Chapter 1 - Just My Luck

The Princess' Prince


“Princess, where are you going? Go back here! PRINCESS SOHEE!”

“ANIYO! JUST LET ME GO! I’LL BE BACK LATER” Sohee yelled playfully as she ran away from the palace.

            The guards of the palace gave up from begging Sohee to come back”

“Just let her leave, she’ll surely comeback. Our problem is that how we’ll be able to explain it to her father. For sure there were people who would recognize her and this will surely be reported to her father.” Her butler said to other guards of the palace while leaving a big sigh.


Sohee’s POV

“Finally, I’m out of the palace. I’m really tired of my life. School-home-school-home routine. I want to enjoy life and have some fun.

            As I walked by, I saw a park, I find it relaxing to stay there that is why I decided to sit at one of the bench and watched people passed by. Then suddenly I saw a little girl crying, maybe she’s just about five years old. “I wonder why a kid is left alone at a park and why is she crying?” I stand up on the bench and headed to the little girl’s direction.

“Hi! What’s your name?” I asked her, she looked at me and she’s still crying. “why are you crying?”

“I’m lost. I don’t know where’s omma and oppa”

“Oh! Is that so? Do you like unnie to help you?” I asked her, she looked a little bit pampered and she nodded. “but first, tell me what is your name”

“I’m Lee Hana” she said shyly.

“HEY! What are you doing to my little sister?” suddenly man yelled from behind.

I stand up and face him, “I didn’t do anything, I just want to help.” I stated calmly.

“Then why is she crying? You did something to her, right?” he said it with anger. I’m a bit pissed of with his statement.

“oppa, Oppa, unnie is kind, she helped me” Hana told the rude man.

“Aish, we should go, omma is waiting for you” the man said to Hana and pulled her arms and go.

“hey! You pabo! I told you, I didn’t do anything!” I yelled at him as he walked away with Hana.

What a day? I think I should go home.

---- as I entered the palace----

“Princess, are you okay?” my butler asked.

“eh? Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

“oh, Princess Sohee your dad called”

“and? He knew I escaped again and now he’s angry! Always! I never done anything good in his eyes” I’m really disappointed.

“Aniyo! He doesn’t know! He said…”

“oh, well, I don’t want to hear what he said, im not interested, I’ll go now, I’m tired”

            I went straight to my room and had a quick shower. I lay down on the bed and suddenly I remembered what happened earlier. I remembered Hana, she’s really cute and her oppa too. WAIT! Did I just thought that her oppa was cute! No! no! no! he’ll never be! He’s so rude. I hate him.


---- 2 weeeks later---

No One’s POV

Sohee just woke up. She took a shower and went down to have some breakfast.

“Princeess, your dad is coming later.” Sohee’s butler told her.

“And?”Sohee said with a exaggeration. “All of a sudden he’ll come back, after two years, what brought him here?” she thought to herself.

“he said that you’ll be having dinner with him tonight together of some people. He said you should wear formal.”

“dinner? With whom? I don’t feel like going” Sohee said a little bit confused.

“he didn’t tell anything about the details of the dinner, he only said that you should come that is why we really need to guard you all the time until we reached the restaurant later.”

“what? Guard me?” I said in disbelief.

“ne! we’re sorry princess, but we need to do that” the butler said and Sohee could only sigh.


--- at almost 6pm---

Sohee’s POV

I’m finally dressed but I really don’t feel like going. I don’t want to go because, first, I really don’t want to see appa and second, I really don’t like going for formal dinner.

“Princess, are you ready, we’ll be going now.”

“yes, wait for me outside”

After a while, I went out from my room and headed to the car. For about half an hour we finally reached the restaurant. I walked inside and saw appa talking to some three persons at the same table with him. “maybe that’s the people he wants me to meet.” I thought to myself. He then noticed me and signaled me to go there and have a seat.

“annyeonghaseyo” I bowed to them.

“come and have a seat” appa told, I sat beside him.

“so? She’s your daughter?

She’s very pretty” the old lady complemented and I blushed a bit.

“ah, thank you” I replied shyly.

---during the dinner---

“so let’s start the purpose of our dinner” the old man said.

“to start things, I’m Choi Junhyun, She’s my wife Choi Jinso and He’s my son, pointing at the man beside them he’s about the same age with me, his name is Choi Seunghyun, your future husband”

“WWWHHHAAATTT?” did I heard it right? “my future HUSBAND?”

“Yes, Sohee, I decided that you’ll marry him” appa said.

“appa?” I asked him, I’m really confused.

“I told you. You’re going to marry him. He’s a good man that comes from a good family” he said.

“but…” I said and I was cut by appa, “not buts my daughter, we already talked, it’s just the date of the engagement and the date of the wedding are the ones left undecided” he said as if he’s really sure what he just said.

“Who are you to make decisions for my life?” I said and walked away as tears fell from my eyes.

            I ran as fast as I could because I know he won’t let me escape from the restaurant. After about half of an hour running, I thing I lost them, but then I saw them again and I hide at someone’s back. I peeked on the streets and saw that they already ran away. I stay away from the man’s back I sighed heavily and looked at the man so that I could thank him. As I looked at him,

“YOU???” we said at the same time.

“why are you escaping from them? Are you a criminal? The man that I saw at the park said ( Hana’s brother )

“there you are with your pabo really o pabo!” You said directly to him.

“I helped you. You should be thanking me” he said, proud of himself.

“I won’t. You bastard!” I said and kicked his right foot and ran away.

“YA!” he yelled.

“hahah, by the way thank you!” I said while running away.

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
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Chapter 1: Love the story so far
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