
Eternally In Love with You

It's been 2 years since Key left for America. He said he'd come back today. 

Taemin waited and after a few moments, he spotted his hyung walking. He eagerly waved his hands for him to be noticed by his hyung. "hyung!" he shouted as he ran. As they met, they hugged eachother.  "i missed you so much hyung" Taemin told him as he burried his head in his hyung's shoulders. "haha...i missed you too taeminnie..." Key replied. "hard being in a distant relationship...right?" Key added. Taemin nodded. Key missed the young boy. 2 years seemed so long...for maybe the both of them.  

After that, they headed to Taemin's apartment. His parents left him in Korea while they moved to Canada along with his older brother. As Key walked in, he gave a disappointing look. The apartment was very messy. Clothes on the sofa. Trash, especially pieces of paper, scattered everywhere and a pair of headphones on the dining table which was connected to his ipod. "taeminnie...didnt i always tell you to keep your apartment clean?" Key scolded, but with a smile. Taemin sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "sorry hyung...i'll be fixing all this..." Taemin said as he ran around the apartment picking up things. All the scattered paper he put in a plastic and clothes in a basket.

While Taemin was cleaning, Key roamed around the apartment. He saw some old pictures of him and Taemin by his computer. While walking, he came through a door which he suspected to be Taemin's room. "can i go in your room?" Key asked the busy boy. "uhh...sure hyung" he replied. Key went in and to his surprise, his room was a lot more neat than the living room. "why is your room cleaner?" Key shouted but got no reply. He walked around the room and came through some old pictures of him and Taemin. He smiled at this.  He walked out of the room and he saw all the dirty clothes in a basket at a corner. The papers in a platic near the trash bin. "all done hyung!" Taemin said. "ah...very good then" Key said with a smile. 

After eating, Key and Taemin sat on the sofa listening to music. They sat with comfortable silence. "so...what do you want to do today taeminnie?" Key asked as he put his arms around the younger boy. "i dont know...maybe you should just rest today hyung..." Taemin said as he rested his head on Key's chest. Key smiled at how caring the young boy was. "okay then...what do you want to do tomorrow?" Key asked again. "i dont know hyung. Shouldnt you call Minho hyung and the others?" Taemin asked. "i already told them im coming back. I told them to meet us the day after i'll rest and tomorrow i'll be with you..." Key said. For a moment there was silence.  After a few minutes, Taemin felt that Key's breathing was steadier than earlier. As the younger boy looked, his hyung has already fallen asleep.

he must be tired...

Taemin thought to himself with a small smile on his face. The younger boy snuggled closer to his hyung, being comfortable and surrounded by Key's warmth and familiar hug. He really missed his hyung. He closed his eyes and soon, he too fell asleep. 


Taemin woke up lying down on the sofa. Suprisingly it was dark already. How long had he been asleep? He sat up and spotted Key on the dining table with his own headphones on.

"hyung..." Taemin said as he stretched but got no reply. He must be listening to loud music again. Taemin smiled at Key's familiar actions. He never changed. Still listening to loud music.  Taemin stood up and gently wrapped his arms around his hyung. "'re awake..." Key said as he took off his headphones. "what are we going to have for dinner?" Key asked Taemin. "hmmm...anything you want to cook hyung! I miss your cooking..." Taemin exclaimed happily. Key smiled at this. "ok then...hmmm..." Key thought about what he should cook. "chicken?" Key asked. "anything hyung!" Taemin exclaimed again. "chicken it is then!" Key clapped his hands and walked his way to the kitchen with a smile on his face.

Taemin stayed at the dining table and took a seat where Key was seated a while ago. He looked at Key as he cooked and walked around the kitchen. Key was silently humming. 


Will i be able to tell him?

Key thougt to himself as he hummed and walked around the kitchen. 

Maybe...but not too soon...

Key though again with a somewhat, sad smile on his face. 

But i still have a lot of time...with Taemin...

He thought again, but this time, with a real smile. 

After dinner, they once again sat on the sofa watching TV. Key's arm was once again around Taemin. 

The show finished and Key seemed...exhausted.  He slept a lot today but he was still exhausted. "Taemin ah..." Key said with no energy at all. "im exhausted for some reason..." he added. "hyung you should go sleep in the room..." Taemin said. "but where will you sleep?" Key asked. "i'll sleep here on the sofa." Taemin replied. "no...sleep with me..." Key said. He really had no energy anymore. "hyung..." Taemin kind of disagreed with that idea. He missed his hyung but for now, he knew Key should rest.  "Please?" Key begged again. Taemin smiled. "fine hyung..." Taemin said. 

Key got up and walked to the room. He layed down not bothering to change his clothes at all. Taemin didnt bother to change his clothes either. He just layed beside his exhausted hyung on the bed.

Taemin hugged Key as they layed down on the soft bed. "hyung...." Taemin started. Key hummed in response. "you wont leave again...right? wont leave me anymore..." Taemin asked. Somehow he regretted asking. "i promise...the next time i leave i'll be taking you with me..." Key replied. Taemin smiled at this. "i love you hyung..." Taemin whispered just enough for Key to hear but he got no response. Key had already fallen asleep. 

You dont really need to answer always have the same answer...

Taemin thought to himself and closed his eyes as he hugged his hyung closer to him. 



Hi readers~~~~ was the first chapter so far?

i hope it was good :3

plus you may have noticed, i put a color on my A/N :))

and [more importantly] i changed the/my writing style. 

Any thoughts about the 1st chapter so far?

I tried did my best to make the chapter long and interesting. Is it long enough or still short?:( please comment your thoughts below:)) 

hoping for good comments and a fair amount of views and subscriptions. Yeah?


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marimpar #1
Chapter 5: TT I can't cry a little bit more. Precious.
@imsocuriousyeah it's sad i know ToT but personally i think this is my best work [for now:3] thanks for commenting:)) [and subscribing:)]
@imsocuriousyeah it's sad i know ToT but personally i think this is my best work [for now:3] thanks for commenting:)) [and subscribing:)]
imsocuriousyeah #4
that was so sad im tearing up!
darkangel11421 #5
NOO!!! why did he have to...?!?!?! :'(
@Charavivre it's a secret if keyis sick or not:3 you'll find out in the later parts of the story:3 i hope you like the story so gonna post the next chapters in a few hours...
Is Key sick in some way?? That makes me worry a lot :ss please get healthy quickly, Kibummie !! p.s. I'm really happy abt your double update!!^o^
I like it <3 Seems like fluffy cute little story~ update soon!