The meeting

Bright lights and a big BANG

       Donghae put his hands in his jeans pockets. It was cold outside but it wasnt anything his leather jacket couldnt fix. The streets were empty on such hours of the night and he started looking back to the events that happened that week. On monday a new student, called Eunhyuk, arrived. He was handsome with brown hair and pale skin and plump lips. Girls were fangirling over him just as much as they fangirled ver donghae himself. Donghae was popular, very popular. He was the kind of guy that was nice and friendly towards everyone. And being captain of the soccer team meant he had a hot body as well. He had all the girls ,many boys as well, drooling, and fainting at his sigh. he found this actually quite annoying and boring, since it happened everyday. The new student, Enhyuk, didnt seem to care about his rising popularity. He was plain rude, thought Donghae. Eunhyuk hadnt said hello to anyone, he hadnt befriended anyone and totally ignored Donghae when he said hello on his first day. On wednesday a few bullies had eunhyuk cornered. The latter didnt seem scared , in fact he didnt even flinch when the pushed him against the wall and got ready to hit him. Donghae had been watching from afar, Eunhyuk seemed strong so he hadnt really bothered to do anything, but when he saw that he showed no sign of defending himself Donghae had ran to where they were and scared the bullies off. They knew better than to get in trouble with him. he was the most popular guy in school for all the right reasons, if anything happened to him death would be better than facing his crazy fangirls and fanvoys. But the thing that really pissed Donghae off, something that was quite rare even though Donghae kept his posture, was that when Donghae had asked if he was okey, the latter only scoffed before turning on his heels and walking away. Leaving Donghae wondering what the hell was wrong with him.

      After that incident Donghae gave up on trying to befriend the new kid. It seemed as Eunhyuk liked to be by himself anyways. So he spent the rest of the week being his usual self, as boring as it was. He could only smile and act nice, pretending to actually pay atention to his surroundings. it wasnt that he didnt like his friends, he did, but he was bored with the everyday life. But now Donghae regretted it, he regretted not paying attention. If he had he might have noticed something between Jessica, his girlfriend, and Jonghyun, one of his best friends, flirting. He wasnt even sure if they tried to hide it or if he was just really out of it. But either way the fact is that when he arrived at Jessicas place, where he was planning on sleeping over, he got a shock when he found them making out on the couch.  When they noticed his presence they stopped and Jonghyun  ran out not even bothering to apologize. Not that Donghae wanted him to, nothing he could say would make things better. So after a few minutes of arguing with Jessica they broke up and he was now on his way back home. Donghae grunted at the thought. he lived alone and he was bored. Pluss he had just broken up with the most popular girl in school, wich had succeded in scaring off his crazy fangirls and their confessions. He scoffed at his own thoughts, being more annoyed at the fact that girls would be all over him again rather than being angry or upset because he just got cheated on. But than he got angry realising just what was going on in his life.

     It was late and dark. The only reason why he was outside this late on this cold autumn night was because he had just broken up with his girlfriend, whom he was going to sleepover at, and had to go back home. Just the thought of it made Donghae angry again. All girls where always the same, clingy and stubborn and acted like they were broken hearted but moved on ay too fast and way to easily. Jessica was different, thats what he had liked about her. But he was so wrong because she wa maybe even worse. She was y , mean and also a cheater. Donghae felt his blod rushing trhough his vains. Never had anyone cheated on him and than later just shrugged and said 'deal with it' . Donghae let out a heavy sigh as he kept strolling along the football course. Staring at the stars and moonlight and watching the green grass in the dark. It always calmed him down. 

       Donghae was deep in his thoughts. his life was so boring so empty. Yeah...thats what he felt. he felt empty. A loud bang woke him up from his thoughts. He quicly looked around searching for where the noise came from. Maybe someone was in trouble and needed his help. Even though he was a bit scared taking notice of how late it was and how dark it was and that the streets where empty. If someone was in trouble there wasnt much he could do about. Worse, if he was the one in trouble, things wouldnt turn out pretty. Realising how paranoid his thoughts were getting he snapped shaked the thought away. He stood there in silence as he couldnt see anyone or anything. just when he was going to continue walking he saw a figure flying towards him from the sky. It all happened to fast, the figure got bigger and bigger becoming a person until it crashed against the ground bouncing and rolling a few times towards him. Before slowly getting up coughing up blod that he later spat on the ground.

     Donghae stood there in shock he didnt know how to react. I mean how the fock are you supposed to react to a man that literally comes flying towards you?! He noticed the blod and the cuts on the mans back and legs. The man looked quit young too, but he couldnt tell because he had only seen his back. Donghae had of course also noticed the sword the blond man held in his right hand and the two guns he had on his belts. One on his waist and the other one wrapped around his thigh. Donghae could feel his adrenaline kicking in along with his fear. But he didnt dare to move, he couldnt move. It was as if he had frozed in his spot. Suddenly Donghae noticed movement in the brown haired man as he started turning his head slightly. This time Donghae also noticed that the man was shaking slightly and that it didnt seem like he could stand much longer. but all thoughts where washed away as he recognized the face of the man, no boy, standing before him. Both of their eyes widening in shock. Before the blond turned away and fast and whispered loud enough for both to hear. Donghae noticed the weakness, the shaking and the panick in his voice, even though the latter had said it fast and had tried to hide as much as possible. "....."

     Donghae stood there in shock. ' Eunhyuk.!! ' he didnt know what to say or how to react. but then he realized that Eunhyuk had fallen from the sky, i reapet, THE SKY. He was covered in blod and had weapons with him. Just as he was going to say something there was a bright light and a loud bann. His eyes shot up looking at the place where the sound came from. There was a cloud of dust surrounding the place but as the dust cleared up he could see to men standing a few meters away. Both where armed and dressed in black. he could swear he saw Eunhyuk flinch a bit and then tense up.





okeyy first chapter is here. I feel that it might bve a failure >.< but ill try my best at the next chapter.

Im sorry if its too short or too long or very boring. But i just wanted to show at least some background i promise next one will have more action.

Please comment and tell me what you think.  ill try to update soon. ^^

Lots of love :) Okey im gonna go worship eunhae now XD bye  



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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 7: Finally euu update....!!!
Chapter 7: This is interesting story xD
MyeolchiHyuk #3
heyloo.. new reader here..
love ur story...

can't wait for ur next update..
eastcandle90 #4
Chapter 6: please...update soon...the curiosity is killing me now...please99x.....*puppy eyes*
kiki-chan #5
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
kiki-chan #6
Chapter 6: nice chapter!!

cant wait for the update!!

update soon!!
yaaaaaaaa im soo curious yeahhh! omo!!! update soon!
jewelsvalencia #8
Waaahh cool one! :)
Is Donghae not human either? If Hyuk was shocked about him not having a single scratch and being able to heal so quickly, what does that show for him.

AHH! I forgot about Siwon XDD Mr. Forever Shirtless.
jewelsvalencia #10
Nice onee!! ^^