
Eternally In Love with You

The following week...


Taemin woke up with an empty space by his side once again. 

This happened often. Key would not be in bed when he woke up. 

As he stood up, Key came out of the restroom. "goodmorning Taemin ah..." Key greeted the younger boy. "goodmorning hyung..." Taemin hugged Key and Key gladly hugged back. 

During breakfast, there was silence between them. It was in the middle of comfortable and awkward. "ah...Taeminnie...i'll have to go out later..." Key said in the middle of their meal. "where to hyung?" Taemin asked as he took a spoon of his breakfast. " meet a friend..." Key replied. "cant you take me with you hyung?" Taemin pouted. " could you be so cute?" Key pinched the younger boy's cheeks. "hyung..." Taemin rubbed on his cheek that Key pinched earlier. "but what...cant you take me with you?" Taemin asked again.  "im sorry Taemin ah...but he was an old friend...i'll take you to meet him next time...ok?" Key apologized to Taemin "ok hyung..." Taemin replied disappointedly as he continied eating his meal and once again, there was silence between them.


Key left in the early afternoon. He got back just before dinner. "hyung! I cooked a meal for us!" Taemin said as Key placed his jacket on a chair in the kitchen. "sorry Taemin ah...but, im not really hungry. Just...tired..." Key said as he took a seat on the couch. "hyung...i worked hard on dinner tonight..." Taemin said disappointedly. "cant you take little bite?" Taemin pleaded. " just really...not hungry right now...i just want a rest..." Key said again. "ok hyung...i'll just heat this for breakfast..." Taemin said as he cleaned the table and kept the food so it wont rot. 

Hyung would usually eat whatever i cook even if he's not hungry...even if it's just a bite...

Taemin thought as he took a glance at Key who was seated on the couch on the living room.  Something about off today... Taemin thought again as he finished keeping the food away. 


As Taemin ate his breakfast, Key was just poking at it and taking small bites. "why arent you eating hyung?" Taemin asked. "i just dont feel hungry..." Key said as he took a small bite from the omelette. "even after not having dinner last night, you still dont feel hungry?" Taemin asked taking a bite of his omelette. "yeah...i just...dont feel like eating..." Key said. 

Taemin was already finished with his breakfast, but Key was not even halfway of his yet. Taemin was now worried. "hyung, are you okay? Do you have a headache?" Taemin asked. "huh? No..." Key said. "you should eat hyung...even just half of your food. You'll get thinner and get sick..." Taemin said as he pulled a chair and sat beside Key on the dining table. Taemin didnt get a reply. "hyung...are you really alright?" Taemin asked again. Key just nodded his head. "want cereals instead?" Taemin asked but once again got no reply. 

Around 30 minutes later, Key and Taemin were still seated at the dining table. Taemin was now really really worried. "hyung...are you really alright? You havent eaten anything since last night..." Taemin asked Key again. "Taemin ah...i told you i was dont need to worry..." Key said to Taemin. 

How could i not worry hyung?

Taemin thought to himself, a frown forming on his face. "im alright...dont worry." Key said again to Taemin. "if you dont want me to worry, eat at least half of your food..." Taemin said, maybe a bit stern. "i told you Taemin not hungry..." Key said once again. Taemin was now getting mad. It felt like Key has been hiding something ever since he came back from the U.S. 

"hyung...if you dont want me to worry why not just eat?" Taemin repeated. He got no reply. 

Maybe Key has reached Taemin's patience "Hyung! I feel like you've been hiding something from me!" Taemin exclaimed. "how can i not worry?! You havent been eating since last night and you tell me not to worry?!" Taemin was now shouting. "ya...calm down..." Key said with authority. "how can i calm down when i feel like my boyfriend is hiding something serious from me?!" Taemin shouted once more. "how come hyung? I've never hidden anything from you ever since i trusted you! It was natural for you to keep things but you've been hiding something much more recently!" Taemin said as tears carefully prickled down his cheeks.  " you even love me?" Taemin asked as tears fell from his eyes. Key looked around. "Taemin...of course i love you..." Key stood up from his seat and wrapped his arms around Taemin hugging him tightly but Taemin didnt hug back. 

After a few moments of silence, Taemin tried to push away but Key just held on tighter. "i dont think i can hide this anymore..." Key said as tears, little by little, fell from his eyes. "cant take what hyung?" Taemin asked curiously. "the reason behind my headaches...why i often feel so exhausted without a reason...the reason i run to the bathroom at times...why there were a lot of times when you woke up with an empty you know the reason behind it all?" Key asked. Taemin shook his head. "im dying Taemin ah..." Key was now crying letting all the tears fall. "w...what?" Taemin asked suprised. "im dying Taemin ah...i have leukimia..." Key held tighter on to Taemin and Taemin slowly hugged back. "i found out a few days after i confessed. It was the reason i went to the U.S...because i wanted to be with you 'till death..." Key explained. "i went to recieve treatment. I came back when they allowed me to...but i still needed to continue my treatment...i was scheduled in the morning so that i could be with you the rest of the day..." Key cried.

Taemin cried in the arms of his beloved hyung. "hyung...why didnt you tell me?" Taemin asked. "because you'll worry and take extra care of me and everything...i dont want you to worry..." Key said. "still hyung..." Taemin said. Key knew he should've told Taemin but he just cant bring to tell him. "im sorry Taemin ah...for not telling you..." Key apologized. 

They sat silently on the couch that afternoon. Not saying a word to eachother. Eyes puffed from crying. "so what do we do now?" Key asked Taemin who was holding his hand. "do about what hyung?" Taemin asked "im dying Taemin ah..." 

"not to me'll'll be strong again..."

"how Taemin? How...i've been suffering for the past years..."

"you get treatment and let me take care of you"

After a few minutes, Key rested his head on Taemin's shoulders. Their hands still intertwined. TV turned off. 

"how will you live?" Key asked the younger boy. 

"i'll live with you by my side till the old age of 99...till death...till the whole world ends...i'll die loving you...and just you one else..."



im so corny and im not proud of it....-.- it good? Next chapter will be the last...

i'll post it in a few hours...

oh...and i made a poster:3 but it's just a simple one....

for some other fanfics i have posters made too:3 but i have 3 posters for this fanfic:3

ok...i'll post again in a few hours....

till then:))

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marimpar #1
Chapter 5: TT I can't cry a little bit more. Precious.
@imsocuriousyeah it's sad i know ToT but personally i think this is my best work [for now:3] thanks for commenting:)) [and subscribing:)]
@imsocuriousyeah it's sad i know ToT but personally i think this is my best work [for now:3] thanks for commenting:)) [and subscribing:)]
imsocuriousyeah #4
that was so sad im tearing up!
darkangel11421 #5
NOO!!! why did he have to...?!?!?! :'(
@Charavivre it's a secret if keyis sick or not:3 you'll find out in the later parts of the story:3 i hope you like the story so gonna post the next chapters in a few hours...
Is Key sick in some way?? That makes me worry a lot :ss please get healthy quickly, Kibummie !! p.s. I'm really happy abt your double update!!^o^
I like it <3 Seems like fluffy cute little story~ update soon!