
Bright lights and a big BANG

Eunhyuk POV

     Ouugh... such a headache... My head is trobbing so much i dont dare to open my eyes. Where am i anyways? What happened? I wonder who is that staring at me? Its such a bother, I can feel someone eyeing me, that person its close as well. Uff,  ill have to force myself to open my eyes... I hate doing that. 

     Right after opening my eyes i had to close them again. the lights are too bright. I blink my eyes slowly and lightly, geting my eyes used to it. Slowly i start to see a shade that then turns into a shape and a body. Its clearly a man, considering that he is not wearing a shirt and i can see his abs... Wait a minute i recognize those muscles!.. Well that sounded weird...

" Hyukkiee!!!! " Yepp, its him Im sure its him...

" Siwon.." Damn, my voice sounded too weak, what is wrong with me ? I was about to try speaking again, this time without my voice cracking halfway trhough. But Siwon thought this was a good idea to start asking a bunch of questions. Of wish i didnt understand half of them since he spoke so fast.  "... what were you doing? what were you thinking? you could have died! Are you okey now? Im sorry. Why did you make me worry? Why did you take so long? Are you hurt? I thought you..." I cut him off before he could continue, sometimes he just worries to much. Besides if he is here that means that it worked. I was able to transport him to us and he managed to save us... wait, US!! Donghae!! " Donghae!" 

  " Hyung, whee is he? Is he okey? Nothing happened right?"  God i am starting to sound like Siwon. But i remember now. Changmin and Yunho were close to finding us. But i didnt have enough energy to save us both, so i tried bringing Siwon. He is powerful enough to save all three of us. But to do that i had to take energy from Donghae. ! I look around, im in the recharging room with two wires connected to the both sides of my ribs. I looked at the glowing mark on my left wrist, i am already fully charged. I sat up and started loosening the wires so that i could stand up and walk freely. Siwon, being too worried for no reason, objects. of course he would object. But i am not really paying much attention to what he is saying anyways.

" Hyukkie, you cant leave yet, you need to rest..."

"No Siwon, i dont. i am fully charged already and knowing you ive probably been for a while now. This is just waisting energy and waisting my time as well. "  He sighed, he knows i am right. The energy we collect is needed for other porpuses and if we waste it many lives could be lost.  Siwon seems to be deep in thought as he follows me out the room and through the hallway.

" No energy could ever be wasted on you, suddenly he starts talking as if he has figured out what and how he wants to say something. I know the energy is precious but you know it would be even worse if you died... " I clench my fists and my jaw, forcing myself to shut up. because i want to argue with that but i know that he is right. Unfortunally i know that if the time came, even if they had to use up all the energy we have, if it was to keep me alive, they would use it all up even though it meant killing others that needed it in the progress. I knew that and still i acted so careless. i could have escaped that night. It was the plan all along. The barrier in that park is thinner, i would have been able to escape and leave almost no trace behind. Since Changmin and Yunho were also quite damaged they wouldnt have been able to trace me with their low energy. But knowing them they would have killed Donghae, taken all of his energy and chased me afterwards. Thats the reason i stayed... Because of him i almost got myself killed, wich would have gotten everybody else killed as well. I really hope he is fine...

" Where is he ?" Siwon looked at me raising an eyebrow with an extremed confused face... Wait a minute.. Dont tell me he didnt bring him??!! " Donghae! The boy! the human! where is he ?! " My voice panicking more and more with each question, dont ask me why, but it was suddenly very important... " ohhh..... Something seemed to click with Siwon. Yes i did bring him. I had to you were holding him taking his energy, if you realised him you would have died, so i had to bring him." My eyes widened and i froze in place. Half of me amazed by the way Siwon talked of him like his life didnt matter at all. Making me annoyed again knowing he was so worked about me a few minutes ago. the other half because of the shock.. I took more energy than i intended to.. Donghae was already weak at that moment, dont tell me i... that i..." he is not dead.. if that is what you think..amazingly he survived and he also recovered quite nicely. But Leeteuk doesnt trust him since he is not like us so he locked him up." I sighed and relief, at least i didnt kill him. But than shook my head slightly as i made my way to the cells, things are really not going my way. " You can go" i said to Siwon when we were at our destination. he gave me a dissaprooving look, but i gave him a glare and he slowly made his way out. the guards just gave me the key and left as well when i gave them a signal to.

End of POV

     Donghae had woken up on a bed with light gray sheets. He had a bandaid looking thing on his arm and it hurt a bit. He had probably been given a shot of some sort, he didnt know wich one or why so the thought scared him. He didnt know where he was and the last thing he remembered was a man appearing in front of him and Eunhyuk. At first he thought it was all just a dream. That Eunhyuk didnt litterally come flying towards him and that they werent attacked, or that Eunhyuk didnt glow and that they didnt teleport. That Eunhyuk hadnt been badly hurt and he hadnt cleaned his wounds. he hought that nothing like that ever happened. But that of course didnt explain why he would wake up in this place, wich is definetly not his bedroom and not his bed. If his dream wasnt a dream than Eunhyuk could teleport and they could be anywhere.  Donghae sat in the small, but quite conftable bed, and looked around. Examinating the room, trying not to miss any detail. The room was small and the walls were gray. Actually almost everything waas gray, the bed, the walls, the chair on the corner and the floor. the only light source was a bright neon sircle encraved at the roof.  As for the door, Donghae wasnt quite sure. The last wall was made of glass. the glass was quite thick and it worked like a mosaik( A/n idk ;/ one of those thick blurry ones were you cant see details but only shapes.) From it Donghae could make out two or maybe three people standing outside. they had been ther for a while without mooving around, that and the slight creepy felling of the room, made Donghae certain that he was in a prison.  It was a great conclusion, but he didnt recall doing nothing wrong and he didnt know where he ws. So apart from feeling wronged and thinking that this was unfair, Donghae was mostly scared. Again, for who knows how many times since he had met Eunhyuk, Donghae was feeling scared and hopeless.

    It had been about an hour or so when Donghae saw unknown shapes nearing him, not that he knew the rest but he was sure they were just guards. Suddenly the "guards" started leaving one by one and only a shape was left. The shape was more like a shadow and it was approaching Donghaes door, stopping right infront of it, almost hesitating a bit. Donghae took a deep breath, he had an idea of who it was by now, or who he sort of wished it was, but he didnt know why he was feeling nervous all of a sudden. The person went to the side and pushed something making the glass wall split in half and open revieling a very nervous looking, very HEALTHY looking and lets admit.. hot looking Eunhyuk. Dionghae blinked, pushing out the very hot part.  He didnt know what to say or how to react as Eunhyuk stepped inside and the doors locked behind him.

   At first he looked somewhere else and Eunhyuk wasnt exactly looking at his face either so he figured it didnt matter. BUt that he looked back at Eunhyuk, and observed well his arms... They idnt have one cut on them, not a scratch not a bruise. It didnt make any sence, neither did anything else for that matter. So Donghae gathered courage and finally spoke ..." What the hell is going on Eunhyuk? " It was a question and Donghae said ity loud and clear. Enhyuk cringed slightly, he wasnt really prepared to answer that, he wasnt sure he should or how he should do it either.
    " I am sorry, but i cant tell you that.."

    " I am sorry but you have to.Donghae was gettting annoyed. " Yesterday I didnt ask anything because i didnt think it fit the moment. That means i ignored you and the other two flying towards me, you reading my mind or something like that, you fighting like that, you teleporting i\us, i repeat TELEPORTING US, to my house were you had never been before and than i get to wake up here in a cell. Thats what this is right, its a cell ?!" Donghae had by now, long lost his cool. This sort of surprised Eunhyuk, Donghae had always kept his cool. Whenever the girls followed him around in school, when Eunhyuk was rude to him and even during the other night while the fight was going on. Donghae had freaked out a little but he had kept his composure, right now Donghae was screaming at him and his face was red and showed all his anger and furstration that had bottled up in the hours he had been in there. Eunhyuk sighed. " Youre right, you deserve some answerrs, but i cant tell you everything. you just have to trust me."

    Donghae frowned at the words. You just have to trust me. Eunhyuk had asked him way too many times to trust him. What was weird is that Donghae always did. It was very weird how Donghae had gone from nearly hating Eunhyuk, to calming down and trusting him everytime the latter asked him to in a very short amount of time. Actually, he would say that only in half an hour or so. Never the less he needed answers and this was enough for now. So he released a heavy sigh before nodding his head. While staring at the floor like it was extremely intereting, wich it wasnt, it was gray. Donghae noticed Eunhyuk taking the chair at the corner and sitting in front of him only a few feet away. " Just ask me questions and i will try to answer them correctly" Eunhyuk sounded hesitant and spoke rather lowly. Donghae thought back to the happening, trying to find easy questions to begin with.

   He was playing with his fingers and remembered how Eunhyuk had held his hand. Ignoring the slight tingily feeling that came with the memory, he also remembered when he could hear Eunhyuk in his mind, when they communicated through their thoughts only. Donghae was unsure of what he was actually asking " In my mind, it came out as a mumble. "Huh? was Eunhyuk answers... " I heard you in my mind, and you could hear me. Were you reading my mind? what," Donghae paused wondering if he was making any sence. he looked up at Eunhyuk who opened his mouth a bit seeming to understand.  " i was holding your hand. If i hold your hand, or someones hand we can communicate through our thoughts. I can hear yours and you can hear my, its like a link or a connection i guess.." Donghae only gaped abit at his words, unsure if he got it. Eunhyuk didnt feel like explaining it again so instead he reached out his hand, signaling Donghae to take it. Donghae hesitated abit. There was something about holding Eunhyuks hand so often that made him slightly nervous. But he thought it was normal, since he wasnt so glad in skinship. But since he wanted to know, he reached out and held Eunhyuks hand. 'Do you hear me? Donghae only widened his eyes in response and staed at eunhyuks face to make sure he wasnt talking using his mouth. ' I guess you do hear me than, said or thought Eunhyuk flashing a smile at Donghae who seemed even more surprised. He knew that this had happened before. But at that time he was so full of adrenaline that his mind didnt really register so much. He merely went along with everything happening around him in act of survival. ' Well it works like this, hands linked, Eunhyuk raised their hands a bit, and thoughts linked. whatever i think you can hear it. Whatever you think, i can hear it.' 'wow , no privasy' Donghae thought, forgetting that Eunhyuk could hear him. Eunhyuk found this very amusing and let go of Donghaes hand to cover up his mouth while he laughed out loud. Leaning his head back in the progress. Totally missing the slightly flushed sheeks of Donghae, and Donghae thanked every god out there that their hands werent linked right now so that eunhyuk couldnt hear how he had thought that his laugh was gorgeous. A thought and a feeling he really wanted to forget about.

   Donghae cleared his troat loudly snapping Eunhyuk out of his laughter. "sorry" he said looking avoiding Donghaes eyes, a bit embarresed about loosing control like that, even though it was only for a few seconds. ( A/n i  kno i really drag out the time...)  " Anyways, we appeared at my house.. you have never beemn to my house how did you even get us there?" Donghae thought that changing the subject was a good idea now, beside the tension that there was before was pretty much gone now and he was feeling a bit more comfable and secure.  " I told you to think of a place and than i held your hands. That means i linked our thoughts again. So i only focused on where your thoughhts were, and using enough energy i was able to transfer us to the place where your thoughts were. I wish i could show you that but it drains my energy a lot and Siwon would get angry at me for wasting energy in that since i am fully charged now. "  Donghae only nodded realising that it had been him thinking about his house. But speaking of energy... " I got tired all of a sudden. i dont know why but i lost all my strenght... " Donghae didnt mean to say it very loudly. He was mostly talking to himself and it wasnt supposed to be a question or anything. but eunhyuk heard him and felt the guilt swallowing him alive. " Im sorry... That was my fault. Donghae looked at Eunhyuk, his head ws lowered and he was clenching his fists. " I lost a big amoutn of energy when we we teleported. I didnt have enough to bring us to safety, so i thought of summoning Siwon. But i didnt have enough enrgy for that either and i.... i took some of yours ..." Donghae widened his eyes slightly. He wasnt as surprised as he should be. The thought of that happening had actually crossed his mind. But he didnt know that was really possible. " Im really sorry.. Siwon also told me that i didnt let go untli we got here, that means i took more energy than nesessary.. You could have died. .. " Donghae could hear the remorse in Eunhyuks voice and he didnt like it. He wasnt dead and he was safe, or so he thought, so he didnt have a rwason to be mad. " Its okey, he said, just tell me what did they gave me? Donghae asked showing Eunhyuk the bandaid on his arm indicating a shot. " Oh, they probably gave you energy so that you would survive. Its nothing bad." Donghae could feel that Eunhyuk was bothered by the fact that Donghae was near dying. Honestly he didnt know he had been that close to death, the thought scared him. But he wasnt dead so he didnt want to think about it.  s" Did they do the same to you? You were probably worse than me anyways..." eunhyuk looked straight at Donghaes eyes, seeing that he wasnt angry he relaxed a bit. Although he was still veryorry. But somehow staring into Donghaes eyes calmed him down. He smiled a bit. " Yeah you could say they did the same, they charged me. eunhyuk showed Donghe the glowing mark on his wrist. Donghae was shocked, he wasnt expecting this, even int he middle of this crazy conversation he didnt know what to make out of that. He could only stare at Eunhyuk and ask another question...

    " Eunhyuk, what are you?" But before the latter could answer the glass door opened. Showing a shirtless man, whos abs Donghae kind of recognized. " Eunhyuk we have to go..." Eunhyuk only sighed before nodding and heading out. Before leaving comepletely he turned to Donghae and said " Sorry ill tell you next time, just wait for me. Trust me." With that he left leaving behind an intrigued and hopeless Donghae with no other choice than to trust him, again.




okiiiii here ios the next chapter.. tyhis got soo long!! X3 it wasnt meant to be so long. hehe the muscular man was Siwon.. you gotta love them abs of his @_@

So i it will be a hile before i update next chaper so i hope this please you in the mean time.  School has started and the real world its killing me, i wish i could just moove to a eunhae paradise where i can be happy for the rest of my life ..... XD

Tell me what you think and sorry for typos and weird sentences. :P

Here are some lovely pics

SIWON_ABS_19102010122205.jpg   mr y abs


Ok bye :)

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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 7: Finally euu update....!!!
Chapter 7: This is interesting story xD
MyeolchiHyuk #3
heyloo.. new reader here..
love ur story...

can't wait for ur next update..
eastcandle90 #4
Chapter 6: please...update soon...the curiosity is killing me now...please99x.....*puppy eyes*
kiki-chan #5
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
kiki-chan #6
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
yaaaaaaaa im soo curious yeahhh! omo!!! update soon!
jewelsvalencia #8
Waaahh cool one! :)
Is Donghae not human either? If Hyuk was shocked about him not having a single scratch and being able to heal so quickly, what does that show for him.

AHH! I forgot about Siwon XDD Mr. Forever Shirtless.
jewelsvalencia #10
Nice onee!! ^^