Chapter 1

Unknown... For now


18th of August 2012. It's been a decade. Many things changed. We grew older and matured. We've learned to live without parents. We supported each other. Things had also changed for the worse, I grew up bearing a profound scar, one which, with time, hadn't thought once about fading.
It was the Summer holidays, and the three of us decided to go to Germany for vacation, it was our first time there. 
"Noona, can you treat us today? It's really hot and I'm craving ice cream" Luhan said cutely while tugging on my arm. People thought that he was older because of his tall figure, but his face told another story.
"Luhan, seriously dude, just before we left Uncle's house you had an ice-cream." Kris protested calmly with his charming deep voice.
"Oh come on guys. Like Hannie said, my treat." I didnt want them to start an argument, I linked my arms with them and dragged them down the road.
"Jae, do you know where you're going?" Kris halted.
A simple "Nope" was my reply before I went back to dragging them. After a good 15 minutes of roaming around, we finally decided to settle in a little ice-cream shop in a small and narrow alley way. The weather was beautiful, a clear aqua-blue sky and the sun a bright white, burning ball. It was indeed a summer holiday.
"Noona, how are you going to order? We don't know any German." Luhan began fidgeting in his seat.
"We'll order in english. I am sure there's someone here who knows English", I said to him, and we continued to wait to be served whilst reminding myself of what had I just said.
"Okay, I'm going now so do you know what you guys want?" I asked them while going up to order.
Luhan pointed at a vanilla flavoured ice-cream with strawberry syrup, dark chocolate chips scattered around and thick whipped cream. Kris on the otherhand ordered a simple nutella flavoured ice-cream. I thought to myself, this guy might as well have ordered something big Kris as I was the one paying . 
"What about you madam?" The woman behind the till asked with a heavy german accent. 
"Oh me, umm, I'll just have coke with loads of ice." I replied, confident in my English, and handing her the money. She nodded with a smile and gave me back my change.
"It will take one minute." She finished off. Out of habit and tradition, I lightly bowed and walked back to my seat.
"So did she understand you?" Kris teased while nudging me with his elbow.
I gasped, "What are you trying to say about my english?" I argued jokingly. After a few minutes of chatting with dumb and dumber, the ice-creams and coke arrived at our table. Hannie's ice-cream looked so delicious I just had to steal a bite, or two from him, earning myself some complaints. Kris shared his ice-cream with me, or more like he was wliingly feeding me.
Luhan shouted out, "Noona, you pig! Stop stealing other peoples food!"
He wrapped his skinny arms around the base of the bowl and pulled it closr to him.
"I'm not stealing!" I defended myself and mehronged the outraged youngster
5:47pm. We walked back to my Uncle's house. The sun was still high up in the sky but now it was more of a golden colour.
"Guys." Kris began,"How do you think we should end the day." He stopped walking and crossed his arms across his chest.
"I think, we should make Mum's favourite dishes and Dad's favourite desert." Luhan suggested. 
We exchanged looks with each other and agreed with a slight nod. The remaining length of the journey home was a silent one. 
I unlocked the thick wooden door and entered house. We were all exhausted, mostly because it was still boiling outside. 
"I'm going to have a quick shower. You and Hannie prepare the food, once I come out I'll help you while Hannie takes a shower. We'll rotate." Kris ordered. He dragged his bare feet to the bathroom and closed the door. 
I turned to Hannie, "Let's start shall we?" I tried to make it sound fun but my voice was monotone. 
My Uncle came out with our Cousin HyunKi to greet us and said, "Jaehwa, Luhan, how was your trip to the city?" in unison. Their simultaneous voices startled me. I responded with a thumb up, since I couldn't speak. Just thinking about what this day meant created this ball of pain in my throat, and most of the time it was hard to make it go. Luhan and our Cousin messed about throwing jokes in their conversation whenever the opportunity arose, trying to lighten the atmosphere. I was happy that he could be at least a little joyful on a day like this. 
"Luhan! Be careful with that knife!" Kris snapped. Luhan terrified, let the knife slip out of his hands, I stopped cutting the vegetables for Mum's dish and glared at Kris.
"Don't shout at him, he was being careful. He's not a 6 year old child anymore. He's ing 16." I couldn't help snapping at him so quickly. He leaned on the kitchen's door frame with crossed arms, Luhan, eyes open, stared back and forth betweem me and Kris.
"Hannie, you can go have a shower now." I said giving him an eye smile. He nodded picked up the knife quickly off the floor and ran out with our cousin. Uncle just went in the living room awkwardly looking at the two of us.
Once we were alone, I copied Kris's movements and leaned against the counter, 
"What the is your problem?" I wasn't going to get back to cooking until he apologised.
He held out his arms in an attempt to hug me which I forcefully declined. No matter how much I love his hugs I couldn't accept this one.
"Jaehwa~ I'm sorry. I was just making sure he was careful, You know how I am, especially on a day like this" He cooed, it sent tingles all over my body. I could feel the tears sting my eyes threatening to topple out of my eyes, my chin started to quiver. With one arm he suddenly pulled me into his embrace.
"It's okay Jae, let it out, you've been strong today." He leaned his chin on the top of my head, he wrapped both muscular arms around me and began to gently rock side to side. Just like the old days This sentation that I haven't felt for years. In my mind I knew, I loved him. I wanted him. The burning beads of water escaped my eyes and settled themselves on Kris's vest. He smelt delicious and it made began to make me feel hot. ~~
"Guys, come on, dinner is ready!" my Uncles voice resonated around the small house. The boys stormed into the living room and planted their asses on the couch. We had a minute of silence in dedication to my parents. Soon after that minute you could see the boys mouthes devouring the neatly presented food on the table. 
"Woah, Noona you can cook!" Exclaimed my cousin. 
A smile began to grow on my face and I couldn't help but steal a glance at Kris who was also smiling. ~~
"Hyung, I'm sleeping in HyunKi's room today, we want to play on his PS3." Hannie whispered to Kris.
Kris nodded and gave him the thumbs up.
I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I heard a light knock on the door, I opened the door to be met by Kris, he had a gentle smile on.
"Hannie is going to sleep in HyunKi's room today so it's only me and you." He said playfully before leaving. Why didn't he wait till I was in the room to tell me? Was it that important? Though, when he mentioned "Only me and you" my heart jumped out of its place. I played with around with the thought that this was his way of hinting something to me. 
When I entered the room Kris was lazing on top of the covers.
He quickly sat up when he heard the door close, he patted the space next to him as if to tell me to sit next to him
** POV
Jaehwa made little steps over to the double bed and sat down next to her brother. Her heart began to pick up pace as she saw he wasnt wearing his tank top anymore revealing his smooth skin. The room was lit with a deepening night sky and a bright full moon.
I still need to edit some things but i cnt do it yet because im using my ipad, so im veerrryy sorry but please be patient, and also im not going to be able to update my othe fanfic until i can use my laptop. IM SOOO SORRRYYY, but i will be able to update this one :))
Thank you for your support!! It means a LOOTTT to me ..
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nobodiesbae #1
Chapter 7: GOodluck author nim!^_^ hwaiting!
-Kawaii_Panda #2
Chapter 4: What a cliff hanger...
Chapter 5: nice....
update ASAP please i am in love with your story
Chapter 3: omo sooo sad and also interestink
Update ASAP
Luv it