The Past

Cupid Code: L is for Love


       At the entrance gates of Woolim High, a mass of teenage girls were chattering and expectantly waiting for someone to arrive. Even the guys were slightly curious of what the excitement was about. When a glossy, black sedan appeared in front of the gates, the mass of girls surrounded the vehicle and held their breaths in anticipation. A chauffeur, wearing a prim suit, stepped out of the driver's side to open the door for the back-seat passenger. Once the figure stepped out from the car, ear-splitting screams resounded throughout the campus. Once the males caught sight of who the girls were spazzing over, they scoffed or walked away in disappointment, not interested in admiring another person of the same gender. The guy receiving the welcoming reaction from his school's female population was no other than Kim Myungsoo - the most popular boy at Woolim High. With a shy smile, he tried to get through the crowd of admirers, avoiding their hands that were grabbing at him. 

        "Excuse me," he mumbled and, as politely as he could, lightly pushed the girls out of the way. Clumsily tripping over the many feet in his path, Myungsoo was finally at the front doors of the school building. Before his hand could reach for the handle to open the door, he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around to see a girl staring down her shoes and nervously tugging at the ends of her uniform jacket.

        "Can I help you?" Myungsoo asked, hoping that she wasn't another fangirl. He took a glance at her name tag, which revealed that her name was Jung Dami.

          "Can you please meet me in the gym during lunch?" she requested in a small voice. Myungsoo nodded and watched her hurriedly scurry back to her group of friends. Her friends were laughing and whispering to the girl excitedly. 

           *Another confession?* Myungsoo thought, but shrugged his shoulders a second later and started walking towards his homeroom class. *Who knows! I might be wrong. It won't hurt to see what she has to say.*

            The first day of his sophomore year and he already won the hearts of the incoming freshman girls. Only last year, he gained the attention of the older female students because of his handsome face. He had hoped that the girls would lose interest in him this year, but that hope was shot down after witnessing the scary scene from a few mintues ago.


              After homeroom and three other classes, Myungsoo was making his way to the cafeteria, along with a group of giggling fans following him. He was feeling really uncomfortable with people following him around all day and watching his every move. It seemed like everything he did made the girls giddy. When Myungsoo dropped his pencil in math class, they squealed, "Oh! How he dropped his pencil was so cute!" 

              *Think of an escape plan, Kim Myungsoo.*

           He quickly glanced at the girls behind him before dashing to the music room to get some peace and quiet. Myungsoo peeked into the room to check if anyone was currently using it. When he saw it was empty, he hurriedly entered the room and shut the door behind him. He went to sit at the piano in the center of the room and pressed on random keys. Grinning happily, Myungsoo started playing different tunes and was so absorbed in the music that he forgot he was supposed to meet someone at that time.


                Jung Dami was sitting on the bleachers in the gym with an irritated scowl. Lunch started thirty minutes ago, but Myungsoo still hadn't shown up yet. She stared down at the time on her phone. In another fifteen minutes, class would start. 

               *I will wait a little while longer. After all, I've waited a year for you, Kim Myungsoo. Another 5 minutes won't be a problem.* Dami thought, biting on her lip anxiously. 




     Author's Note: Finally, the first chapter is up! The characters' pasts will be continued for another few chapters. I hope you enjoyed it. Also, a special shoutout to my lovely dongsaengs, Amy (FreakingOutFTW)Lisa (xXxKakusa-na-BaraxXx), and Victoria-unnie (VictoriaDm) for giving me advice and opinions for this story and listening to me rant on and on about it. Comment & subscribe, please!





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Chapter 8: i miSS THIS
Omo!!! Please please please please update! I like how this story is going so far! Please? :)
heh it's funny, my real name is Lee SooJung XD
-natsukim #4
Chapter 8: wow! another INFINITE story that should to be read.
Wow! Myungsoo isn't meanie from the start. it wasn't his fault to be so mean, duh~
and what happened to that girl?
i hope you'll update soon!
Chapter 8: And Infinite appears! --So they're angels?
Chapter 7: Update sooooon !! Jebal
please update. you're really good~!
Chapter 7: Tablo as the boss is really funny LOL
And dam girl D; Good luck on yo french
Chapter 6: she insane dami is crazy!!!!!!! poor myung :'( update sooonn author nim!^^
Chapter 6: that girl... is scary.. *chill* by the way, I can't wait for the cupid muungsoo! :)