Energy vs Darkness

Bright lights and a big BANG

  Eunhyuk didnt know how right he was. Donghae had not managed to get any sleep. In the time Eunhyuk was away Donghae had studied the room even more. Getting every single detail he had not seen before. But this time he had tried knocking some common sence into himself. FIrst he needed to get his facts right.:

1- he could not stand Eunhyuk just a few hours ago.

2- Eunhyuk suddenly fell from the sky fighting people and Donghae almost got killed.

3- Eunhyuk had some wicked powers, he wasnt so sure if this was true or if his mind was playing tricks, but up till now everything had been weird so why not.

4-For some weird reason Eunhyuk might have saved his life,well... he did save his life definitly...

5- Next thing he knew he was in a cell, prisoner some place he didnt know.

6- Eunhyuk hadnt tried to hurt him but he hadnt tried to save him either, there was no sign of him getting out any time soon.

7- There wasnt a real good reason to trust Eunhyuk, specially since he hadnt brought anything good along with him.

8- Donghae knew that his stupid security and trust in Eunhyuk, wich he miserably admitted to have, could be the end of him.

9- He needed to man up and stop acting like a damcel in distrest everytime Eunhyuk came to his rescue. Last but not least,

10- he needed to get the hell away from wherever that place was and go back home before anything worse happened. Because obviously being obducted and kept prisoners but unknown people was bad enough. 

Those were the thoughts in Donghaes head the last 30 minutes or so.  He had also practiced his determination, attitude and lines for his next encounter with Eunhyuk, hoping that Eunhyuk would return before it was to late. The time Eunhyuk had been away Donghae had practice how serious, angry and curious his face should look, of course he didnt have a mirror so he didnt have any idea as to how his expression looked. He had also gone over his lines, direct to the point but not to aggressive, always trying to keep some sort of stupid line gaining back some of his selfrespect after being saved about two times in les then 20 minutes.  Donghae was sure that his instict to survive and the adrenaline kick had made him so submissive to Eunhyuk. That could also be the reason why he didnt feel danger when Eunhyuk was with him. But he had made sure to lock away those kind of emotions and focuz on one thing, getting away from this cell and going home no matter what. 

The long time of gathereing strenght and determination went away in almost 3 seconds when he saw Eunhyuks shape from the other side of the door. His palms getting sweaty and his heartbeat going slightly faster. His senses acting up more. Donghae was a bit scared of how his act of courage could end up.More importantly, he realised that even though he had a feeling that Eunhyk wouldnt hurt him, because why go through the trouble of saving him in the first place, but what about the rest? It was obvious that they werent alone in wherever they were. The were more of Eunhyuks kind, whatever that kind would be. Either way it wasnt sure if they were nice, or whether they liked the idea of him being there, or whether they were violent or not. Eunhyuk knew how to control his powers and all, but what if the rest where savages? What if they killed him because he knew too much? Besides, where were they? Where they far away from the city? Donghae thought that they shouldnt be so far, because Eunhyuk had been living here all along, he had still managed to go to school. But then he remembered that Eunhyuk could teleport, and that it would only take him a matter of seconds to get to the school no matter how far away he was. 

Donghae was determined to get answers. He wasnt sure if asking more about Eunhyuk was smart. He had decided that first he needed to make sure that he was safe. Donghae tried not to think about how Eunhyuk could just lie to him about everything, he also chose not to think about how deeply he didnt believe that Eunhyuk would lie to him. 

 Right now he sitting there stariing at the door, his gaze never leaving Eunhyuks figure. It could of course be somebody else, but Donghae could somewhat remember (very clearly) Eunhyuks shadow. Something he saw as a very great survival instinct. So he made a mental note that if he didnt recognise the shadow or the shape behind the door, then it wasnt Eunhyuk, then it wasnt safe and then he would have to be careful. Realising that he should probably be careful around Eunhyuk too Donghae sharpened his senses as much as he could as he watched the figures moving outside. At the end only a shape left behind the door and that was Eunhyuk. Donghae was sure of it. The shape made a small pause and then it reached out to a a botton or something on the wall and seconds later the door flew open. 

.He didnt know whether to feel relieved or insecure when Eunhyuk didnt seem in his right mind either. He was looking a bit nervous himself even though he tried to hide it but Donghae had gotten a hunch that Eunhyuk was maybe a bit worried. The sane part of his mind reminded him of all that he had planned so he tried to recompose himself and go for his speach. He tightened his fist as if giving himself encourangement. His eyes focused becoming serious but at the same time looking understanding, wondering and believing. He was staring right in Eunhyuks eyes, the other could not leave his and he could not leave his own either. He had to talk now, but suddenly he was getting cold feet and he didnt remember what came first, there was so much he wanted to ask. What are you? Where am i ? Explain whats going on. When can i go home? But right now he didnt know wich one came first, so he picked the one that seemed easiest. 

" Eunhyuk, explain what's going on.?"

He didnt blink, he didnt breath, he stared right at Eunhyuk with a serious expression. A sincere expression that wouldnt tolerate lies. He saw as Eunhyuk got shocked and tensed up before sighting and stepping closer in so the the glass door between them would close and they were both inside the cell.

Eunhyuk POV: 

Well he is straight forward. More importantly how the hell do i answer this? I must have been staring a bit because he said" "what? come on, something wrong?." huuuh... he really wont let me get away from this one. 

" I dont know"

i said. Well something is definitly wrong! He is here, I brought him here, they want to take him back whithout protection, they want to delete his memory and the elders are all pissed at me ( exept for Hankyung, i dont really know what he thinks) and to top it all off Donghae is here in a cell, even though he hasnt done anything

." You are really asking me if something is wrong when youre in a cell? Or didnt you notice that? "

My voice giving out how much i thought the question was stupid. 

. " Eunhyuk", i looked at him, .

" Why am i here? I havent done anything, but still i cant have any contact with anything or anyone exept for you and i am pretty sure thats because you can give some kind of orders." 

I give a sigh.. " I know you havent done anything. They wont let you out for precaution, we have never had a human here. Not one that came unauthorised anyway. They just want to make sure that you wont harm the others..."

I took a small pause as i saw him take in the information. He didnt seem to understand very well but i continued anyways.

" As for where we are, you cant know that, its bad enough that you even know this place exists. Even though you dont know what it is and you havent seen anything.

I said when i saw that he was going to protest

." The mere fact that youre here its wrong, but that its my fault so its me their angry at."

DOnghae gave a small nod even though i could see that he was still thinking hard about something and that he still had something to say.

" Dont worry, they want to bring you back"

Donghae looked extremely relieved to hear that and i couldnt help but feel a bit dissapointed thet he wants to go back so soon even though its totally our fault for keeping him prisoner and there shouldnt be any reason for us to want to hang out together. So i guess that is just me being irrational.

" You know that i wont be happy with just knowing that, Eunhyuk what are you ?." 

Fine i give up, ill tell him. Maybe if he knows enough they wont delete his memory and he could be our ally, i dont know. Maybe he could just be my company its bad enough going to high school without having permission to sosialise with people.

" Well.... we're not humans, thats for sure."

He just scoffed at that before I continued. " I am not sure if we have some speciall name, but in the old scrolls we call our people vis. I dont know who got us that name but its the old language so only a few people know it." Donghae nodded, he was paying attention to every single word.

" You know they would kill me if they could when they find out that i am telling you all this..."

His eyes grew wide in an undeniably cute way that i never thougth possible, i think that i should say surprises like that more often to see that expression, it was funny.

" Hehe..... but either way, we're not that different. We look just like you, almost... The biggest difference is that we need energy more than you do, we run out easier, while you wouldnt probably not notice it. When humans run low on energy you feel tired, when we run low we wind up on the hospital or we die. Everyone has trackers,"

I show him the mark on my wrist,

" It tells people how much prosent they got left. Its like a biological battery reminder, i guess. You follow so far?"

 " I guess so, but wouldnt you die out? What do you do when you dont have more energy left? "

"  Easy, we recharge. There is this material called lucis, it gathers energy and materialises it, making it possible for us to extract the energy and put it directly into our system."His face makes a deep frown and he says

, " Like through an injection?? "  

hehe lol,

" No, well yes, but no exactly the same. Its different from your injections since its energy we're getting not medicin.  Well the point is, that stone called lucis is rare and you can find it here on earth. I am not sure there are in any other planets, not that I have been in other planets.... My people lives here because of it, so that we can survive"

 I took a break from talking letting Donghae think a bit about everything i've told him. Kind of waiting for him to freak out or something any time soon, but it doesnt happen. He just sits there looking very concentrated and interested, but not scared. Like if he forgets he is still a prisoner and as if he trusts in me, something i never thought any human would do. But he does, he believes me, he appareantly not scared of me and it doesnt seem like he is planning to secretly kill all of my people off. With how careful the elders are about humans, that is what i always thought would happen.

" Okey, next "

he starts talking again and i grab the chair that is at the corner of the cell and sit down. It seems like i'm going to have to explain a lot and I hate standing.

" Who where the people trying to kill you? You know that Changmin and Yunho person? "

You would have thought that after so many years their names wouldnt affect me, but they do. At their mention, my jaw and fists tighten. My heart beats faster and memories of the old days come creeping back. But Donghae is looking at me and he is waiting for an answer, and i think he kind of deserves an answer since this were the people that almost killed him.

" They are from a clan called Tenebris Militis, they are our enemies. I dont know much about their people, but i do know that they werent always around. They showed up about 70 years ago and they have grown in number ever since then. All i know is that they are traitors trying to kill us off, the reason is unknown."  

" Traitors?"

" Yeah, all of them. They used to be part of our people but they turned to the dark side, and started fighting us instead. Changmin and Yunho used to fight beside us, but one day they dissappeared. next thing I knew they were attacking the secret hideout so we had to move."

" Oh, sorry about that"

He seems to have noticed the sudden mood swing because i can see he is trying of what to say. Honestly, Changmin, Yunho and the others, we were brothers. Its terrible to have to fight them..

" So how big is this place? It must not be very big, since you where able to move it ...."

 This takes me back to reality

" Oh its big alright! It took a lot of effort to teleport it somewhere else. I remember I couldnt move for a whole week after that. Everyone was exausted after that, there were even a few deaths....."

I was going to keep talking but something interrupted me. Shame though because Donghae had his eyes and mouth wide open, kind of reminding me of a fish.  The look was so funny that i was considering exagerating things a bit and talk about all the deaths and stuff, but then again, that's probably a not so good idea. 

Donghaes POV

WOOOOOOOOOOwwww!!!!! Ok, i did not see that coming. Seriously if anybody else had said that, i would have started laughing in their faces. But this is EUnhyuk, and he can read my mind when he holds my hand, and he saved me from Changmin and Eunhyuk. He looked sincere and hurt while talking of the traitors and of the deaths. But still, is so much to take in. By now i've forgotten the idea of leaving and being carefull. I am serious, but its just that im seriously trying to remember and to understand every single detail.  Lucklly there was a peeping noise, like an alarm clock, that interrupted because I was just about to ask more. That would probably have been a bit rude since he was talking about his people dying. 

Eunhyuk stood up and went towards the place where the peeping noise came from and he stopped in front of a wall. I tilted my head a bit to be able to see better what was going on. Then from the perfectly white wall, just like magic, came a rectangular shaped, clear gummy looking thing that was about three inches thick. EUnhyuk sighed heavily abd shook his head a bit before taking a few steps back and extending his left arm. He looked at me and gave me a small smile before closing turning around, at the same time his hand started glowing silver. It reminded me of the time when he first teleported us to my house, only that it was only around his left hand. The clear gummy box got the same color as his light and started shining along with him. Suddenly a voice resonated around the room.


Eunhyuk turned his head away from the lightning box contorting his face in discomfort as if trying to block out the loud noise. Wich was of course impossible because i had covered both my ears and could still hear it perfectly. This time a different voice had begun speaking.

" YAH!!! YOU STUPID ANCHOVY, DO YOU NOT RESPECT YOUR ELDRS??!! YAHH !! COME HERE QUICKLY, WE'RE GONNA HAVE A SERIOUS CONVERSATION!! Aish really!! We were nice before because it wasnt totally your fault, but how do expect us to accept THIS! " The voice changed again, and a more calm but strong voice talked.

" CHullie stop.... EUnhyuk we're going to havve a meeting afterwards,this time bring the human. In the meantime prepare yourself that Leeteuk hyung wis on his way there adn he is pissed. Kanging tried to stop him but it was impossible, gther your energy if you want to survive him now, ok ? " 

I swear to god I saw Eunhyuk shiver, not even a bit, but more like shake in his spot at what the calm man had said. It almost looked like there was an earthquake only where he was standing and his legs almost gave out. But then he took his act together and said

" Ok, thanks Hankyung hyung. ill meet him and we'll definitly be there."

Then he took his hand away from the box, the ligh and the sound stopped and the box dissapeared. He looked at me and I wanted to ask something, but it was impossible. It doesnt matter, because the confusion on my face must have spoken for me.

" Well come on DOnghae, sheer up, think off the bright side. If the elders want to have you in a meeting, you're probably not a prisoner anymore."

Then he opend the door, grabbed my elbow and took me outside the cell with him. Somehow I think that he took my elbow, and not my hand on porpuse adn that his encouraging words were to encourage himself, not me. 




Its been a long time :)  ive finally finished this chapter XD yeeeeyyyyyyy !!! sorry for any typos :)

I hope that you like it and comment. Also i thought i would let you know that this will probably have many chapters, dont know if thats bad or good >-< if anyone has any suggestion for improvements feel free to tell me :) 

So enjoy <3<3


Also, i know itsa few days late but what do you think of IU & Hyuk scandal??


My eunhae fangirl heart almost died when it saw this ><  BUT  I do believe they were on the couch and that he wasnt shirtless. :) 

Donghae dont be sad , Eunhae fighting :D



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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 7: Finally euu update....!!!
Chapter 7: This is interesting story xD
MyeolchiHyuk #3
heyloo.. new reader here..
love ur story...

can't wait for ur next update..
eastcandle90 #4
Chapter 6: please...update soon...the curiosity is killing me now...please99x.....*puppy eyes*
kiki-chan #5
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
kiki-chan #6
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
yaaaaaaaa im soo curious yeahhh! omo!!! update soon!
jewelsvalencia #8
Waaahh cool one! :)
Is Donghae not human either? If Hyuk was shocked about him not having a single scratch and being able to heal so quickly, what does that show for him.

AHH! I forgot about Siwon XDD Mr. Forever Shirtless.
jewelsvalencia #10
Nice onee!! ^^