Chapter 3

Unknown... For now


I blink a few times not realising that my little brother was still in my face and not budging.
"What? What happened?" His small voice saturated with concern. I looked at him a little puzzeled, how could he be so clueless? The house was stained with blood that covered walls and floors, not to forget that Kris was DEAD, and he dares to ask me why I'm panicing?! I pushed him a bit too forcefully aside and darted to the living room, where the red scars had disapeared. I walked up to the couch which used to be bruised with deep red blood, no traces. I sniffed the fabric to see if it had that rusty after smell. Nothing. Was I going crazy? Luhan stepped into the living room and leaned on the door frame casually. 
"Noona, what are you checking." he sounded overly amused at my actions. I must have had a crazed look on my face as he quickly finished by pointing towards the kitchen with his thumb, "Kris hyung is in the kitchen." He put his hand down and hesitated back into the bedroom. 
WHAT? Kris was dead though. Why is he in the kitchen? The blood... And the tub... And, and him out cold in his own blood. What was that all about? I made careful steps towards the kitchen and froze once I saw Kris's back facing me. He was alive. But how? I swear I could feel the viscousness of the blood under my touch, and its vulgar smell that radiated off his icy body. He suddenly turned around and faced me. "Mornin'." Kris wore his sweatpants, without a t-shirt, and had a piece of toast between his plump lips muffling his words.
The ball in my throat appeared again and swallowing it down was not an option this time. He closed the gap between us and held me in a tight hug.
"What's wrong?" 
"You were ... De-dead." The ball exploded in my throat and released the tears that i had fought to hold back.
"It's, it's okay, it was a nightmare." He held me closer and tighter, his hold was so strong it was a threat to my fragile bones. 
"Seriously, what's happening to you?" 
"I don't know." the sobs wouldn't stop. 
"I think it will be better if we go back."
"NO! No, I don't want to go back." I looked up at him, if we went back now I think i would be worse.
He let out a long sigh and went back to the table finishing off his breakfast. I slowly entered the bathroom where the masacre in my nightmare had happened and cleaned myself up, to look more presentable compared to a crazed woman who should be locked up. 
"Noona, have you finished? Let's go shopping, Luhan, Hyung and Uncle all went out leaving me." 
A laugh that I tried holding back escaped, "Okay, let me get dressed and we'll go out." I could hear his little jumps pf joy through the wooden door, I have to admit, HyunKi knows how to make a person smile. Once in the bedroom, I open the luggage bag and pick out the first thing in my range of vision, this lime green floral dress. That will do. 
"Noona? Are you ready?" the light knock startled me
"Yeah, careful I'm gonna open the door now." 
My personal best, just 10 minutes of getting ready. We left the house and hopped into my uncle's rented car, a nice black on black mini. The ride to the town centre was as smooth as floating on air.
"So, HyunKi, what do you want to do? It's already lunch and we haven't got any food ready at home." I try to scream over the blaring music.
He looked deeply concentrated, "Oh Noona, there is a newly opened Korean restaurant and i heard that they have food just like we did back home." He is such a sweetheart. After his mum passed away back when they were in Korea, they decided to move to Germany to have a fresh start. I guess, in some ways, we can relate, but only to a certain extent. 
I began to drift way in my little black hole and before i knew it he told me to park the mini.
We held hands and began to swing them back and forth, not having a care in the world. 
"Let's order Korean bbq?" he asked leaning forward across the table. I nodded my reply. HyunKi made the order and asked for a bottle of soju and coke.
"You okay Noona?"
"Hmm? Yes i am, why?"
"Nothing. You just seem..."
"Distant?" That surprised him, he looked paniced as if I would get angry or offended, "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, unlike Kris."
He laughed nervously, i should never again try to lighten up the air, I failed miserably and i only made him more nervous than before. 
We didnt have to wait long before we got served our beautiful red meat that began to sizzle from the heated metal that it lay on. HyunKi began to his lips and quickened his actions.
"HyunKi, are you okay? I don't think you should be near red meat, you begin to turn into an animal." I picked the tongs up and pinched the meat to place it on my side. 
"Oh Noona, no, don't that's not fair." He complaining while fidgiting in his seat.
"Okay, fine. But would you stop acting like a carnivor?" 
The time passed by so quickly, it was already 6:37pm and the sky began to darken.
"We should probably get back home." We got up, paid the bill and walked out hand in hand still swinging them.
"Noona, are you scared?"
"The darkness."
I was so off track, what was he on about suddenly talking about darkness.
"No, not really. Why?" We stopped swinging our hand and hopped in the rented car.
"Did my dad tell you how my mum passed away?" It was a bit dark to see his expression. I shook my head 'no'.
"Well it was on a night like this, we finished our dinner and we were heading back home to watch movies in the dark with popcorn." He pauses. We buckle up.
"We didnt know that we were being followed by mum's ex friend. Mum said she wanted to go the the convinient store before dad started the car to go get us banana milk and icecream." With the dim lights coming through the window i could just about make out that tears had started to build up in his eyes.
"We waited 5, 10, 15 minutes. We had thought that she had went to the toilet. I knew something wasn't right so i told dad i would check up on mum. I went in the store, she wasnt there and when i had asked the lady at the till she said that she saw a woman go round the corner to go to the loo. So i retraced her steps, and, and..." I heard him sniff a few times. I unbuckled myself and grabbed him in a tight hug. The poor thing had kept this in the whole time.
"HyunKi, why didnt you tell me this before?" I whisper in his ear while caressing his short black hair.
"And, when i looked i saw that woman stabbing my mum, and mum was screaming. I ran back to the car to tell dad but by the time we had gotten back the woman had disapeared only leaving mum in her blood on the cold cement floor. The rest i dont remember, but i remember the ambulance didnt make it on time and mum... She passed away in the darkness of a winter day." His voice was only a whisper. 
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nobodiesbae #1
Chapter 7: GOodluck author nim!^_^ hwaiting!
-Kawaii_Panda #2
Chapter 4: What a cliff hanger...
Chapter 5: nice....
update ASAP please i am in love with your story
Chapter 3: omo sooo sad and also interestink
Update ASAP
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