Bright lights.

Bright lights and a big BANG

 A/N: OMG the people that commented so far .. THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU AND  IAM SO FREKING HAPPPYYYYY !!  ok , bye crazy moment bcuz of my 1st story lol XD

       Donghae never thought he would find himself in this kind of situation. Yet here he was, scared and shaking. Yepp you heard right, Donghae the one that usually was never scared of anything and usually would go around saving people, was scared.  Hi had thought about running away thinking that maybe they would just ignore him. But as soon as he tried to move he noticed his legs getting weak and he didnt dare to continue. His heart was thumping loudly, he was scared that maybe Eunhyuk could hear him, or the other two men as well. Donghae wasnt the type to get scared during a fight . NO , not at all he was the type to go out and fight, especially if it was about one of his friends. It didnt matter if he got hurt or if he got some bruises or if they lost the fight for that matter. He would always just shake it out and continue like it never happened. That been said, this wasnt a normal situation. Here in front of him stood two men in black. They were armed, with knives and guns. At least that was what he could see since Eunhyk stood in front of him ,and he didnt dare to move his head to the side, who knew what else the two men could possibly have. If they werent armed maybe it wouldnt be as dangerous ,he thought.  Tehy were two, and Eunhyuk and him were two as well. But of course Eunhyuk was injured and bleeding. Not to forget that they werent exactly normal people either. donghae was pretty sure that they were just as dangerous without arms, considering that they litterally flew in, or jumped in, fromthe sky. Donghae was pretty sure no human , or at least a normal one, was able to do that. This also made him get scared of Eunhyuk. he had fallen from the sky only to crash horribly against the ground, and was STILL alive. And as much as it made him wondered exactly what was going on , Donghae chose to focus more on how the hell he was supposed to get out of there.

     The two men had started walking towards them, slowly, sepparating and going each to one side. One of eunhyuks hand had found its way back to Donghae and was pushing him backwards lightly. Donghae got the message and started walking backwards. with every step the two men took forwards, Donghae and Eunhyuk would take one back. Suddenly Donghaes back hit something. There was a wall ( A/N: in the middle of a soccer field ?? O.o idk just go with it XD) " Seem like eunhyuk here has found a friend" One of the two men spoke, his lips curvirng into a smirk. "Eunhyuk, was this the reason you came this way? You wanted to see this cutie? "The same man spoke again, this time laughing histerically at his own joke. Donghae clenched his fists and his jaw tightly. He wanted to punch the hell out of the tall guy, but he knew better than to trow away his life just because some idiot annoyed him. Here was a perfect exemple of that. This guy was treating him like a girl. Like one of those girls in the movies trapped in the middle of a fight that had to be protected by the main character. he dindt like it, not one bit, but he knew that hthere was a big chance of ending up dead if he went against him. " Changmin , would you just shut up already,yes he was still laughing. Lets just get this over with." The other man said taking up a gun into his right hand. " Fine Yunho, but theres no rush". The man, apperantly called Changmin took up knives. Donghae gulped at the sight.

      Donghae could feel his adrenaline pumping.' im so gonna die...' Suddenly he felt something squishing his hand tightly. He looked down only to find that Eunhyuks hand had found his own and was now holding it tighly. Somehow it calmed Donghae down. He looked at eunhyuks profile, they were almost next to each other now since they had changed positions a bit while walking back. Eunhyuk was focuzed and Donghae felt like he could trust him but he was also worried, he could see Eunhyuk was breaking out in cold sweat and that his breathing was slightly uneaven. ' Donghae, come on focus , Donghae!' ' Haa? Eunhyuk? Am i imagining things?' A voice had snapped Donghae out of his thoughts. it was Eunhyuk, it was clearly Eunhyuk that was talking to him. but Eunhyuk hadnt opened his moth the whole time, Donghae had been kind of staring at him. ' Of course its me! would you stop spazzing out and focus. i cant fight them both now. So i need you to trust me and do something for me.' Donghae was out of it for less than a second. Before realizing that yes Eunhtyuk was talking to him and yes it was trough his thoughts. Some form of telephaty. Great, just another weird thing to add to the list of * i dont understand wtf is going on.* Never the less he figured that it was worth playing along to what ever Eunhyuk as doing. 'Fine , what ..' Eunhyuk started talking , or whatever it was they were doing at the moment, before Donghae could finish what he was trying to say.' Just think of somewhere safe, the furtheer away the better. Just somewhere safe, hurry!! ' Donghae didnt really understand what Eunhyuk had meant. But before he could complain Eunhyuks hand left his and he couldnt reach Eunhyuk anymore.

      He looked at Eunhyuk trying to figure out what was going on but then quikly jhid behind eunhyuk in shock. Eunhyuks sword had somehow transformed into a shield and in he had a gun in his other hand. He realised that Yunho and Changmin had begun attacking. Yunho was shooting laser, i repeat LASERS!! While Changmin was throwing knives that were kind of boomerang shaped and kept coming back even after being stopped by Eunhyuks shield.  Suddenly one of Yunhos lasers hit Eunhyuk pushing back against Donghae, who then againg crashed against the wall behind them( i know the wall again, just imagine a tree or something instead idk ) Earning both of them a loud grunt. " Hurry up will you!" said eunhyuk before regaining his balance and continuing shooting at Changmin and Yunho. The shooting wasnt even near hitting them, but at least it kept them away fromn them. They couldnt really just walk staright to where Eunhyuk and Donghae were, but it didnt really seem to bother them much since they were winning anyways. Donghae had forgotten what it was he was supposed to do , but than it kicked in 'somewhere safe' Donghae looked around, soccer field in the park 20 minutes from Jessicas house. They couldnt go there. He didnt really know anywhere else near here, but then again Eunhyuk said far away. Exactly how they were supposed to get there Donghae didnt know, but he would rather just trust Eunhyuk this once. His house was the next place he thought of. But to get there, they would need a buss a car or any other form for transportation. It was frustrating, not knowing where to go. his house did seem like a perfect place, since he did live alone.

       He looked around and saw that Yunho and Changmin were closing in on them . Only 10 meters away. He grabbed Eunhyuks arm, signaling him that he had a place. In the blink of an eye Eunhyuk had put away his arms, turned around and held both of Donghaes hands, intertwining their fingers. Donghae was shocked. His heart started beating faster and he could feel his legs giving out anytime soon.  Though he was convinced that it was because of everything else that was going on. 'Donghae think of that place again, hurry!I cant hold it for long..' Donghae snapped out from his thoughts recognising the voice in his head. Hi gave a quick gaze to their sorroundings: Yunho and Changmin Were shocked for a mere second before dashing towards them. They were shooting at them at the same time, donghae wondered how they werent getting hit. Thats when he saw it, behind eunhyuk there was a light blue light acting as a shield. donghae saw that yunho and Changmin were close, he quikly closed his eyes and pictured his house, his room and the beach themed bedsheets. Suddenly everything around him was silent. He opened his eyes and stared in shock... Eunhyuk had his eyes closed, he was focused. The weird thing was that he was glowing. Yes he was GLOWING. A bright silver light, so bright that it was almost blinding. He had to blink once, to make sure he wasnt dreaming and because the lights were too bright. But when he opened his eyes there were even more shocking surrounding. Eunhyuk and Donghae were now in Donghaes room. Donghae gasped and let go of Eunhyuk looking around, shecking if everything was where he had left them, making sure this was in fact his room. ' Did we just teleport? More importantly, was he shining or wait, what about the other two? Will they find us' BAMM!! A loud thud woke Donghae up from his trance. He looked behind only to find Eunhyuk on the floor. Barely even moving. "Eunhyuk!!!"



Soo yeah, heres the next chapter. I hope you like it. :D 

As you probably noticed theres a very high possibility that eunhyuk, isnt human. But i really dont know whathe is, where he comes from or anything about anything. I am basically just going with the flow here so we'll see how things go :3

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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 7: Finally euu update....!!!
Chapter 7: This is interesting story xD
MyeolchiHyuk #3
heyloo.. new reader here..
love ur story...

can't wait for ur next update..
eastcandle90 #4
Chapter 6: please...update soon...the curiosity is killing me now...please99x.....*puppy eyes*
kiki-chan #5
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
kiki-chan #6
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
yaaaaaaaa im soo curious yeahhh! omo!!! update soon!
jewelsvalencia #8
Waaahh cool one! :)
Is Donghae not human either? If Hyuk was shocked about him not having a single scratch and being able to heal so quickly, what does that show for him.

AHH! I forgot about Siwon XDD Mr. Forever Shirtless.
jewelsvalencia #10
Nice onee!! ^^