Chapter 7

Unknown... For now

“I have to go now, I’ll see you around.” I shot up from the ground and with quick steps made my way to the gates of freedom.
“Wait, I’ll come with.” He was running behind me.
I looked back to see him wave his arms and his platinum blond bowl cut hair bouncing on his head. I was compelled to stop, as he didn’t seem to get the hint that I wanted no company.
“Woah, you sure walk fast.” He was panting hard, as much I disliked the guy I couldn’t help but notice his smile, it reminded me of Kris’s, the soft curve across his face that lightens it up and makes it more friendly and less intimidating.
“Listen, I would like to be alone.”
“But why?”
“I don’t want to be rude, but I ...”
“It’s fine, I get it. I’ll leave you alone.” He shot me a quick eye smile, his heel and walked back.
Why was I feeling guilty? I gave him one last quick look and headed home.

12:01. The TV was on full volume and the living room was a complete mess. The only person that should be in the house at this moment would be Kris. As I made my way to the living room I was stepping on ripped pieces of papers, smashed glass, empty cans and clothes. I was filled with this feeling of alarm, something was not right.
“Kris?” There was no reply, only the weather mans’ loud voice. I walked up to the remote control and turned off the TV.
“Kris?” I shouted this time, “Kris, where are you?”
I heard movement behind me, my heart began to pump faster.
“Why are you so loud?” His voice sounded sleepy, this was scaring me even more, why was he sleeping when the house was like this? Did we get broken into? What was going on, I needed some sort of valid explanation that would link all of this together to make some sort of sense.
I couldn’t help but look at him in a panicked way, I examined him with my stare and my eyes landed on something acute, his hands were covered in blood, but the blood didn’t look that old, it looked pretty fresh and it was still dripping. The blood tears looked so concentrated and viscous,
“What’s going on?”
He placed a bloody hand on my shoulder and pushed me out of his way, dragging his legs across the beige carpet.
“KRIS! What’s going on?!”
This time he stopped walking, from the back he looked like a zombie, his limp posture slightly leaning forward and his skin unusually pale.
“I beg you please –“
He suddenly turned around and grabbed me by my collar,
“Look at what you’ve done Jae! You’ve messed me up. You ing messed with my ing brain.”
My eyes grew big, I knew what I had done was wrong but it was out of my control, I felt possessed at that time, I didn’t even know what I was doing to myself or to him. I wanted to explain this to him but for some reason I was unable to speak, to make even the slightest bit of sound come out.
“You’ve ruined me! I don’t even know who I am anymore!” the anger he was holding back all this time just poured out and was flooding my brain.
“Why have you done this? Why ... why have you done this to me Jae?”His voice was a weak but exasperated whisper.
He dropped me back on the floor and walked away punching the wall on his way out of the living room. I’m a monster, I did this to him, I am ruining the only family I have left.

Am I satanic?


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nobodiesbae #1
Chapter 7: GOodluck author nim!^_^ hwaiting!
-Kawaii_Panda #2
Chapter 4: What a cliff hanger...
Chapter 5: nice....
update ASAP please i am in love with your story
Chapter 3: omo sooo sad and also interestink
Update ASAP
Luv it