Chapter 8 : The Unexpected Guest Part 2

It's Fate that Playing with Us 2

Late in the afternoon, once Tiffany wrapped up with all her work, she leaved to the clinic for a checkup. Caught in the middle of the traffic jammed road, she was thankful that she did not drive by herself. The moment reaching her friend’s maternity clinic, she stepped out from the car. Having her steps up to the clinic, upon opening the door, she bumped into a familiar body, a piece of paper slipped out the envelope.

Holding on the opposite person’s arm, Tiffany widened her eyes upon seeing her, “Jessica…god where have you been. Everyone is crazy in searching you…”

Before she could further her question, Jessica had ran away from her. “Jessica…” she looked at her very fast disappearing from her sight. Almost instantly she couldn’t see the glimpse of Jessica. Reaching out her hand to open the door once again, the paper that laid close by the door caught her attention. She picked it up and briefly glanced through and the ‘positive sign’ had widened her eyes in fright.

“Jessica Jung…two months pregnancy,” Tiffany started to count as she realized it might be that day when she went to Yuri’s apartment. “Could this be true,” she shook her head to her silliness. There is this report as the evident, how could it be not true. “Do Yuri know about this, why did she run away from me?”

“Tiffany,” Yoona came out from the clinic with her briefcase in hand. “Why are you here, for checkup?” she asked.

Tiffany swiftly hid the paper in her bag before being noticed. “It does not much matter; I’ll be coming again tomorrow since you’re heading home already. Your nurse needs to go home too even if you don’t mind, she does.”

Turning over to her nurse, Yoona smile, “Then…want to grab some snack? It’s been quite some time since you last visit me.”

“Why can’t you be the one visiting me instead me for almost all the time,” Tiffany frowned smilingly.

“My treat, okay,” Yoona gave up.

Feeling the cool breeze blowing across her face, the both felt comfort. “How have you been lately? Still not planning to have a baby?” she asked before having a sip of coffee.

“In the process,” Tiffany chuckled. “Wasting time isn’t it?” she stretched out both her arms. “I might have a happy family by now if I agree to have one at the very first place.”

“It’s never too late to have one now,” Yoona pointed out.

“Like how Jessica did, a baby before marriage?” Tiffany turned to see Yoona’s face expression changed a little, uncomfortable. “Be honest, tell me is it true that she’s pregnant.”

“I promise to keep this as our secret,” Yoona said firmly.

“I bet Yuri doesn’t know about this,” Tiffany grabbed hold on Yoona’s hands. “No one knows this might leads her to accident, you should tell Yuri about this.”

“Tiffany Kim,” Yoona slightly raised her voice. “All this while, we have been looking over Jessica. Since school days we’ve been helping her made each and every decision, we should let her made a decision for her best.” Patting on her hand, “Tiffany, it’s time for her to make a decision. If she does have faith with Yuri, believe their love is strong enough for this new member, she will be able to make a decision.”

Tears almost enter her eyes as Tiffany was worry dead about Jessica.


Meanwhile, Yuri had finally wrapped up his work. Stretching forth his arms, he thought of calling Jessica again. It’s been quite some time since he last seen her. He didn’t know why, but his heart telling him that Jessica is avoiding him nowadays. That day she turned off her phone, it took him almost a day to be able to contact her. Once hearing her voice, she convinced him that she just needed some free time to finish up her knitting.

“Hello,” it surprised him to hear a man’s voice. “Who are you,” he abruptly asked.

“Who are you to ask me who am I?” the opposite person replied.

“I’m her fiancé, where’s Jessica?” Yuri’s voice was stern.

“I guess, she won’t want to listen to your voice for this period of time,” he retorted. “As her soon to be fiancé, you don’t even know what’s going on; can you really call yourself her fiancé?”

“Yunho oppa, who is that,” Jessica came out from the bathroom. Yunho did not respond and waited for Yuri’s reply.

“Is that Yuri oppa,” Jessica hits on Yunho’s shoulder. “Give me back my phone,” she snatched it away from his firm grip. “Yuri…”

“Are you not feeling well again?” he asked, it sounded cold but deep inside, he really cares for her. Perhaps he himself did not know about that.

“Of course not,” Jessica forced out a cheery tone of voice, “It’s just that dad wants him to accompany in this mean time since you aren’t free.”

“Then you can send him off right away as I’ll be in your house in ten minutes time,” he stood up whilst taking his blazer from the stand and headed towards the elevator.

It surprised Jessica, “No need. Yah…ten minutes, are you planning to crash your car. Let’s just meet another day; he’ll be leaving soon after all…”

“Jessica, it’s time to check your temperature,” Yunho purposely shouted to make his voice to be heard in the opposite line. Jessica flashed him a glistening glare. “I’ll not leave if I don’t see you sleep soundly.”

“Temperature, are you fever,” the more he hears, the more he get worried, “It’s better for me to come visit you awhile.”

“NO…” Jessica shouted. “Aish, I’ve said that I’m fine means fine. Don’t you dare come bothering me!” it somehow frightened Yuri to hear the sudden raise of her voice. It’s almost never before she had talk to him with that volume of voice. “We’ll meet some other day.”

“Okay then, bye,” Yuri ended the call as he was rather upset by her sudden reaction. He wonders, was Yunho the reason to why her sudden change of attitude.

“Elders say, pregnant lady will get angry and get uncontrollable all of the sudden,” Yunho leaned on the table, “You’ve just proved them right.”

“Yah…it’s your entire fault that I’m in such a hot temper now!” she threw her slipper at Yunho.


After dinner, Tiffany locked herself in the study room as she continues with her report that had been bothering her for the past days. Coming out from the bathroom, Taeyeon paced towards the dressing desk to see a medical paper in Tiffany’s bag. Feeling anxious, he picked it up and read the contents. Half past nine, Tiffany finally finished and entered her room to see the topless Taeyeon drying his half dried hair.

Closing the door behind, she teased, “Such a weird habit to dry an almost dry hair.”

Hopping over to their bed, Taeyeon gently wrapped her slender waist into his arms; make sure he does not hurt her. “Don’t you have something to tell me?” Taeyeon sniff then kiss on Tiffany’s neck and soon it drifted to her collarbone.

Frightened by his sudden pace, Tiffany slightly pushes him and stare at him, “What’s wrong with you tonight?”

“Not going to tell me?” Taeyeon frowned playfully.

“Tell what?” Tiffany arched her brow.

“Playing around…”

“Play what?” Tiffany’s patience is almost coming to an end. “If you’re not sleeping, don’t bother me. I’m tired and need to sleep right away.”


On the next day right after work, Tiffany had planned to visit Jessica. However, Taeyeon text her message asking her to be home early as there’s something important he need to discuss with her. Then again, visiting Jessica will have to wait. Stepping into the main living room, she sees her dad, father in law and all the house maids were smiling happily to her. She wonders what’s on their mind to have that smile plastered on their face.

“Hey Tiffany,” Taeyeon came out with an apron on. He placed the cake on the dining table before heading towards her direction. “You’re back…in a moment we can begin our celebration.”

“Celebration,” she was confused. “Whose birthday, celebrate what?”

“Babo, why didn’t you tell me that you’re pregnant,” pinched her nose tip. “But it doesn’t matter, the elders know about this news.”

“Tiffany, you need to take good care of yourself from this minute forth,” Mr. Kim said. He sounded so nice that made Tiffany came to fear about as since the day she stepped her foot into the Kim, he has not spoken to her in this manner.

Feeling her legs lose energy almost instantly, she held firm on Taeyeon’s arms. She guessed he must have mistaken Jessica’s report, “We need to talk privately, Taeyeon.”

After sending the two elders off, Tiffany pulled Taeyeon into the living room. “Kim Taeyeon, since when did you started to check on me. Did you often check my bag?”

“Tiffany,” he held on her arms hoping to calm her down a little. “I just saw the medical cert and I’m worried that you’re sick.”

Swinging off his hand, she raised her voice all in the sudden, “I’ve told you that I’ll stop the pill and in plan to deliver a baby.”

“What do you mean by that?” Taeyeon interrupted, rather fierce. “You sounded like I’m forcing you.”

“Did you read that medical cert clearly, it was Jessica’s and not mind.” Tiffany revealed as she threw the medical cert on floor. “The one who is pregnant is Jessica not me. Tell me, how are we suppose to fix this when the elders had know about this.”

Taeyeon picked up the paper and read it. Seeing the change of face expression, Tiffany ran towards the exit to see a car parked right in front their mansion gate. As Taeyeon came out in a fast pace, he sees the familiar person seated in the driver seat, he looked at his wife.

“Did you call him here?” Taeyeon asked.

“What? Why do I need to call Jonghyun here?”

“Go ahead and leave,” Taeyeon crumpled the paper and threw it on floor. “All this happened because you’ve always hiding things away from me, since day one. If only you tell me the truth, all this wouldn’t have happened.”

“Kim Taeyeon,” Tiffany shouted. “Do you know what you’re talking about? There’s reason to why I don’t tell you…what about you, I find Hyuna know things about you more than I do.” Letting the tears flow down her face, she wiped it off hardly, “Every time we quarreled, she would text me message telling me that you’re with her that I need not to worry. But can I not worry when my husband is with some other woman who is once his ex?!”

Pushing against her shoulder, Taeyeon flared up, “You’re not making any sense. If you’re standing in my position, you would feel it. You would know how hard it is to convince yourself that you had completely given me your heart.”

“See, you’re bringing it in again,” Tiffany let the tears drop by drop lands on the floor. “You didn’t even trust me. Up to this point, you still doubt my love for you so what’s the point of staying together, might as well just separate.” She pushed him away with all her might that almost caused Taeyeon fall.

Taeyeon stable himself, “Divorce then,” it slipped out his mouth before he could even think what he is saying, what exactly he is doing. “I can no longer keep you by my side.”

“Kim Taeyeon! What did you just said?”

“I’m a human; I can’t endure a woman who always cares about her friends more than her husband, more than her father in law. Quarrel with me over a friend’s matter.” Taeyeon yelled out. Deep inside, he knows he’s not in a right mind and whatever he is saying is out of mind, but at this point no one can fix it.

“Bear in mind, is your father that caused me lost everything!”

“You’d finally said it out. You just can’t erase the past, erase the fact that dad was the one kidnapped you and caused Donghae’s death.”

“I’m leaving,” Tiffany turned away. “I can’t imagine I’m still here with you over this never ending topic.”


“Should I call her? What would she be doing at this time?” Yuri held on his phone.

“Mr. Kwon,” one of the staff walked into his office after knocking the door. “There’s one last vacant here to be interview.”

Looking down at his watch, he turned his attention back to the pile of paper, “The time for the vacant to be interviewed had long past. Why should I accept her when she’s so late?”

“But she said that…”

“You’ll definitely regret for the whole lifetime if you miss me out,” a familiar voice averted his eyes from the pile of papers.

His eyes widened upon locking into this pair of familiar hazel eyes, “Gyuri,” he was able to still uttered her name. The staff leaved the office and that only the two left in the room.

Gyuri paced towards him smiling seductively, “It’s been a long time since we last seen,” she turned his chair around so that he could face her and share a close eye contact, “Kwon Yuri”


“Noona, where do you want to go?” Jonghyun pulled to a stop as they have drove for almost half an hour from the Kim Mansion.

Dropping her head on his shoulder, she can’t help but to cry out loud. She can no longer move on. She doesn’t know what had caused the two of them to get stuck in such problem time and again.

“Why did I yelled at him, if I spoke to him properly this wouldn’t have happen,” Tiffany wrapped her arms around Jonghyun.

“The both of you are behaving really childish in this case, aren’t you?” Jonghyun pointed out. “Over such thing, you two could get into such quarrel and even said divorce. Is marriage such simple to you?”

Tiffany did not respond.

“I’ll send you to Jessica’s house.”


“Jessica, how have you been,” Tiffany finally chose to broke the dead silent that filled them in scared. She raised her brow, pretending not understand what she meant. “You understand what I meant; you can read it through my eyes.”

Holding on Tiffany’s hand, “It’s not worth to quarrel with Taeyeon over me and Yuri’s problem. He had just mistaken it and what lead the two of you to such state. Divorce, are you serious?”

She shook her head, “I don’t know. I don’t know why he would said that out, he had never lose control…I’m uncertain if he’s serious in this.” Brushing off her mystification that overwhelmed her, she asked, “Not planning to tell Yuri, aren’t you.”

“I just can’t find a perfect time and place to tell him,” Jessica admitted.

“You know yourself very well. With those pair of eyes that can read what others are thinking, you do know what you ought to do,” Tiffany reminded her.

“I think I know,” Jessica lowered her head and smiled.

“Want to go somewhere, pretty girls,” Yunho was standing by the doorway all the while.

“Such a bad manner you have to listen to our conversation without our permission,” Tiffany folded her arms as she sees Yunho smile mischievously.


“Why did you come back?” Yuri was leaning on his car door.

“Seoul has not changed at all,” Gyuri forced out a smile. “It’s still remained the same as before…remember we always came here in the past. The reminiscences of our beautiful past are still vivid in my memory, same as you?” she tilted her head over her shoulder to peep on him.

Overwhelm by the way she had said it so nonchalantly as if nothing had happened between them, Yuri can’t help but to let his emotion control his body again. He held on Gyuri’s shoulders and leaned her on the car door with both his arms by her side. “How could you say it as if nothing had happened? Why did you leave me without even telling me the exact problem that dooms us? How could you be so heartless to me when you know that I still love you?”

“That’s what I need,” Gyuri reached her hand towards his face; her eyes were welled with tears. “I need to know that you still love me, I need you to know that my heart has never changed that it is still the same.” She closes in their little distance as she pecked on his lips, “I still love you, Yuri.” Receiving no respond but only to see tears formed in his eyes, Gyuri gradually sealed his lips. She initiated the kiss and have Yuri replied to it and it soon becomes passionate.”

Little do they know; there was a pair witnesses them from the beginning? Jessica can’t help but to have her tears flow down her cheek without her able to control it. Pacing back to their car, she bit her lips so hard that it bleeds. Wiping off her tears, she hoped that Yunho did not see it. Of all people, he is the person she doesn’t wish to show the weakness in her.

Pulling her into his arms, “Cry, cry out and you’ll feel better. Bear in mind, you still have me. I will protect you.”

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i'm sorry i didn't update this fic for long time.. it's because i'm sick this past few days.. i hope i will be able to update daily after this.. thanks


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Chapter 10: Cute story ... ^^
tipco09 #2
Chapter 10: What a lovely story ! I enjoyed reading it. Thank you, authorshi..
Chapter 10: I feel like watching I hear your voice when u mention Jessica can read other mind, but it cool though.
Chapter 10: A very sweet ending.
Awesome story!
sone1259 #5
Chapter 10: Awww how sweet hehe!! YULSIC TaeNy
9soshi #6
the ending is the sweetest :) you made me teary T-T

Lesson of this story: wait for the right time and don't rush things because you might regret it at the end. :)
Happy ending yayyy ^^

Thanks for this awesome fic :)
TaeNy n YulSic <3 I Love the ending it's very awesome Thx for make this amazing fic really Nice
Love beautiful end of TaeNy n YulSic :D esp TaeNy haha ^^
Keep writing on fic Author-ssi n make more for TaeNy fic. I'll count in n support you ;D
I love d endng:-D
Sweet endng 4 taeny n yulsic,i hope they happy togethr 4 4ever..^^
that was really sweet! ^_^

*sheds tears and claps my hands*