Here I Go

Welcome To The SM Family

Living in a small town had its pros and cons. Pros: you make friends fast and almost everyone has your back. Cons: Word gets around pretty fast. Whether you like it or not. I am the one and only Key. Key is my nickname; my real name is Kim Kibum. A few weeks back, I applied for a school, auditioned, and got accepted. That school is SM Town High School located in Seoul. It is manly an arts school. Singing, dancing, etc. This is why I applied since I have some fairly good vocals and can bust a move when I have too. As I board the train that will take me to Seoul, I plug in my headphones to my iPod and start playing music. I look back at my hometown, my parents waving goodbye to me in tears.

*Two Weeks Ago*

"Mom! I'm back!" I yell once I come in the house. "I just had the most amazing day at the mall. You will never believe what I bought!" I said in a normal voice as I saw my mom cleaning something she spilled. Apparently a type of sauce thing. "Mom, let me help."

"Aw. Thanks sweetie." she said as she stood up straight from her hunched position. I grabbed a rag and started cleaning the spots she missed. "Oh. Before I forget. You got a letter in the mail today. It’s on your bed." A letter? No one these days writes letters. The floor was now clean. "Ok. I'll be in my room if you need me." I gave her a kiss on her cheek and went up the stairs to my room.

I look around my room, towards my bed. A white envelope was sitting on my bed. I sigh and turn on my computer to log into some of the social networks I use. Nothing new. As always. Afterwards, I sit on my bed and pick up the white envelope, not bothering to check who it was from.


Dear Kim Kibum,

We were very impressed with your application and audition. You truly have the will suit to go for your dream and become an idol. Which is why we are pleased to inform you that have been accepted at SM Town High School. School of the future famous.

You may come to SM Town as soon as you want. Hopefully with enough time left so you can get to know the school campus and make some friends before school actually starts. Until you actually come to SM, you will be left with this information.

Yours Truly,

Principal Kwon Boa


My eyes were widened and my body was frozen from shock. I have no idea how long I sat there, rereading the letter to make sure I read it right. "Mom!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I ran down the stairs with the letter in my hands. She started at me once I was in the kitchen, trying to catch my breath. Running is so not my thing. I just pushed the letter into her hands for her to read while I sat down on the nearby chair.

After reading it, my mom’s eyes widened then a tear ran down her cheek. "My baby boy got accepted" she whispered to herself. "My boy really got accepted!" she said with a smile and pulled me into a tight hug while crying and laughing at the same time. A few tears ran down my face as I started to realize that I would have to leave my parents alone. Leave my mom here alone with no one but my dad. "I knew you would get in. I knew it!" She said as she ruffled my hair. "Now, go upstairs and get ready for dinner. You father would be here any minute." I nodded and headed upstairs to my room.

Dinner time came and we ate in silence. You could see the excitement on my mom's face. I was excited too, but I learned a long time ago how to hide my feelings. It was quiet until my dad asked how our days were. I told him about my day at the mall while my mom complained about finding yet another lizard on our backyard.

"Ahem. Kibum, don't you have something to tell your father?" she asked me with a glint in her eyes. I started chocking on the water I was drinking when I realized what she meant. I cleaned the corners of my mouth with my napkin and looked at my dad.

"Yes. Well, uhm Dad, I got accepted into SM Town High School" I saw my dad look down at his plate is confusion. Then he stood up and pounded his fist on the table. I flinched and looked at him again when his eyes met mine. He smiled his infamous smile and walked towards me. I stood up when he was in front of me and he pulled me into a hug.

"My son, my little Kibum. You got accepted into a big fancy school. I'm so proud of you, son!!" He said to me while my mom joined us in the group hug. "And I'm proud of you too, Kibum" she whispered to me. Both of my parents were proud of me. Maybe leaving my parents here alone wouldn't be such a bad idea. I smiled and hugged them back.

*Back to Present Time*

I waved my final goodbye to my parents and my friends that were standing over to the side. They were all crying, so was I. I turned around and made it to a seat. I put my bags and suitcase in the compartment above my seat and sat down. I looked back at my family and friends that waved me goodbye as the train departing. I gave each of them a small smile.

Once they were out of sight, I sighed and took out my iPod to change the song. In less than a day, I would be in the famous city of Seoul. I would be arriving at the SM Town campus and get assigned my dorm and class schedule.

"SM Town, watch out. Here comes the Almighty Key"



*A/N: Okay. First chapter is up. Pretty boring and short, right? Eh, well I think that. Next chapter will be hopefully up in a few days. School is going to start soon and I am freaking out. Anywho, I need to stick to my main subjeect. Next chapter is when Key will finally arrive at SM Town High School. Are you excited? Because I am! \(^.^)/

Until next the next chapter. Penguin is out! V(^.^)V *

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UPDATE. 0w0 plllleeeeeeaaasssseee?
Lovely_Soul #2
HEECHUL!!!! GAH! I love Heechul's personality here!! Cold Kyuhyun as always >.> LOL XD I would love to have a principal like BoA..sadly my principal isn't like that at all...Anyways UPDATE PLEASE~~~!!
Bwahahahahah! That's such a Heechul response! Update soon! :)
Cold Kyu. D: I wonder who his roommate is..? :O
Key is so Key. XD Looking forward to the next chapter!
BlackPenguins #6
Aw! Thank you!
Looking forward to it!