
Bright lights and a big BANG

' Oh ...! I forgot Eunhyuk was here!' Eunhyuk was on the floor holding his left arm tightly while coughing up blood. Donghae rushed to him and helped him get to the bed, carrying most of Eunhyuks weight. Eunhyuk was frowning in pain and his clothes were pretty much red from the blood. He knew he had to do something, but he didnt know what.

Donghae pov.

Ok, what the hell am i supposed to do now?! I dont even know where his wounds are, he is just covered in blood! Ok Donghae think, wheres the first aid kid?....... KITCHEN! I sprinted towards the kitchen, wich isnt very far away. i live alone so my house isnt so big, thank god for that. When i came back Eunhyuk was looking around with a confused look. I figured he was wondering were he was. " We're at my place. Dont worry i live alone." He seemed to calm down just a bit. Suddenly he started moving and sat up. Grunting, because of the pain from, probably everywhere, i dont know where. Then he tried to stand up, thats when i understood what was going on. " OH no you dont! Sit back down youre not going anywhere like that." He glared at me and gasped as i pushed him to sit back down at the bed. " I have to go back. Youre already safe, theres is no point in me staying." Is he joking right now right? I am sure he is normally ten times stronger than me and i just pushed him down using almost no strenght at all. He will probably pass out  if he even moves a bit more. He tried standing up again. How can he be so stubborn?! " I have to go before they find this place. If they find this place theyll kill you..." So thats what he was thinking about...Hmph. I am being treated like a girl again and I dont like it one bit. I poked his left shoulder, lightly but where i knew it would hurt. Eunhyuk  was about to scream but bit his lips tightly, grimacing at the pain.Right, he is not going anywhere. " Come on, take your jacket and your shirt off." He shrugged and didnt moved an inch. Aish! He is pissing me off . " Yah! Hurry before i tare them away! " I thought that he would comply by now, but then i saw him smirk at me..." Am i that y?" It took me a while before i understood what he meant... WHAT THE ! I just froze. How can he even joke at a time like this??  I was ready to snap at him, who cares if he is hurt? Clearly he still has enough energy to be an . I was thiiisss close to slapping him when i heard him laugh. My eyes moved on their own and i found myself staring at him, or at his smile. It was the first time i had seen him smile, or heard him smile. It was also the first time he had made a joke and talked to me normally. it was surprisingly nice. He wasnt laughing that much, it was more like smiling and only for a few seconds. But still, it was pretty amazing. I could see his gums and by the way his eyes lit up at that moment i could tell that he was amuzed. Wich annoyed me again. But considering the refreshening smile. Instead of snapping at him, i just grinned slightly and answered" You wish. Would you please just do what i say? " He sighed heavily before starting to take off his leather jacket, wich was torn at some places, wincing from time to time when it hurt to much. 

End of POV

    After Eunhyuk took of his jacket Donghae started to panick even more. To say that Eunhyuk was covered in bruises could be an understatement. Donghae could see small cuts all over his arms and shoulders. He knew they must have been from Changmins knives, but by the looks of it, Eunhyuk had managed to dodge them quite well ,since they werent so deep. But  the black marks he had were worse. Some were bigger than other and they had a purplish dark colour. They contratsed a lot with Eunhyuks pale skin tone. The skin looked quite sore and swollen so Donghae wasnt sure if they were just really bad bruises or some kind of burnmarks. He  did have a clue that whtaever they were, came from Yunhos gun. Donghae quikly searched for sissors, since he didnt want Eunhyuk to move a lot in his condition. He was cursing himself for not noticing how badly hurt Eunhyuk really was. After cutting open Eunhyuks shirt with the scissors, something that looked rather awekward even though Donghae was very concentrated and ignored the smirk Eunhyuk pulled when he first started.

  ".." Donghae cursed loudly, it was meant to be a whisper or a thought but it came out loud enough for Eunhyuk to hear him. It was even worse than he thought. The cuts on Eunhyuks back were long and deep, the blood coming from them were everywhere. You could barely see Eunhyuks pale skin color. The weird burnmarks were Darker and some were bleeding as well. But Donghae couldnt tell if it was a lot or just a few drops. Donghae started cleaning his wounds with a towel and some water.

    Eunhyuk was looking at him all the time, more like staring, but Donghae was too focused to notice that. Eunhyuk was curious, why would Donghae do this?  What was he doing out there in the football course all alone? Why hadnt he ran away when he first saw Eunhyuk? Most importantly, why did Donghae even cared? Normally he wouldnt have stayed. he would have left right away, he wouldnt have laughed or even made a joke. He wouldnt be staring right now, he wouldnt let Donghae be so close or touch his wounds. But he was weak, he had lost a lot of blood and was tired from fighting. He knew that even now he was getting weaker. He needed to get back before things got worse. He could feel himself passing out. He also knew he wouldnt get far if he lost more energy. At the same time he was sure they were runnung out of time. He didnt have enough strenght to close completely the portal when they teleported, yunho and Changmin would be able to trace them here soon. If they did they would kill them both, him and Donghae. he could get away by himself but he would have to leave Donghae behind. He knew it was to late for that now. But he didnt have enough strenght to take donghae with him. Not as far as he had to go. He would have to drop him off somewhere else and than continue to his own destination. That seemed like a very good plan, but he didnt have enough strenght to do that much work. Teleporting drained to much of his energy. Suddenly Eunhyuk tensed and opened his eyes wide. Donghae felt it and looked up from what he was doing facing eunhyuk with a questioning look. " Theyre close, Donghae they are almost here.."

   Donghae didnt have to think long about what Eunhyuk had meant. He also didnt bother to wonder how that was even possible. He didnt answer because he didnt know what to say. But he knew he meant Yunho and Changmin were close. " !! " Eunhyuk hissed standing up way to fast, he got dizzy and was about to fall to the ground when Donghae cought him from the side holding him up. " ...." Eunhyuk cursed again, but this time it was because of the pain on his whole body. 

     It was very last minute, Eunhyuk was sure he would regret his desition later. But as long as they survived, whatever happened later could probably be acceptable, probably. Either way Eunhyuk found himself holding both of Donghaes' hands, apologizing loudly but fast, before draining energy from Donghae  and binding it with his own. He can feel Donghae grow weaker in his hands, he can see Donghaes eyes widened and he notices the slight fright burning trhough them. PANG... Eunhyuk knows he feels way to hurt by that expressions, knowing that its his fault and the fact that he knows that his going to feel even worse later when he gets to think about it should actually bother him more than it does. But at that moment he just gives him a reassuring look before closing his eyes and gathering up his strenght to do the only thing possible right now, bring help.  He can feel himself getting weaker, bringing him was harder than he thought it would be . He needed more energy, but he didnt dare. At the side Donghae knew something was wrong. He knew Eunhyuk probably had something to do with it. But he somehow, for a very odd reason, trusted Eunhyuk.  Donghae was feeling tired, too tired. But he still managed to see Eunhyuk struggling. He didnt know what took over him, he wasnt even thinking, but his hands moved on their own and Donghae tighten his grip on Eunhyuks hands. Giving Eunhyuk a nod when he opened his eyes to look at him. ' I am sorry, but i have to.. we have to run away.'  Eunhyuk was in Donghaes head again. Donghae only closed his eyes and breathed out . Once again he chose to just trust in Eunhyuk. 

     None of them were very focused a few seconds later. Both were to weak. The last thing Donghae saw was a bright light and a muscular man appear beside them. The last thing Eunhyuk remembered was someone shouting " Hyukkieeeeee!!" But neither of them were strong enough to register what happened to them later.



Okeyyy finalllyyyy here it is  chapter 4!!  So i wonder who is this mystery ' muscular man'???    I wonder how many of you can guess who it is?  


Okey so i know it took too long to upddate this. And i feel that it was so bad, but i just had to update now or else i would just hate myself..

Im sorry.... but school started and it was very difficult to find time to write. I have actually been eunhae deprived for 2 WEEKS!! no fanfics for two whole weeks..  I HAVE SO MUCH TO READ NOW.  >.< 

but either way comment  and be nice X3 

I think ill make it a Eunhyuk pov next chapter

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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 7: Finally euu update....!!!
Chapter 7: This is interesting story xD
MyeolchiHyuk #3
heyloo.. new reader here..
love ur story...

can't wait for ur next update..
eastcandle90 #4
Chapter 6: please...update soon...the curiosity is killing me now...please99x.....*puppy eyes*
kiki-chan #5
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
kiki-chan #6
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
yaaaaaaaa im soo curious yeahhh! omo!!! update soon!
jewelsvalencia #8
Waaahh cool one! :)
Is Donghae not human either? If Hyuk was shocked about him not having a single scratch and being able to heal so quickly, what does that show for him.

AHH! I forgot about Siwon XDD Mr. Forever Shirtless.
jewelsvalencia #10
Nice onee!! ^^