The Day When I Have To Change


Someone with Blacknorm flowing in his/her blood is a person with a great talent and unmatched. Abnormalities that exist in human’s body, that's what distinguishes it from other normal human being.

Blacknorm is the power because of abnormal offspring. Usually the Norms (people who have Blacknorm in their blood) can do amazing things even though he himself/she herself did not realize it, like the genius brains, be able to read minds, can control the movement of any object without touching it, muscle strength was outstanding, and the other forces that are not less stunning. You can even control all elements on the earth.

Norms strength stabilized by Postive Blacknorm and Negative Blacknorm, they work together in controlling the stability of the Norms power itself. Sometimes there are descendants of Norms who have unstable Blacknorm, it is caused by excessive Negative Blacknorm. They would be difficult to control his own strength and might even be worse than that, the Norms going to act out his own mind.

20 years old. It’s the age limit for Norms strength reaches their maturity, they will be more adept at controlling power upon reaching that limit. However, the Norms with a Negative Blacknorm excess, it would be a major catastrophe for him/her. That means Norms who still under 20 have not been able to control their own ability,  just not as bad as a result of Norms who have excess Negative Blacknorm.

One of the Norms here is Cho Kyuhyun, people used to call him Kyuhyun or just Kyu. He was taciturn man who is hard to get along and do not have many friends but a lot of women like him because he's good looking and brilliant. Kyuhyun never realized that he was a Norms, who he knew was that he was different. That is why many people stay away from him.

Once upon a time, when Kyuhyun was 5 years old, other children stoned him because he likes to talk to trees and foliage. When a stone landed right on his forehead, at the same time Kyuhyun really upset and angry. Nevertheless, his head does not bleed at all. Surprisingly, the fire sparked from his hand and splashed towards them. Suddenly they were blurred and Kyuhyun labeled as 'weirdos'. Since then Kyuhyun is isolated and transferred to another school, his parents have to assume that Kyuhyun just need tranquility as little stress. But how could a child as young as him at that time can experience stress? It does not make sense while his relationship with his family is very well.

Age 7, Kyuhyun's father died of a heart attack. Kyuhyun’s mother and sister did not know that his father died of shock, shocked to see Kyuhyun few a desk just by lifting his index finger. Kyuhyun who knows about it just silent and continued to live his life with regret. Kyuhyun remembered well the memory of his father, he was very friendly, kind, and always support Kyuhyun. His father often said to Kyuhyun, "Even though they think you're weird, but for me you are a blue sapphire gem who extremely precious."

Kyuhyun also never forget a family picnic when he was 6 years old. Beautiful memories with his family, they spent a pleasant time with coming to the beach not far from his house. They are still full, there’s Kyuhyun’s father too. Occasionally the father noticed Kyuhyun playing with beach waves, a smile tugging in his lips.

"Dad, Mom, I want to go there." Little Kyuhyun said, pointing to a large rock at the end of the beach.

"Be careful, Dear." Kyuhyun’s mother nodded slowly.

"Can I go there too?" Miinah intends to pursue her brother with her cute face.

"You can’t, wait here. I'll find the cutest shell for you." Kyuhyun said, waving his hand to his sister and then ran over to the big rock.Miinah and Kyuhyun close enough, they are brother and sister who have always matched each other in any case. Kyuhyun is a protector to his sister, Miinah. But sometimes he's very annoying because he’s often does not want to hear his sister’s lamentations, not infrequently his brother tricked her. All the things that make Miinah annoyed, but when her brother did not stand by her, she will feel lonely.

That afternoon the sun shining brightly, the cool breeze hitting two teen boys’s body, innocent smiles adorning their faces. Lying on the grass of Silver Hill in the twilight is not a bad idea.

"I want to know, what is you really want to do in the future, Kyuhyun?" asked one of the men.

"I don’t know, Eunhyuk. I guess it’s too early to think about things like that.” Said Kyuhyun with a sigh.

"I think we have a same dream in the future."

"How can you be so sure?"

"You and I both love astronomy and astrology lesson, right? I thought we would be a good astronaut, Kyuhyun." Eunhyuk said obviously.

"So what?"

"Haha... I don’t know yet, that's all I know for sure. Ah, even Miinah think we're twins." Eunhyuk chuckled.

"You don’t have to care much about the words of my stupid sister, Eunhyuk."

"She's not stupid, Kyuhyun. She's gorgeous. "Eunhyuk smiled.

"Yeah, whatever. "

There was silence for a moment, they still enjoy the leaves fall from the trees near them lie. Kyuhyun suddenly thought of something.

"Hey." Said Kyuhyun.


"You think, what if I learn to control my ability? I never want to hurt people around me. "

Eunhyuk thought for a moment, turning his brain to get the right solution to Kyuhyun’s problem so that can be solved. "My father may be able to help."

"Really?" Kyuhyun looked joy.

"Yeah, you know, I have never attended public schools as a child. I went to my dad’s school, he was the founder of that special school. But I have to tell him first."

"What do you mean? I don’t understand the 'special school' is." Kyuhyun surprised.

"Just wait for tomorrow."

It was getting dark, Kyuhyun knew he had to get home and split up with his best friend. On the way home he kept thinking, reflection to the past. The period in which Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk first met and immediately became friends, but they never went to the same place. A beach and a large rock was witness to their friendship.

Arriving home, Kyuhyun paused. Staring at a dark blue painted house with an iron fence which sturdy and tall, dark make an impression on Cho Kyuhyun was increasingly felt. However, the growth of many kinds of beautiful flowers in the front yard to make a dark impression was somewhat neutralized.

"Mom! Oppa is back!" A girl shouted, makes Kyuhyun sharpen his eyes.

"Miinah! You're so noisy!" He snapped.

The girl was petite with slender eyelashes adds sweet on her face, she ran to the kitchen to tell her mother. "Kyuhyun, don’t snap to your sister like that, you're scared her." The mother give him a lecture as she approached Kyuhyun.

"Yes, Mom. I'm sorry."

"Go to your room. Clean your body first, after that you may eat. "

"I know, Mom." Kyuhyun up the stairs while continuing to sputter. He headed the second floor, the room was a corner and darkest. Everyone knows that he is very fond of dark and whatever had to be dark.

His room is very simple but clean enough and everything is arranged neatly. Quite comfortable for himself. The window with the curtains always closed and it never opened. According to Kyuhyun, dark is beautiful.

He immediately clean himself in the bathroom which is located next to the bedroom. After he done , he didn’t obey her mother to eat instead of immediately throwing himself to the bed, hoping this time he have a beautiful dream which is at least better than the previous dreams.

In this family, Kyuhyun is the most quiet. There's something that makes him like that. He's not the kind of guy who easily made friends, that's why he only had a few friends were quite close to him. Eunhyuk and Hyena.

"Kyu, come on. Wake up! It’s time to go home!"

Kyuhyun slowly opened his eyes and got up from his seat, he glanced at the clock. 02.00 PM, time to go home. This will probably be his last day in high school.

As once Eunhyuk said that his friend this one was very interested about the space or astronomy, but Kyuhyun always hide his desire. The reason is simple, he spent his whole life just to obey their parents, especially her mother. So, how much desire to continue their education by taking college he wants is what he had to negotiate first with his mother. If she agrees, then he will not waste the opportunity.

"Yeah, I know, Hyena." Kyuhyun looked limp, he was not eager to do anything.

"You're always like that."

Kyuhyun and his girl friend, Hyena, talking on the way home. They used to walk to school because the distance is not so far away.

"Like that? Like what?" He asked.

"Sleeping in the class during school hours. It was ridiculous."


Hyena grumbling all the way. Kyuhyun just chuckled and ruffled her long hair.

"We've graduated now. Where do you plan to continue, Kyuhyun?" Hyena asked.

"Me? Umm..." Kyuhyun think first. "I don’t know, I have not signed anywhere."

"Waiting for mother’s decision...?" Hyena interrogating him, she was surprised by Kyuhyun’s attitude that sometimes submissive on his mother, it’s over-exert his self. Making other people seemed to want to help him, Hyena is one of them. "...again." She continued, more impressed as a murmur.

Kyuhyun not intends to respond to Hyena’s questions, Hyena thought she'd know the answer later. Suddenly his eyes fixed on someone.

"What happened to him?" Kyuhyun appoint his friend who was sitting in a wheelchair with bandages on his hands and feet.

"Kyu... don’t tell me you forgot. You did it two weeks ago to them."

"What do you mean?"

"You really seem to have forgotten. Don’t you realize the garden at our school were destroyed, and ten of our friends were treated?"

He shook his head. "Ah, I’m going now!" He said as if he ran away from the talks earlier.

Kyuhyun recall the incident two weeks ago. That’s right, he is fully aware of and remember when ten of his friends tried to interfere with Kyuhyun in the school garden. He’s angry, suddenly everything is bouncing and the parks instantly destroyed.

"I almost killed them and expelled from school?" He asked himself.

"Who expelled from school, Kyuhyun?" Eunhyuk came from behind all of sudden.

Kyuhyun looked him surprisingly, "Eunhyuk! You scared me."

"He allows you to go to school at my place."


"Of course."

"Let's talk about this in Silver Hill alone." Eunhyuk pulled Kyuhyun ‘s hand and took him to Silver Hill.

"He said, he will train you themselves." Said Eunhyuk when he got in Silver Hill.

"It sounds to be very interesting, but..."


"I think it would be very difficult to convince my mom."

Eunhyuk patted him. "Hey, come on! You have not even been denied the words of your mother. So I think this time if you're a little more assured, your mother will approve it. "

"I'll try." Kyuhyun tries gave a little smile, though it seems very difficult.

"Ah, I'm going to tell you about a special school that I said yesterday. The school was founded 10 years ago by my father, obviously just people like us are there." Eunhyuk told him.

"What do you mean people like us?"

"Look at this!" Eunhyuk showed something on Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun see his friend move a his backpack without touching it at all.

"That’s..." Kyuhyun petrified, he did not think that his friend is also doing things that are often done secretly by him just to eliminate his fatigue. " I just found out, apparently you can do it too."

Eunhyuk smiled sarcastically, "Sorry, I never told you."

"A lot of things that I didn’t know about my best friend, but you know everything about me."

"I'm not a raconteur, Kyuhyun."

"I see." Kyuhyun lay down on the grass staring at the sky began to cloud. "Your father... I think he really loves you so he set up the school is just for you."

"You think so?" This time Eunhyuk come lie beside Kyuhyun.


"I hope so."

A little wondering, Kyuhyun looked closely right in Eunhyuk’s eyes. Looks a bit... like... a grief that probably very deep. There is an undercurrent of pain, not an ordinary pain.

"Then.. how about Hyena?" Eunhyuk broke the silence between them.

"I thought I don’t need to say much about that."

"When are you going to stop covering each other's feelings, huh?"

Kyuhyun just smiled bitterly to answers Eunhyuk, then he got up and walked away leaving him with smile.

"Hey! The day after tomorrow, in the afternoon, I'll pick you up. Tell your mother!" Eunhyuk shouted. Kyuhyun did not look back, just waved then leave.


Another Stories :

The Girl's Scream

Miss Perfect VS Mr. Pathetic

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tehsweety #1
Chapter 4: im really waiting for you to update this story.

update soon.
Chapter 4: Actually it does very confusing.. but still u can get along with the story~

update soon~ =D