Chapter 2

Arising From The Deep


Second chapter up!
Please do leave comments to let me know how you think this story is.
I've never written like this before so support would be nice. 
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!



Kyungmi’s pov

I was home at last, the phone had been going nonstop so Kwang-Su answered it and passed it to me telling me it was Uncle Choi.


'Hey Champ.’

‘Hey Uncle Choi!’ I said, a mouth full of ramyun. ‘You owe me ten chocolate bars.’ It was an unwritten rule when any of Uncle Choi's team breaks a record.

‘Would her majesty like them sent round on a silver plate?’ He replied, I could hear a wide grin spreading over his bearded face.

‘Aniyo, you can give me them tomorrow.’

‘You’ve got tomorrow off Kyungmi.’ He said explaining, and I somewhat knew what was coming next. ‘Training’s cancelled. Some idiot ruined the water; it’s got to be drained and re-cleaned.’


‘Ah, arasso.’ I replied respectfully even though I wanted to shout in happiness.

‘Enjoy Kyungmi, you deserve it.’ And the line goes dead.










So for once, as Saturday-morning light filtered through my blue curtains, I was still there in bed at 6am. I should have remembered to turn my radio alarm off but I didn’t and was therefore awoken to the beautiful sound of BAP’s Dancing In The Rain. I looked at the clock, it was now 8am. I never stay in bed this long. Kwang-Su was probably still sleeping. He’s probably dreaming of those new headphones he wants to get.


That settled it. I had got the whole day ahead of me. If I wanted to be a good friend, I could offer Kwang-Su the day with me and I would have bought him the headphones. I sent him a text telling him I was available; I got out of bed, showered and dressed. I glanced at myself in the mirror, try some  makeup today Kyungmi, impress him. I sat down at my desk and quickly applied some bronzer and mascara, it wasn’t much but seen as I never wore any normally it would look like a lot.


Downstairs, World War Three had broken out. My dog, Minnie, a sausage dog, had been sick on the floor having eaten Omma’s red lipstick last night. Omma was on the floor with the cloth and bleach; Minnie was in her basket looking in the other direction, the way she always did when she was denying a crime.  Normally I would put the crusts of my toast in Minnie’s bowl but once glance at Omma tells me that she’s in big trouble and doesn’t deserve any treats. Not now, not ever. I answered the ringing phone happily.

‘I can’t believe we’re going shopping together!’ I heard Kwang-Su yell, I swore, sometimes he was just like a girl when it came to shopping.

‘Probably once in a lifetime offer.’ I replied.


‘I’m ready now, come round and we’ll take the car.’


‘Mkay. Pyeong!’


‘Omma, I’m going to go shopping with Kwang-Su Oppa, I’ll be back around dinner time.’


‘Ok darling, stay safe.’


I left the house, elegantly hopped over the fence and knocked on the door to be quickly hugged by Kwang-Su’s Omma. Kwang-Su quickly came out and pushed me to his car excitedly. Kwang-Su was already 19, three years older than me; he didn’t mind though. At least I thought he didn’t. I sat in the front seat smiling, it had been a long time since I had spent quality time with Kwang-Su.

‘You’re wearing makeup.’ He stated matter of factly.


‘Nae! Does it make me look pretty?’ I fiddled with my fingers awkwardly.


‘You’re always pretty Kyungmi-ah.’


I had turned my head to the window so Kwang-Su couldn’t see my blushing face, the butterflies had again once returned to my stomach. Of course I had a crush on my best friend. Nearly every girl in town did, I gulped nervously before turning back to look at him. I smiled at his concentrating face, he was the best driver I knew. He was even better than Uncle Choi.


We parked and went into the famous music store in the centre of town, music was playing from the stereos, I think it was Exo. I wasn’t too into music that much. I barely had time to listen with all my swimming and gymnast training going on.


We had been there for an hour by then, Kwang-Su was deciding what colour he should get. The shop assistant looked annoyed; she had developed a twitch in her right eye every time she looked at us. Kwang-Su finally decided on the bright orange pair; I would have gone for the white myself but whatever he wants. They were going to be his after all.


‘Are you sure they look ok?’


‘Yes, they look fine. Now stop worrying like a girl.’


‘You don’t think they’re too…bright?’


‘No.’ I snatched them off him and went to the tills. Bought and payed for! I handed them back to him in a bag.


‘That’s your early birthday present off me.’


Kwang-Su was over the moon, I knew he was trying to save up for a new car anyway. I turned my head as I heard my name being called. It was Chang-Sun from my biology class.


‘Oh hey Chang-Sun.’


‘Hey Kyungmi, I was wondering if you would like to go to a concert with me, Hyung is performing for the first time.’

‘Can I come too?’ I sighed shaking my head as Kwang-Su interrupted, as always.


‘Uhhh…sure Kwang-Su Hyung. The more the better!’ Chang-Sun turned and walked away, I elbowed Kwang-Su in the stomach.


‘Oppa! Chang-Sun was asking me on a date and you ruined it.’


‘The only guy you can be around is me. I don’t trust him.’


‘But you don’t know him!’


‘Exactly. Now let’s get home before your Omma shouts at the both of us.’


‘Can I buy a chocolate sundae first? I’ll get you a strawberry smoothie too!’


Kwang-Su Oppa nodded happily and we left the music store. We were waiting at the crossing; Kwang-Su was hugging the headphones in his arms and telling me that he loved us both. If only he did love me. I smiled at my own childishness, I knew it was just a small crush that had developed over the last three months but I had always loved him as a brother since I was three years old.


‘I’m going to buy you the biggest chocolate sundae you have ever seen.’


‘I want squirty cream with chocolate flakes, sprinkles and marshmallows too.’


‘That’s too much, you still have your gymnast competition next week remember?’ He cares about you Kyungmi.


‘Aigoo, fine fine.’


We checked the road and stepped out onto the zebra stripes. I glanced at Kwang-Su and saw his dark hair glinting in the sunlight, his mouth open with the luscious sound of his laughter coming out. It was nice to see him look this happy; and beyond this, somewhere in the distance, a large, dark shape was looming like an eclipse.


I’ve been here before, in my nightmares…


And suddenly there was an ear-splitting, whistling noise, like fifty camping kettles boiling at the same time, and a terrible screeching of metal sparking against metal. My hair had whipped round onto my face and white sunlight shafting into my eyes like swords.


And then everything was black. It felt as if I was swimming underwater, somewhere very cold and very dark – a faraway ocean - and I was alone and frightened. There was no sound. Not even the slightest echo of Kwang-Su Oppa’s laughter.









14th August 2012

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amandamaree #1
it's hard to make me cry but this chapter turned me into a crying mess. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Did she like... Die and come back to life? Lol~ great story btw, I like this style of writing ^^
What just happened?! O.O She needs to be ok!
amandamaree #4
first chapter was really good :)