Chapter 1

Arising From The Deep


Ok First chapter up!
Don't be too disappointed that BAP aren't in it yet, the story just needs to open up for you to know a bit about Kyungmi.
They might feature  slightly in a few chapters and then later on they will be in it fully! 
I know this chapter may be a bit boring for you but please be patient <3
Kyungmi’s pov
I stood nervously on the diving block of the local pool in Busan, arms extended ahead like a torpedo, head tucked in between them, streamlined, muscles taut in anticipation, waiting for the whistle. I’ve trained for this race – the 16 and 17 girl’s 200 metre freestyle- every day for the last three months along with my gymnastic practice for next weeks Busan Gymnast Championships. 
The competitor that was on my right, EunSun was the current record-holder. She was breathtaking in the water, I had seen her on video and analysed her , searching for the weak points, the areas that I could have taken advantage in. My coach, Uncle Choi said that it was on the turns; that it was where I can make up the vital fraction of a second that will make the difference between first and second place.
My heart was thumping in my chest. The crowd was deathly silent as I glanced up, I took note of where Omma and Kwang-Su Oppa where sitting. The next two minutes would determine whether I would represent the town at the Nationals in Seoul later in the year. Kwang-Su was scratching his ear, something he always did when he was worried about something and Omma was sitting perfectly still watching nervously. 
My breathing was slightly tight; time to give myself a swift talking to. Inhale through your nostrils Kyungmi, fill your mind with wander. I can see my reflection in the water. I look like an insect, shimmery, with a silicone cap on my head to keep my hair out the way.Focus on the pace, think about the rhythm of your . Uncle Choi’s voice was clear in my head.  
There it was at last, the shrill sound of the whistle, it sent impulses through my nervous system making me jolt off the diving block and into the cold water like an arrow being released from a bow. 
I could see EunSun pulling away from me already, I couldn’t afford to let her get even one metre ahead of me; we have to stay neck and neck if there was going to be a good chance of me coming first. As I turned my head to the side to gulp in some air I could hear the crowd roaring. Focus Kyungmi cautions my inner voice, the bossy one that usually tells me not to eat crisps and chocolate. Get the rhythm going. One, two, one, two…
I looked ahead and judged the number of left between me and the tumble-turn, just like I do in training with Uncle Choi. His voice rang through my mind ‘It needs to flow, like a single movement.’
I flip over and push of the end of the pool, resurfacing. EunSun is already there, two ahead. The crowd was roaring even louder now, or maybe it was just the rush of blood in my ears. 
Thirty seconds later and here came the second turn; I needed to speed up on my recovery. Tumble more quickly this time Kyungmi, one, two, three – EunSun was already under the water and then so was I, turning, reaching up and kicking for all I was worth. 
We broke the surface together this time, my chest was hurting like hell, I kept forgetting to breathe out. Pabo, let your lungs have a chance. My suddenly felt more fluid and fast. I was working harder than EunSun now. Don’t think about EunSun you idiot! Kyungmi, what are you like? Concentrate on the final turn and the final fifty metres. 
We were mirror images of each other now, it felt like we were moving in slow motion in a silent world. The crowd was screaming, waving banners in support.
The finish line was in sight and we were still neck and neck, each asking our bodies to find that extra bit of energy that would pull us forward towards victory. BREATHE, body, don't let me down now. I gulped a huge mouthful of air, forcing it down, pushing it out, and remembering Uncle Choi’s drawing of an engine. It’s working, I was gaining ever so slightly. 
Fifteen metres, ten metres, five metres – EunSun was fighting back, stretching her hands out, slicing through the water. Four metres, three metres, my life depends on this, you can do it Kyungmi, just a bit further no. Two metres, one metre, I kicked my legs for all I was worth stretching my arms as far as I could. 
And there it was! The ice cold feeling of the tiles on the pool edge, which my fingertips had experienced half a second ahead of EunSun’s. Miyoung stormed in third not long after us. 
Bells were ringing, applause was thundering, I threw my arms up in happiness. I could see Omma and Kwang-Su Oppa jumping up and down hugging each other. Uncle Choi was giving me a thumbs up, everyone was cheering. I wanted to remember this moment for the rest of my life. I never wanted it to end. 
‘You were fantastic EunSun.’ I shook her hand, I wanted to hug her in delight but I held myself back. I know she must have felt crushed, it was so close. EunSun’s level of ability and stamina had became my goals and if I was getting stronger it was due to her example and inspiration.
‘Best girl won on the day Kyungmi, but watch out next time though!’ She laughed and we hugged as the officials told us to get out of the pool.
And then came the icing on the cake, over the roar of the crowd the officials announced that I had set a new record of two minutes for the distance. Town champion and record holder. They beckoned me foreword to stand on the podium to receive my cup and medal, I crossed my fingers as I prayed not to cry. 
There was a photographer there from the local newpaper. For once, I didn’t care that I looked like a gawky stick insect with biceps and a rubber hat, I had heard other swimmers talk about cloud nine. This must be it. 
I laughed as one of the officials dropped her papers into the pool, I chuckled as she bent down to try and pick the soggy sheets up. Her glasses then fell into the pool too causing her to shriek in shock, I looked back to the camera smiling in pure happiness. A shiver ran up my spine as I wrapped a warm towel around me. I went to changing rooms and got showered and dressed heading out to be trapped in the arms of Omma and Kwang-Su Oppa. 
‘Kyungmi I’m so proud of you! Come on lets get home. Kwang-Su’s Omma is getting the dinner ready.’ 
‘Ok Omma!’ 
Kwang-Su messed up my hair as I stuck my tongue out at him, I skipped happily to the car climbing in the back with Oppa. This day was going to be one that I would never forget. 

13th August 2012 
(so late, lmao)


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amandamaree #1
it's hard to make me cry but this chapter turned me into a crying mess. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Did she like... Die and come back to life? Lol~ great story btw, I like this style of writing ^^
What just happened?! O.O She needs to be ok!
amandamaree #4
first chapter was really good :)