Chapter 2

The Princess' Prince


No One's POV

            Sohee walked and walked and walked until she didn't notice that it's already dark then suddenly the heavy rain starts to pour. “what a lucky day for me?”she said sarcastically. Aaarghh! I hate it!” she said in a bit screaming tone as her tears starts to fall from her eyes. She was then stuck in the rain, alone crying. “why is my life like this? Do I really deserve this things? I don't know what to do. I can't go home, where will I stay?” she said worriedly ignoring the heavy rain. She was sitting in the corner feeling cold because she got wet by the heavy rain.


Donghae's POV

            I was going home from work and suddenly the rain starts to pour heavily the good thing is that I brought my umbrella with me. As I was walking I saw a girl alone in the middle of the heavy rain.

            “what is a girl doing there?” I thought to myself. Then I decided to go nearer and yeah, it is really a girl. Then I tap her shoulder to get her attention.

Sohee's POV

            I really feel very dizzy as someone suddenly tapped my shoulder. “hey miss, gwaenchana?” he said to me. “help! Please!” I said weakly then get out of my senses and suddenly fall.

Donghae's POV

            “Help! Please!” she said and suddenly she passed out. I quickly grabbed her to prevent her falling from the ground and carried her. Luckily the rain stops to pour, I decided to bring her home since omma can help me look for her. As I carried her I looked at her face “wait, I think I saw her already” I thought to myself. “ya! Right I already saw her, she's the one who kicked me a while ago, if not her in this condition I won't help her”. I stated a bit annoyed.

            As we arrived home I asked omma's help. “she's okay now, do you know her?” omma asked. “aniyo, it's just that I passed by her when I'm about to go home.” I replied plainly. “aish, too many things happened for today.” I thought to myself. “I know your tired too, go and rest. Your sister Hanna is already in her room sleeping” omma said.

I decided to take shower then got into my bed then suddenly “aish, that girl. As I look at her face it tells that something's bothering her. I wonder what is it.” thought played on my mind. “she looks very delicate and simple but yet her face is very calm and pretty.” I smiled to my thought. “ya! Lee Donghae? What are thinking of? Her? no. no. no. not her! Aish! I should hate her, she is annoying since from the start.” then I forced myself to sleep.


Morning came.

Sohee's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and I'm inside a room, who's room might this be? I tried to stand up to look for people around but suddenly my head feels heavy and I feel dizzy again. “oh you're awake young lady. How are you?” an old lady said. “uhm, better, where am I? Why am I here and who are you?” I said in a low but worried tone. “don't worry, you're in our house, my son found you last night and you're sick and you passed out that is why he brought you here.” she said, explaining everything. “ah, thank you!” “would you like to eat. Come here outside and let's eat together.” she said. “by the way, I'm Lee Jungki” “I'm Kim Sohee, thank you for taking care of me.”

            I walked outside since the ajuma offered me to eat breakfast and I won't refuse her offer since I'm really hungry. Then as I sat near the table a little girl came. She looks familiar, I just don't remember clearly. “hi unnie, how are you?” she said cutely. “I'm fine. Did we met already?” I asked. “ne unnie, i'm the little girl you helped in the park, remember?”

“ah? Yeah! Remember! Hana? Right?”

“ne unnie, i'm happy you still remember me” she smiled widely.

“who wouldn't remember a cute and adorable girl like you.” she giggle on what I said.

“wait, if she is Hana, there is this rude man who happened to be his brother, right?” I thought to myself.

“hey! What's for breakfast?” a man suddenly appeared and suddenly my attention was turned to him.

“ahhhh! It's you!” I said a little bit loud that he could hear me.

“Sohee-ah, he's my son, dongahe, he helped you last night. You know him?” the ajuma asked.

“what? He? Helped me? Really?” I asked a bit annoyed.

“yes! I helped you, aren't there any thank you for me?” he said sarcastically.

            I didn't said anything and just continue eating.

“so what happened last night, why are you alone?” ajuma asked.

I don't know what to say because if I tell what really happened they'll know that truth and this may lead on appa knowing that I'm here. “u-uhm, ju-just..” before I could say anything I was cut by ajuma “it's okay dear if you don't want to tell me at the moment, maybe it's a secret right?”.

            “uhm, yes! It's a bit complicated. I'm sorry.” I said apologetically.

“omma, I'm going. I'm late.” donghae said.

“okay son, take care.”

“bye, hanna. Be good. Okay?” he said

“bye oppa.” hanna said.


Donghae's POV

            I was walking down the street to go to my work place then something comes in my mind. Why wouldn't she want to tell what happened? Is it that bad? “am I thinking of her again?” I mumbled to myself. Focus Donghae. “you don't like her, right” I said to myself. “did I just say 'like'?” what's happening to you lee Donghae?

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
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Chapter 1: Love the story so far
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