Welcome Key

Welcome To The SM Family

"Wow..." I stare in amazement when the taxi leaves me in front of the gates of SM. I take me bags and start walking towards the gates. This place is huge! It's like a castle! And its king as finally arrived. I smiled at that thought and clicked on the button that lets me enter the school.

"Hello. Welcome to SM Town High School. School of the future famous. What is your name and business here?" A man said.

"Um, hello. My name is Kim Kibum. I'm the new student that moved here from Daegu." I said to the voice in the speaker.

"Kibum...Kibum. Ah! Here you are! Okay give me a second and I'll buzz you in" the man said

"Ne." I replied back and waited a second before the gates opened. But I didn't notice that someone was standing right behind me the whole time. When I reached back to get my stuff, I saw a pair of legs and looked up. The latter had light brown hair and was a tiny bit taller than me when I stood up straight. I looked behind him and saw that he too had bags and luggage. I smiled at him and he returned the smile.

"I'm Lee Taemin." He said while extending his hand for me to shake it. I smiled and shook his hand

"Kim Kibum. But you can call me Key," I told him. I looked again behind him, “You’re new to?"

"Yes. I came right behind you. Guess you didn't notice me." he said with a sad face, looking to the ground. Then he looked up and smiled at me, "What grade are you in?"

"Uh, tenth grade. And you?" I asked him back.

"Whoa! Tenth?! I'm in ninth."

"Ninth?!? This kid is younger than me?!"

"Haha, yeah I get that a lot. I look older than that, huh?" I just nodded my head. "Well, we should get going inside right? Looks like it’s going to be a while until we get to the main office." He said looking over my shoulder. My jaw dropped when I saw how much I had to walk. It was like a whole football field in length from where we were standing to the main doors. "Haha. It's okay, hyung. We can make there in no time if we run." Taemin told me which made my jaw go back to its regular place.

"No no no." I said, shaking my head, “I don't run. Not my thing." I told him but it just made him laugh.

"Okay, then Key hyung. Let's walk it then," he smiled at me, grabbed his bags and walked past me.

"Yah! Wait for me!" I struggled to grab my bags and chased after him




It took us 20 minutes to get to the main doors. One, because I kept complaining every few feet. And two because my bags kept falling out of my hands. Once inside we were welcomed by a tall, fairly handsome man

"Hello. My name is Ahh Chil-Hyun. But you can call me Kangta. Now, I don't remember letting two boys inside..." His voice trailed off as he looked at me and Taemin, wondering who Kibum was. I laughed and stepped up.

"Hello sir. I'm Kibum. That's Lee Taemin. Another new student" I said pointing to myself and then to Taemin who was looking at the ground.

"Oh! I forgot there were two new students! Please, come this way." He said, signaling us to follow him. I gave Taemin a smile and followed Kangta. We stopped at a door that said 'Main Office' and led us through. There were a few teachers there, Taemin and I bowing to them and they bowed back.

"Now! Please wait here." He stopped suddenly, making me bump into him. He just smiled at me continued talking, “Inside this door is going to be probably the nicest and fairest person you will ever meet. Please give me a moment to see if she is ready for you two. Take a seat" He moved his towards some chairs and we both sat down. Not more than a minute passed when Kangta peered his out of the door way and looked at Taemin.

 "Taemin-ssi, you first. Our principal just adores freshman!" He said with a smile and went back in the room.

I gave Taemin a small smile, “Go ahead Taemin-ah. See you when you get out." he returned the smile and went inside the room. I sighed and waited for about 15 minutes when both Taemin and Kangta came out. I jumped up and went to Taemin."How was it? Is she nice? Is she old?! What did she tell you?!" He put his hand up for me to stop.

He smiled at me," You will find out for yourself. I'll wait for you when you get out" He said and sat down looking around the room like a five year old. I sighed and followed Kangta inside. There was a huge chair facing the floor to ceiling window. I look at Kangta in question but he just gestured me to take a seat. I nodded and sat down.

Oh so very slowly, the chair started moving to face me



"Welcome Key."



A/N: Eh, came out shorter than I thought it would be. Eh whateves. Here is chapter 2. Please enjoy. Did you like Taemin's entrance? Keke, I liked it. Next chapter should be up soon. Penguin is out!! (^.^)V


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UPDATE. 0w0 plllleeeeeeaaasssseee?
Lovely_Soul #2
HEECHUL!!!! GAH! I love Heechul's personality here!! Cold Kyuhyun as always >.> LOL XD I would love to have a principal like BoA..sadly my principal isn't like that at all...Anyways UPDATE PLEASE~~~!!
Bwahahahahah! That's such a Heechul response! Update soon! :)
Cold Kyu. D: I wonder who his roommate is..? :O
Key is so Key. XD Looking forward to the next chapter!
BlackPenguins #6
Aw! Thank you!
Looking forward to it!