Fantastic 4

Bright lights and a big BANG

Eunhyuk was actually a man of high status around here. He was peoples hope, he behaved a bit like their leader or their king even though he wasnt. Therefore people had always treated him like one. He could do whatever he wanted and nobody would go against him. He break or make rules. He was free to do whatever. But still here he was getting yelled at like a little boy. With his head bowed down, eyes staring at the floor and not making a sound. He knew hi didnt have to stand there, he could actually just turn on his heel and leave. But that was something he wouldnt dare to do in front of the people he considered his parents. Eunhyuks real parents had died in war and the men in front of him and Siwon, who was standing just as Eunhyuk just half a meter behind him,  took him in and raised him. 

    Except for the fact that Eunhyuk understood why Leeteuk, the man  currently screaming at him, was so angry. It was more the fact that he had gotten so angry that shut EUnhyuk up. Eunhyuk knew he had made a mistake, He exposed Donghae to their world, physically harmed him by draining his energy and to top it off, brought him to their secret hidingplace. Those were the two golden rules that should never be broken. eunhyuk knew they were very important because he was there when they wrote the rules down with big golden letters, to make sure people understood they were the most important. The golden rules of the safe house. Even though there was little a human could do against them, if the human talked about them it would no longer be just a human, but an intire population going to war with them. So to avoid the risks, it was forbidden to let humans know about them. Even though they were forbidden in the safe house, it was also forbidden to harm them. Not only had Eunhyuk himself harmed a human, even though that wasnt the point, but he also put him in danger off being found by Yunho and Changmin.  Eunhyuk knew he had screwed up.

      Leeteuk was the motherly one of the four elders. Even though they looked in their twenties, they were actually about fifty.  The four elder were the key points to them winning the war.  Their were very powerful and had unique abilities. Most of the people, including Eunhyuk himself, didnt know all they could actually do. But they knew they were strong. Years ago, the elders were the key to winning the war. Afterwards many children had been left without family and the elders took those who had absolutly nothing in. Eunhyuk was one of these kids. Leeteuk being the motherly one and all, was always the one that remained calmed under almost any situation. He was the one who always knocked some sence into everyone. But now he was angry, very angry. Even Kangin, Leeteuks boyfriend,(though theyre more like husbands since they have been together for so long) didnt say a word. He didnt even try stopping Leeteuk. If there was someone who knew Leeteuk, that was Kanging and if Kangin let him be, everyone else did the same. 

     If Leeteuk was motherly, Kangin was the fatherly one. He was never very good when it came to expresing himself and helping others. But he was always there for them and he was always protecting them . In their own weird way, Leeteuk and Kangin were the perfect parents, at least to Eunhyuk.  This was odd to think about, since they were so different. While Leeteuks light was warm bright like the sun, Kanging was darker like the night, but at the same time secure. Leeteuk was the kind of person to show all his emotions, but who knew how to control himself. While Kangin was never good at talking, but always good at taking action. 

   Even though things were looking bad with Leeteuk and Kangin looked really pissed as well, Eunhyuk was more scared of what his " Uncle" might do. His "uncle" would be Heechul, the third elder. Heechul was like nobody else Eunhyuk had ever met. His skin was fair and white and his face was beatiful. He had long red hair and could be mistaken as a girl. Wich was just creepy considering his age...  The thing about Heechul was, that beside his angelic looks, he was the one with the worst character. Heechul was like a vulcano that could easily explode any time. If he exploded on Eunhyuk, he usually ended with a few bruises before  someone managed to stop Heechul from killing him. So naturally, seeing Heechul frowning, glaring at Eunhyuk and grunting, scared Eunhyuk less. He clenched his fist just in case he needed to defend himself. At the same time clenching his jaw just in case he didnt react fast enough. 

  Eunhyuk gave Heechul, quickly looking away so wouldnt be caught. He was a bit relieved. Even though Heechul was mad, Hankyung was holding his hand. Hankyung was his boyfriend and the last elder. He was also like an uncle. Hankyung was actually the calmest one of the four. His powers allowed him to see the future. Though Eunhyuk knew that, he didnt know to what extenct his powers could go. Nobody was sure if he was always calm because he saw things coming or because that was his personality. Even now Eunhyuk couldnt be sure. Hankyungs face was unreadeble, but he didnt look as upset as the rest. 

   Hankyungs and Heechuls relationship astonished everyone. Everyone wondered what kind of thing Heechul had done in his past life to deserve someone with so much patience as Hankyung. Eunhyuk had heard rumors before saying how Heechul was hated by everyone before he met Hankyung. hankyung was the only one who could easily control Heechul and make him open up to people. They say it was only after te two got together that Heechul got known for being loyal and a protector of the ones close to him. Eunhyuk had given up trying to understand. He only knew that Heechul was meant to be with Hankyung and viceversa, Kangin was made for Leeteuk and viceversa. It could not be any more perfect than it was and Eunhyuk could not imagine his family being any different. 

  Those where the elders, Leeteuk, Kangin, Heechul and Hankyung. They had raised both Eunhyuk and Siwon. They were probably the only ones who could scream at Eunhyuk without it backfiring. 

   Half an hour had passed and Leeteuk was still screaming about responsability and disappointment. Eunhyuk was getting tired. He didnt feel like it was such a bad thing having Donghae there. But deep inside he knew that it could have been avoided. He had seen Donghae on his way down from the sky. He had actually plenty of time to continue his old plan of scaping mid-air to the safe house. That way it would have been impossible for Yunho and Changmin to trace him since he still had enough energy for that. But the moment he saw Donghae he got curious about what he was doing. He lost track of time and kept staring at Donghae, trying to take in details. He only came back to his senses when he crashed wit the ground. But it was already too late and Donghae was involved.  Of course he wouldnt admit the fact that he knew this to anyone. not even to himself. 

Eunhyuk POV:

   OK, this has been going on for too long, its time to stop this. I cleared my throat a bit loudly gaining the elders attention. Leeteuk even stopped yelling at me, he was probably tired from too much screaming. I took a deep breath and looked slowly meting Leeteuks eyes, hoping i was giving a determined but appologetic gaze. I wasnt sure what kind of responce I wanted, but they only sighed and Heechul and Leeteuk gave themself a massage on their temples. 
" I am sorry..I.. I..." ! its difficult to say something i dont even understand myself !>.< " Im just sorry..." 

" OK, you know what... It's enough" I looked up immidiatly at Leeteuk. Mentally sighing glad he had stopped screaming. But then i just froze when I heard what he was saying. " Things are not that bad. The human is not severly hurt and you did save him. We can just delete his memory and return him. He hasnt been here long and hasnt seen too much. It should be fine. "

   Right when he finished talking my jaw dropped and my face froze. Leeteuk and them are all looking at me with questioning looks. I dont really know what is wrong with me. I dont know why I dont want him to leave, but i cant say i want him to stay either. Mostly because i am not sure i want him to, because i am not sure why i want him to and because i know that its out of the question. Honestly i am a bit concerned about Yunho and Changmin finding him. At least that's the only thing that makes sence to me...

     " I am not sure that is such a good idea..." I said earning a grunt from Leeteuk while Heechul, Kangin and Siwon looked at me with are-you-ing-kidding-me,what-the-hell-are-you-thinking looks . Hankyung remained the same... I am pretty sure he knew this would happen. It just scares me that maybe he already knows everything that will happen in his life. 

Leeteuk moved back and forward shaking his head a bit. " What do you want Eunhyuk!? First you break the rules, than here I am trying to control myself and coming up with a good solution and what? You say you are against it? If you actually think I would let that unknown human stay here, you are crazy!" Leeteuk was raising his voice with every sentence, making me jump a bit with the last one.

" That is not what i meant... Listen i already feel bad enough for taking his energy and i know for sure that messing with a humans brain has side effects." I know that we have the best men when it comes to that sort of things, but nothing its garanteed and there is always a risk. " I just dont want to hurt him more. Besides if we send Donghae back without his memory, him being careless and clueless, it would be even riskier and easier for Yunho and Changmin to find him. All i am saying is that if we leave him unprotected and without his memory he will most probably get killed. At least if he has his memory he will be more careful.." 

    At this point Heechul made a fast movement that looked as if he was going to beat the crap out of me, but Hankyung held the hem of his shirt and kept him in place making him frown. Hankyung sighed, first time he changed his face expression since half an hour ago, and cleared his throat. Everyone, including me, looked at him expecting what he had to say. Hankyung was the type to maintain still in discussions, but when he did speak, he usually had the last word. He looked at me with a knowing look and said, " I understand, Eunhyuk is right. Eunhyuk how about you go check on the human while we discuss what to do." I just nodded turning on my heel and walked away with Siwon behind me. I tried composing myself on the 10 feet walk over to the door, not wanting my legs to give out or my face to show the terror I was trying hard to hide. Getting scolded by the elders, Leeteuk, was not an usual thing and it always scared me. Even more when i know I did something wrong. 

End of POV

    Eunhyk and Siwon were on their way to the cells where Donghae was. Eunhyuk was trying to figure out what the knowing look of Hnakyung meant. But he had no idea. Siwon was oddly quiet, but Eunhyuk knew he was also quite scared and that he would probably snap out of iy soon. Then he would start babbling nonestop. Eunhyk couldnt stop thinking about what he would say to Donghae and about what would happen in the future.  So when he finally got to where Donghaes cell was, he hesitated a bit before ordering the guards and Siwon out. Knowing that if Donghae was awake, he was probably looking at him through the mosaic glass.



Hellooo there....

I am back,sorry that it took so long for this to come. Sorry that its such a boring and useless chapter >.< But i really wanted to present them. I spent a while wondering if i should write this chapter or not ..  I am really sorry if i bored you to death ;( 

But i do hope you read it and get eager to know what is going to happen... :3

Spoiler: I have no idea what i am going to write next .. XD 

HAHA..ha.. ( not funny ? :3 ) 

But really, i sort of dont want Donghae to leave, wherever they are( havent figured that out yet) But i also think good things can happen if they go back ;) Like maybe Eunhyuk and Donghae leaving together  :D

Yeah, so comment your opinion :) 

ALSO, i started a new story called Blue water :) I know its stupid since i hardly have time to update this one, but I got the idea and i sort of had to do something about it. 

Check it out when the first chapter comes :) 

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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 7: Finally euu update....!!!
Chapter 7: This is interesting story xD
MyeolchiHyuk #3
heyloo.. new reader here..
love ur story...

can't wait for ur next update..
eastcandle90 #4
Chapter 6: please...update soon...the curiosity is killing me now...please99x.....*puppy eyes*
kiki-chan #5
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
kiki-chan #6
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
yaaaaaaaa im soo curious yeahhh! omo!!! update soon!
jewelsvalencia #8
Waaahh cool one! :)
Is Donghae not human either? If Hyuk was shocked about him not having a single scratch and being able to heal so quickly, what does that show for him.

AHH! I forgot about Siwon XDD Mr. Forever Shirtless.
jewelsvalencia #10
Nice onee!! ^^