Chapter 3



Can never forget your shining eyes

Under the fireworks that dark night

Only if I were a little older, I could have kissed you





Minho’s eyes widened like saucers as Krystal stepped onto the front porch. He’s never seen anything so beautiful, so delicate and fragile and it almost feels like he should protect her from all the harm out there. I must be crazy. Minho shook his head. We both know how violent she is. She admitted it herself.

“Haven’t seen a pretty girl before?” Krystal teased.

“W-What?” Minho blushed a little. “It’s just different, seeing you like this…”

“You don’t like it?” Krystal pouted a little. Oh Krystal, you don’t know how much I like it. Your cute pout with your pretty face and beautiful white dress. Are you sure you’re not an angel?

“I like it, I do” Minho grabbed Krystal’s hands and led her into the limo he rented with Taemin. Krystal grinned.



As Minho went out to hold the door open for Krystal, all eyes were on them.

“Minho, I feel uncomfortable” Krystal whispered.

“It’s okay, you look very nice today.” He whispered back.

“Don’t I always?” Krystal giggled.

“Neh” Minho rolled his eyes. “Let’s go in, beautiful princess.” When did I get this cheesy?

“Arasso, handsome prince” Minho couldn’t deny that flutter of his heart he felt, when Krystal uttered those words.



The dance was reaching its peak, all the couples gathered to dance in the middle of the gym, the DJ blasting the latest tunes. But Krystal wasn’t feeling the mood so she walked outside to the school garden, her favourite place. No doubt since the beginning when she first arrived, the garden had always attracted her in a way and up till now, she found comfort there.

“Not dancing?” Krystal looked behind her and there he was, her best friend. She was feeling confused about her feelings towards him and she took a stroll hoping she could clear her mind a bit. Guess it’s not tonight.


“Wae? Are you feeling sick?” One of the qualities she likes about Minho. Always checking to see it she’s okay.

“No, I’m fine. Just not in the mood”

“Jungie being a party pooper?” Always trying to make her laugh. She chuckled.

“Neh, I’m the queen of party pooping!” She threw her hands up dramatically. “And I’ll make you, handsome prince, party poop with me!”

“Why am I a prince? Shouldn’t I be the king, since you’re the queen?” He pouted a little.

“Nope. You’ve got to be of a lower ranking. Cos I’m better than you, mehrong!” Krystal stuck out her tongue.

“Yah, we’ll see who’s better!” Minho said as he chased Krystal around the school garden, eventually catching her with a back hug. Both of them giggled and lost their balance, ending up on the grass together.

“But don’t you think I still deserve to be king?”




They eventually lay, side by side, gazing at the stars together.

“So tell me why weren’t you dancing just now”

“You know I’m not that kind of person, Minho” Krystal turned to her side to face Minho. I didn’t realise he had such big eyes and a nice nose. And his lips, so pouty… She shook her head. Kissing your best friend is a crime! No Krystal no!

“Anything wrong, Jungie?”

“N-Nothing. J-Just a f-fly.”

“You’re being weird lately…” He teased.

“Yah! I’m not!” Krystal got up and hit Minho a few times, playfully.

“Ara, arasso! You don’t have to be so violent!” Minho blocked Krystal’s hits with his hands. “Guys don’t like violent girls”

“What are you implying?” She narrowed her eyes.

“What? I’m just saying… And in case you’re trying to steal a man’s heart, you’d better not act like that” He warned.

“Well that’s too bad. This is what they get. And whose heart would I want to steal anyway?” Yours.

“Look forward to a single life then, mehrong!” Krystal chuckled.

“Doesn’t mean if I act nice, guys will be falling at my feet…” Minho nodded. I would.



Just then, fireworks lit up the sky. Some mischievous boys must’ve lit them up to impress their girls. But Krystal and Minho didn’t mind anyway.

“Wahhhhhh, the sky is so pretty” Krystal said, amazed. Minho looked at her, staring intently. What have you done to me?

“You’re supposed to say ‘Omo, the sky is so pretty’” Minho corrected her.

“I don’t care. Whoever that likes me is gonna accept my manners whether they like it or not” she said, as she continued smiling at the sky. Minho chuckled and ruffled her hair. I will, Krystal, I will.

“Yah, I got my hair done and you’re ruffling it?” She pouted.

“I don’t care, Jungie” Minho pokes her pout with his finger. “I actually prefer it messy” He leaned back, as if judging Krystal.

“Neh, neh. Mehrong!” His lips… Krystal thought as Minho them with his tongue.

“Whatcha staring at? My perfect face?” Minho laughed as he watched Krystal roll her eyes dramatically.



Krystal insisted that Minho walked her home. She didn’t want to see Taemin and Sulli snuggling with each other in the limo. Besides, it’s been quite a long time since she spent some alone time with Minho.

“What are you up to, little girl? Please tell me that you do realise that we’re walking home in formal wear”

“Neh, I wanted to embarrass you” Krystal giggled.

“You’re embarrassing yourself too” Minho retorted.

“As long as you are too”

“Hmmph. Remind me why I’m friends with you.”

“Cos you love me and I’m perfect and I’m—“

“Yes, yes, yes” He ruffled her hair. They continued walking for a while till they reached their favourite ice cream parlour, the same one they met Yuri at.

“Let’s go in!” Krystal pulled on Minho’s arm.

“We already look like fools and you want to eat ice cream?” Yes.

“You owe me” She whined.

“Okay, okay, fine.” Minho gave in, seeing Krystal whine.



They both got the same banana split and sat at the same seat, yet again. It was a ritual between the both of them and they never got bored.

“So are you still going to take a lot? Cos I wasn’t happy the last time” Minho pretended to be angry.

“Stop acting, mister and you can take all you want, as long as you don’t leave me again”

“Can’t you just play along?”

“Nope” Krystal said, feeding Minho with a spoonful of vanilla. Minho smiled and took a bite.

“Kamsa, Krys”

“What happened to Jungie?”

“Jungie.” He rolled his eyes at Krystal’s demands.




Kekekekekeke, was happy that I got so many comments so fast, so here's a treat! :3

I'm so kind! Hahahahahahahah, no. Sorry for grammar mistakes/weird flow.

And Minho finally has a little crush on little Jungie? Kekekekekekeke.


See that glance Krys gave to Minho?



Hope you don't mind my crazy spazzing side. Spazz with me!!!

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26/8/12 And it's over~ Thank you guise for supporting me! ^^


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Chapter 6: right? right? right? they're soo cuutee~ or should I said that your fic is soooo cutee!!! I really love all of your minstal story! making it as much as you can, dear~ haha. I love it!! your fic always been fluffy~ ^ ^
Chapter 6: I love this. Just read this in one sitting. Hahaha~ My MinStal feels *q*
Chapter 6: Which concert was the picof minstal on stage? Ps im now re reading this~
Chapter 7: I always love all of ur fics. they are all loveable. I`ll make sure that i check all of ur updates... <3
GongYoonLove #5
Chapter 6: ER MAH GOD! THIS IS AMAZING! I'm curious about where did you get the pictures of MinStal's underwater piggy-back ride?
Chapter 6: Weeeeeee this bestfriends turns couple story is cute... love it....
Chapter 6: I really like this story! Thank goodness they still managed to bw together even though crazy suzy (hey, it rhymes!) is getting on their nerves (and mine too). And those picspams hgsahagw
I'm glad I searched for a Minstal fic. Cuz I found this. This is just brilliant, author. Write moreeee. I want moreeeee. Rawrs
dee2dazee #9
Chapter 6: Awwww that was such a nice Minstal heart.. Hahaha. So glad I found this fic ^^ well done :)