Happy Birthday...

Eternally In Love with You

A young boy walked the snow-covered path to a certain destination of his as he held a paper bag in his hands.

He walked passed a shop and he can almost hear his beloved hyung saying 'wasnt that adorable?'. 

The young boy smiled at himself. 

It's been a while...hasnt it?

The young boy thought to himself as he kept walking to reach his destination. 


The boy got off the bus and arrives the gates of his destination. 

He walked in and walked the covered pathway. 

Hyung would be modeling around here...

The young boy laughed to himself as he imagined his hyung imagining the pathway as a catwalk.

 The place was covered with marbled stones with the elegant color of black or white. 

He reached his destination.

He stopped just infront of a marbled stone with color of white and carved words of pink. He always made an effort to keep that marbled stone clean. 

As knelt down infront of the marbled stone, he placed the paper bag infront of himself. "annyeong hyung..." the young boy said and as if a reply, the strong wind blew. "it's a chilly day isnt it? Keep warm...okay?" the young boy said. "see this? You wanted to get this a few years ago...remember?" he got the paper bag and in it was couple casings. He placed it behind the marbled rock. "How are you hyung?" he said again. "i've missed you..." there were tears prickling down the side of his cheeks.

"ah...im crying..." he wiped off the tears with his sleeve. "i know how much you hate me crying hyung..." he laughed. 

He tried to stop the tears, but they continued to fall. "sorry hyung...for crying infront of you like this..." he apologized. "it's just that...i've missed you so so much hyung..." tears continued to fall.

It wouldnt stop no matter what he did. "the more each second pass...the more i miss you...when i walk home...i remember the days when we walked home together after school...when we would pass by a shop...when we would eat ice cream...i miss you...so much..." he knew very well that his hyung hated him crying, but he couldnt help it.

As each second pass, he missed his hyung more and more. "i miss you hyung..." he cried. Tears falling onto the cold snow melting it.  After a few moments of silence, he smiled to himself and places a small pink rose infront of the marbled stone. "you like pink...right hyung?" he smiled again.

"happy birthday hyung..." he stared at the picture engraved on the marbled stone. It was engraved there forever, but he missed seeing the smile in person. "Kim Kibum you pabo...how could you leave me..." he said jokingly to himself. 

He searched his pockets and as he brought out his hand, there was a silver key and gold lock held by an infinity sign. "you remember this hyung?" he held it tight. "i've been holding onto it..." he said as he held it near his chest.  

it was the last birthday celebration we had...

He thought to himself as he smiled, tears still falling. "i also remember...when you confessed..." he smiled at himself


"Taemin ah..." Key said as he hugged Taemin tightly.

"i think im falling...i tried to stop but i just couldnt...falling felt good...but there were risks...i tried to stop really...but i just really couldnt..."

"your angelic smile...your musical laughter...your kind and caring attitude...i think everything about you is perfect Taemin..." Key finally released all the feelings he had been hiding for the past years. "h-hyung..." Taemin said not knowing how to reply. Key let go of Taemin and placed their lips close together, but still not quite closing the distance. Key saw Taemin immediately close his eyes. "c...can i?" Key asked permission and Taemin nodded slightly. Key smiled and closed the distance between their lips. 

It all felt new to the both of them and it felt good. 


The young boy smiled at himself remembering their first kiss, first date, first time they held eachother's hands, the confession, when Key came back from America, when he found out Key was dying, up to the very last second they had woth eachother, when Key held onto Taemin's hand and smiled as he cried and apologized. The last 'i love you' Key whispered. The last precious kiss they had. The last time they got to walk home together. The last time they went to the karaoke bar. Every single moment was precious.

It was all now just memories....memories that still live in Taemin's heart. 

He smiled once again as tears continued to fall. He held onto the golden necklace and took precious care of it. 

"i love you Key hyung...i still love you...and i will always do...........happy birthday"



sorry i didnt get to post afew hours later as i said in the last chapter TwT it took another week...i was busy with school and everything...im just sooo tired....

But thank you so much for taking time ti read this fanfic:3 i hope readers liked it and appreciated it...

pray for [Super Junior] Siwon...he has hepatitis...announced recently...GET WELL SOON SIWON!

and as for [FTIsland] Minhwan's eyes....what happened?

ok...did pris see the teasers? IT WAS AMAZINNGGGGGGG....

ok....i'll go fangirl in my twitter now....


kk....thanks for reading....byee~~~

till my next story~

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marimpar #1
Chapter 5: TT I can't cry a little bit more. Precious.
@imsocuriousyeah it's sad i know ToT but personally i think this is my best work [for now:3] thanks for commenting:)) [and subscribing:)]
@imsocuriousyeah it's sad i know ToT but personally i think this is my best work [for now:3] thanks for commenting:)) [and subscribing:)]
imsocuriousyeah #4
that was so sad im tearing up!
darkangel11421 #5
NOO!!! why did he have to...?!?!?! :'(
@Charavivre it's a secret if keyis sick or not:3 you'll find out in the later parts of the story:3 i hope you like the story so far...im gonna post the next chapters in a few hours...
Is Key sick in some way?? That makes me worry a lot :ss please get healthy quickly, Kibummie !! p.s. I'm really happy abt your double update!!^o^
I like it <3 Seems like fluffy cute little story~ update soon!