A bit like last summer

Eternally In Love with You

Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. Months turned to years.


The following summer, Taemin was having a same conversation between him and his hyung. "hyung...you promised last year that you'll go this year..." Taemin argued with his hyung who was in the shower. "i will Taeminnie!!" Key shouted from the restroom. 

A few minutes later, Key, who just finished taking a shower, came out of the restroom as he dried his hair. "i will ok...i'll go to school this year as i promised..." Key reassured Taemin.  Taemin felt relieved that his hyung was finally going back to school. 

He was supposedly in 1st year of college last year but since he didnt go to school, he'll be in 1st year college this year.  After Taemin took a shower, they got ready for bed.

They just layed in bed talking. In the middle of their conversations, Key excused himself to go to the restroom. As Taemin was observant, Key has been going to the restroom a lot lately.  

After a few more minutes, Key came back. "ok...back to your story..." Key said as he layed down on the bed beside Taemin. "hyung...are you alright?" Taemin asked. "no...i am currently having a headache and i feel like my head can explode any second. Plus...im exhausted..." Key explained. "why dont you just...sleep already hyung?" Taemin suggested. 

"should i?"

"i think so hyung...rest...let's talk again in the morning..."

"thanks Taemin ah..."

"for what hyung?"

"for caring for me all these years...for being understanding..."

"it's nothing hyung. You also took care of me..." Taemin didnt get a reply as Key was already half asleep. 

Taemin smiled at his hyung. "goodnight hyung..." Taemin kissed Key on the cheeks then, as he usually does, he wraps his arms around his hyung and hold his hands. He snuggles up close and enjoys the warmth. 


The following morning, Taemin woke up with just a pillow beside him instead of Key.  He remembers this happening past summer. Key has usually been gone during the morning too. As Taemin stood up and stretched, he saw a note stuck on the door. 

Went out to buy your banana milk.

Be back in a while.

Love you~~~


Taemin smiled at this. So the banana milk was finished. 

Taemin walked down to the kitchen for a glass of water. He saw 2 more banana milks. So it wasnt finished yet. He decided to drink banana milk instead. 

I should cook breakfast for a change...hyung always cooked breakfast...

Taemin decided to have simple cereals for breakfast. He placed the cereals on the table. Bowls and a spoon. The milk and glasses.

After a few minutes, Taemin got bored. Nothing he would do seemed to stop the boredom and Key seemed like he's still on his way home. 

Taemin decided to get fresh air outside. As he opened the door, to his surprise, Key was seated on the floor of the doorstep. "ah...Taemin ah..." Key said with a smile. "why didnt you go inside?"  Taemin ran to Key and put his arms around him. "i...i was having a headache and i couldnt find my keys..." Key explained as he leaned on Taemin, all his weight on the younger boy. "you should have knocked or rang the doorbell..." Taemin said as he tried to help Key up. "i didnt want to wake you up..." Key replied as he tried to stand himself.

 Key tried to gently brush off Taemin's arm around him signaling the younger boy that he can stand up and walk by himself but Taemin still kept his arm around Key. "why not let me help you hyung?" Taemin asked as he sat Key on the sofa. "im the hyung you know Taeminnie...i can handle myself..." Key said as he gave the plastic of banana milk to Taemin. "well you've helped me alot already hyung...im growing up too..." Taemin said as he put the banana milk in the refrigirator and placed the plastic neatly in the cupboard. "i can take care of people too hyung..." Taemin said as he walked over to where Key was. 

There was a moment of silence between them. It was not comfortable but it was not awkward either. Just plainly silence. 

"does your head still hurt hyung?" Taemin asked breaking the silence between them. "no..." Key said. "tell me the truth hyung. Does it hurt or not?" Taemin asked again just to make sure. "just a little bit. But i can handle it already Taeminnie. No need to worry." he gave the younger boy an assuring smile. Taemin just looked at his hyung. He somehow doubted that the headache was completely gone. "just tell me the truth already hyung...the truth wont hurt..." Taemin once again forced Key to tell him. "fine...the pain has subsided a little bit but im still dizzy..." Key admitted.

Taemin sat beside his hyung and held his hand. "i'll buy you some medicine...trust me hyung...the convinience store is nearby and i can come back in one piece..." Taemin said to his hyung. "you sure? I can come with you..." Key asked. "id rather not hyung. Im not as strong as you. If you faint i cant carry you back. Just stay here and rest. Okay?" Taemin reassured his hyung. "ok..." Key let Taemin go. 

When Taemin got back, Key was already asleep on the couch. 

He knelt just infront of Key and gently tapped him. "hyung...i have your medicine..." Taemin said. Key slightly opened his eyes. He smiled when he saw Taemin clearly and stole a quick peck on the lips. Taemin smiled too. "ya...drink your medicine." Taemin said as he stood up to get some water. Key sat up and waited for Taemin to return with water. 

After drinking the medicine, Key felt much better but his head still hurted a bit. "better?" Taemin asked as Key took a last gulp of water. "there's still a bit of dizziness but much better..." Key said as he placed the glass on the coffee table. "well glad to know..." Taemin smiled and Key smiled back. 



hello dear readers^^

how is the 3rd chapter so far?:) is it good? Bad? Long? Short? Just right?

well...i've finished writing the whole story and im just re-reading it:) 

the story will be finished by...tomorrow...i think....^^

the story is near the end but i feel like something is missing:( 

i wanted a poster for it....but sadly, i have no talent in photoshop T.T

who's a kind reader to make me a poster?:3

haha...ok...i'll try again to make one but i'll obviously fail....so before the story ends, readers will expect a poster:3

ok...stop woth the blabbering and i'll go now...

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marimpar #1
Chapter 5: TT I can't cry a little bit more. Precious.
@imsocuriousyeah it's sad i know ToT but personally i think this is my best work [for now:3] thanks for commenting:)) [and subscribing:)]
@imsocuriousyeah it's sad i know ToT but personally i think this is my best work [for now:3] thanks for commenting:)) [and subscribing:)]
imsocuriousyeah #4
that was so sad im tearing up!
darkangel11421 #5
NOO!!! why did he have to...?!?!?! :'(
@Charavivre it's a secret if keyis sick or not:3 you'll find out in the later parts of the story:3 i hope you like the story so far...im gonna post the next chapters in a few hours...
Is Key sick in some way?? That makes me worry a lot :ss please get healthy quickly, Kibummie !! p.s. I'm really happy abt your double update!!^o^
I like it <3 Seems like fluffy cute little story~ update soon!