after I asked his name but after he chuckled “you don't even know my name, huh? I'm Choi Seunghyun” he said. Yeah. I now remember.


I go with him in a cafe. We ordered some drinks and there's a long silence. “what do you want yo say?” I asked first. “First, I want to apologize?”


“apologize? for what?”


“well, for everything. I'm the one who cause you to run away from home” he said with a sad face.


“you don't need to apologize for that. I know it's not your fault and for all I know you're forced too, to marry me. Right?”


“maybe? Maybe at first I was forced” huh? What does he mean at first?


“what do you mean?”


“at first I was forced, who wouldn't? Right? But as I saw you, believe it or not It was love at first sight.” whattttt? Is he talking about me? I didn't speak a word and he continue.


“yeah. I like you since the day I saw you, maybe I love you. It's my first time to feel this way” he said. Oh no? A sudden confession? This is not true, right? I was stunned. He look at me and smile. “you're joking right?” I said to him. I really cannot believe what i'm hearing at the moment.


“do I look like i'm joking? I don't fool about this things, i'm really serious” I look into his eyes and he really looks serious. Omo! I don't knogw what to do. I don't even know what to say.


'but? If it is true, why don't you take this opportunity and drag me along with you?”


“I won't do that. I like you, yeah really, but I don't want to hurt you” I feel guilty. He's actually the perfect guy but I can't force to fall in love at an instant. Just that he's kind and looks sincere I'll fall for him. I like his personality though but it is just that. Nothing more nothing less. Imay like him as friend or as a brother maybe.


“look, we can start all over again. I won'f force myself to you, but that doesn't mean I won't try” h6e smiled at me.


“so what's your plan?” I asked him.


“let's get to know each other more. Let's start from the beginning. Forget that we meet before and have a good start today. Maybe one day, you'll notice me and like me too”


“wait. I don't want to hurt you. You look sincere and kind, but what if that day doesn't come?” I can clearly see the sadness in his face but there is still this determination. 'if that day comes, I accept it. It's you're decision, but that doesn't mean I can't try my best. I'll do everything, I won't let opportunities slip away.”


He's really determined. I just stay silent.


“so, we can start over again right?” I just nodded. “so we're friends now?” I just nodded. Maybe it's not that bad. He's a good person and I norw gain a friend. I look at him “Yes! Friends!” he smiled top me.


We chat for some more hours before I notice that it is almost dark. I should go home. We exchange numbers said our goodbye to one one another. “promise me that we'll have some time to hang out again.” I just nodded. He insisted to take mo home but I don't want to. Maybe not now.


He's really something. I just hope that I won't hurt him in the end.






I'll add up another chapter if i get a new subscriber or comments! :)))

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Chapter 1: Love the story so far
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