Strawberry Milk

Can I Meet Him ?



“Hello everybody. I `m new in here. My name is Lee Tae Min. you can call me Taemin. Nice to meet you”

I turn my head and look at him. I think I have see him before. 

I remember. ……He is….

What?? He is a boy who crushed me and yelled to me.

(you can see in chapter 5 : Good day or Bad day)

I` m looking at him again. But why he act like that. Is he don`t know me?

He don`t remember me !

Great. He is . Who is he can act like that.

Oh, forget it. I finished my food.

Now, I `m thirsty and don`t have a drink. Then I `m walking for buying a drink.

I think strawberry milk was so fresh. Okey, I `ll buy it.

Suddenly I see that boy.

“Hey you are…..Lee…Tae….” I don`t remember his name.

“Lee Tae Min” he said. 

Then I talk with stall keeper. 

“Hei Mam, How are you?”

“Oh you, Jinhae. I `m fine. Long time no see. What do you want to buy? I guess, you want strawberry milk. Right ! “ said stall keeper.

“Yes. You always know what I want.” Replied me

“How can I don`t know if almost everyday you buys it.” She is laughing to me.

“Mam, wait. I order it first.” Shouted Taemin. I`m little shock.

“ I `m forget. How this Jinhae? It just one.” said stall keeper to me.

OMG its mine, my strawberry milk. Don`t never ever gone from me.

“That`s mine.” Said Taemin.

“No. it can`t for you.” Said me.

“Hey !!! JUST FOR ME.” 

What the hell is he. In front of my friends he look so kind and polite. But in front of me, he like that, again. Yelled and shouted to me. Does he like that only to me?

“Lets we asking to Mam. For whom she want give it” Said me.

“Alright” Taemin agree.

“Mam, up to you.” I give her a puppy eyes which make her want give it to me. Please say its to me. Please. Please.

“This is for you Jinhae.” Huft, I glad to hear.

“Hey Mam, why is she?” Taemin interrupted.

“Come on, Jinhae is my loyal customers. Can`t you give it? “said the stall keeper to Taemin.

“you are not fair.” Replied Taemin.

“calm down, man. It just a milk. You can get it in the other places. Bye” said me and give him evil smile. Kekkekkeke. I `m pleased to see his face, full of disappointed.

Then I left him. I `m back to my seat where there was my friends.

We continue our activity, LUNCH.

But Taemin not back. Maybe he was upset with me.hahahaha. what ever.

I don`t care.

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Lee Taemin >.<<br />
Their "official" first meeting and they're already fighting over strawberry milk LOL<br />
Easy there kids, I got more strawberry milk here, other flavors also available *I just decided to open a milk stand next to that stall, already earning a glare from the stall's ajumma >.<
nitrizki #2
I have the exam to.. X( ok curious with the next chapter..
poor Onew<br />
he wanted to see Jinhae but he can't<br />
he shouldn't think too much and just dash out to her place >.<<br />
goodluck with your exam ^.^
okay, so she has a brother but her father took him away<br />
hmmm... I wonder who he is.. wait, I think I know, kekeke<br />
it's getting more interesting<br />
and I agree with nitrizki, the pictures help me get into the story easier<br />
it wouldn't be a bad idea to put some song as the backgroud of your story too<br />
sorry for being too demanding ^.^v<br />
anyway, waiting for next update<br />
fighting ^.^
nitrizki #5
The jinhae room its 13. ouh its sounds creepy. update soon.
nitrizki #6
You have two secret boys? The temperament ones and the tallest ones. Who are they? It's so curious. Updating. And last please put many pict again so it's make me easily to imagine how it's going. But that's only my order. Don't take any attation for the last sentence. Hehe :)
hmm, Jonghyun like her don't he? hihihi<br />
anticipating next chapter<br />
fighting ^.^
nitrizki #8
you make it this very interesting. kept updating. .
I like how the story going so far<br />
well, there's a lil' bit gramatical errors here and there, but that's okay<br />
we'll improve as we practice, rite<br />
I'll look forward to the next chapter ^.^