Chapter 5

Unknown... For now


"No Kris, you're scaring me." I swallowed hard
"Well this is how I feel when you do this to me too." 
He backed away but kept his stare fixed on me. My legs felt so weak, i began to slide down the door.
"I am so, sorry,Kris, I-I didnt mean to make you feel this way." He deeply sighed and threw himself on the bed.
"Just go to bed, a lot happened today, you must be tired." And with that he snuggled himself with the blanket and fell asleep.
5 days later, we were back in Korea. The weather was getting colder, just like the way i felt about life.
"Luhan, can you get your stuff ready for school tomorrow?" Kris commanded him while unpacking him clothes. 
"Yes, hyung." Luhan beamed and ran up the stairs to his room.
We had just come back from our holiday but we already have to get ready for school which starts tomorrow, great.
It was already 8pm, i have to get my stuff ready for the first day back, I was not looking forward to go to uni.
3rd Sepetember 2001.
"Luhan come on, off to bed." She clapped her fragile hands.
"But, mum i'm not tired. How come Noona and Hyung don' have to go yet?" He moaned with his cute little voice.
Mum giggled and picked him up to take him to his room to sleep. I rememeber the night before we started school again the house would be in chaos up until Luhan was put to sleep. Dad used to come in our room and tuck us in. He would make the best lunchboxes for us making our friends jealous. 
"Dad,did you put in the boiled eggs?" Every night Luhan would ask the same question and dad would respond the same way. 
But, there was one week where everything began to change, Dad was stressed out as soon as he had woken up, he took us to school instead of mum taking us. That evening when we came back, things were... Wrong. Mum didnt greet us, she didnt pick up Luhan and give him his welcome back kiss. Kris had that worried look on his face and me being young and a bit oblivious, i ignored it and went to go do my homework. We all did the same. We came back down all three of us to help make our packed lunches, like we always did but mum and dad were not there, Luhan got upset and went back to his room, Kris and I got curious and worried. We could hear comotion coming from behind the closed living room door. Their words where muffled but we could tell that it was mum that was doing most of the talking. 
My alarm screamed in my ear, great, i have to go to uni, and i know no one there. Luhan had already left and kris was in the kitchen eating cereals.
"Did you sleep well?" He didnt even look up from his bowl.
He took one last mouthful and left the house. Great, i'm all by myself, i walk over to his unfinished bowl and throw it in the sink. I suddenly lost my appetite after thinking back of that cold greeting i got by my own brother, i picked up my bag and left the house locking the door behind me. The sun was was just beginning rise, the bright white ball blinding my sight, and the air icy. I snuggled closer into my scarf and walked toward the bus stop. I really dont feel in the mood to be going to uni right now. I dont want to see human creatures being loud. On the bus journey i promised myself that i would keep my head down and make minimum socialising with other students, i would probably be known as the quiet one but i couldnt care less. I hopped off  the bus and looked at the campus, it was the first day back but the place was full of people walking or running to their lectures. I looked at the signs guiding me towards the front office where i collected my timetable. I walked back out into the open space whilst analysing my timetable, my first history lecture was in less than an hour which gives me time to look around and get familiar with the- my body made contact with another student making me fall backwards and fall on my bum.
"I'm sorry, i should be more careful." A husky voice replied, i didnt even look up and picked up the book he dropped and planted it in his hand, 
"it's okay." I said in a monotone and began to walk away. He caught up with me and stood in front of me, i frowned and looked up a bit, i was getting pissed off.
"Thank you, I'm Himchan, Kim Himchan. and you are?" His dark eyes boring into my face.
"Kang Jaehwa."  I was about to take another step away from him but he stopped me, again.
" what subjects are you taking?" He asked with a small smile on his lips. I swear he was previously in a rush to get somewhere, why is he still here?
"English and History." This whole time i wasnt looking at him, trying to keep that promise i made myself.
"Ah, me too. So that means we're going to be in the same lessons right?" He lightly laughed, i huffed.
"Erm, yeah, okay. Well see you around." With that i walked away and didnt look back once, that guy can sure talk. 
I looked at my watch and i had only 2 minutes left to get to class, crap, how long did we talk for? I ran up the stairs to the second floor and began looking for room HS6. I found the class and luckily the teacher wasnt there yet, i walked in and pretty much all the seats were gone, only 4 left, one in the left corner at the very back, on right in the middle in the very front and two in the middle row next to the windows. I sighed in relief that there were two free seats next to eachother, one for me and the other for my bag so i wouldnt have to socialise. I put my bag down and sat in my seat, i looked around and two more people ran in, one sat on the back seat and the other sat at the front. Himchan was no where to be seen and i began to convince myself that he was in another division and i started to relax. The teacher walked in and the class became quiet. Okay he was definitely not in my divison, i began to relax when the door opens and i hear steps coming my way, oh no. A history book gets placed on the table and,
"We meet again, can i take a seat?" 


sorry guys, im not going to be able to write chapeters regularily because i have Alevels T^T sowwyyy but i will tey my hardest and sorry forthis very short chapter :s 

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nobodiesbae #1
Chapter 7: GOodluck author nim!^_^ hwaiting!
-Kawaii_Panda #2
Chapter 4: What a cliff hanger...
Chapter 5: nice....
update ASAP please i am in love with your story
Chapter 3: omo sooo sad and also interestink
Update ASAP
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