Motor Oil


Jonghyun POV

I wipe my hands against my grey mechanic's jumpsuit and look down at the engine of the old Aston Martin one last time before slamming the hood shut. It's an old car and the owner is even older. He probably bought this thing when the first James Bond movie came out. It's sad to see a beautiful car falling apart, but it happens. 

"Sorry about this."

I kiss my sister on the cheek and smile at her.

"Don't worry about it. It's not like i had any official time off or anything."

"But you deserve it. You've been working too much lately."

I just shrug and smile. My dad was supposed to take care of this one, but he had to take a conferance call from Daegu and couldn't make it. It's already 4:43 and i'd be lieing if i said i wasn't a little pissed. I was hoping to be on a date with Onew hyung today. He probably thinks i'm a jerk for not having called him sooner. I'm about to dial his number when i get a call.


"jjong? It's Jessica! My dad asked me why i'm not driving my car!!"

Oh . "Jess, it's not ready yet. I just got the door, i had to order it from over seas. It'll take a few days to get it on, and a few more to customize it to the car."

"Why does it take so long?!"

"It's a BMW Jessica. It takes time. Just sleep over at a friends house for a few days and tell your dad your keeping it tere. Or at the beach. Or whatever. I gotta go. Sorry."


I feel a little pang of guilt as i hang up on her, but the clock is ticking and Onew's probably waiting for my call. As the phone begins to ring i bite my lip nervously and hope he won't be angry.


"Hey, Onew hyung."

"Yeeeeess...? Who is this?"

"...It's Jonghyun..."

"OMO!! I'm so sorry, i forgot to save your number to my phone. Gosh i'm so embarassed, i even texted myself from your phone and..."

"No, don't worry about it. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? I just got off work and i thought i could treat you to dinner?"

"It's a little early for dinner."

"Jeez, hyung, we don't have to meet right now!"

"Oh, that's true. Haha. How about in an hour we meet up at the park near West Gate?"

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you later, Hyung."


He hangs up and i stare at my phone. Well, he wasn't angry. Or upset. Actually, it sounded like he totally forgot that we were supposed to have a phone date!! Well, i never take it seriously either when somone says they'r going to "call me tomorrow"... Maybe he didn't even want me to call. Maybe he was just being polit yesterday when he gave me his number and that's why he didn't even bother saving mine!! Maybe he thinks i'm a freak!!! My head is starting to hurt and i slam the door of my pick-up closed. As i drive home to take a shower, my head is hurting from all the thoughts going through it and i'm getting really pissed. Lee Jinki, how can you drive me so insane?!

Onew POV

He was working!! Of course! I'm so stupid, not everyone has a night job. I smile to myself and clutch my phone to my chest. I was starting to think that he was just being polite yesterday, or that he had lost interest, or that Kibum had told him to ask me out, or-

"What's up, princess? You've been smiling like and idiot since you got off the phone."

"I have a date in an hour."

Joon wiggles his eyebrows.

"Pretty boy?"

"Yeah. Joon, what if i make an idiot out of myself? We'r going to hang out at the park first, then go to dinner. What if i trip over a kid again? Or spill my soup? Or..?'

"JINKI!! Breath, and relax. You're going to be fine. And judt to make sure, i'm going with you."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't worry, pretty boy won't see a thing. I'll be like a secret agent. Or a gaurdin angel. When something's going wrong i'll jump in."

"Joon, i don't think-"

"Awesome awesom!! Wow it's a great idea!! I'm so smart! Now go!! I'll meet you there, go home and get ready! It's going to bet the best date ever!"

Before i can protest any further, he shoves me out of his apartment and slams the door in my face. Suddenly, i'm feeling a lot worse about this than before.


I feel nervous as i head over to the park. Fall is already beginning but the weather isn't cold enough yet that i have to cover myself with layers. I look around nervously at the leaves changing color. There's no way Joon would actually follow me on a date, right? I mean, not that it's actually a date. Let's be serious, i'm thinking way too wishfully. Maybe Jonghyun is just a really touchy person and he always grabes peoples arms like that when he talks to them. And he was probably just being friendly when he asked me out today. O my god, what if Joon does follow us and he jumps out and says something stupid and scares Jonghyun away?! This was such a-

"Onew Hyung!"

I look up at the sound of my name, trip (over air aparently, because what the hell else is there to trip over?!) and fall forward onto my face, my elbows flailing becuase my hands are stuck in my pockets. Graceful.

"Onew hyung! Omo! Are you ok?!"

I look up into Jonghyun's worried face and taste blood. Dear lord, please don't let me have a bloody nose. Not in front of him.

"Omo, hyung, your lip is bleeding!! Does it hurt a lot?"

Not as much as my pride.

Jonghyun POV

I'm sitting on a bench, still feeling pretty moody and wondering if Hyung will even show up. I'm getting impatient when i see him. He's got a worried look on his face and his soft lips are pulled down at the corners. He keeps looking around like he's searching for something.

"Onew Hyung!"

He looks up at the sound of my voice and trips on his own feet. His hands are in his pockets, so he can't break his fall and planst straight onto his face. ! I run to him and his bottom lip is slashed open. He's just blinking at me, completely out of it and touches his lip, looking at the blood as if he's never seen anything like it. I'm seriously spazzing out thining he might need stitches or something and pratically carry him to a bench to look at his lip. I make a move to wipe the blood away with my sleeve and he finally snaps out of his daze.

"No, Jonghyun! It's fine, i have a tissue, don't get your clothes dirty! Seriously, i'm fine. It's just a small cut."

Considering the fact that there's a huge trail of blood going down his chin, i'm not convinced. I grab the tissue from him and wipe his lip gently.

"Geez hyung. You have to be more careful. How can you trip over nothing? i was so scared! And don't walk with your hands in your pockets anymore!! Geez, at least the cut isn't as big as i thought, but you even bit the inside of your mouth! Key was right, you need a bumper around you!"

"I'm sorry..."

I stop ranting and look down at his face. His swollen and bleeding bottom lip is trembling and his eyes are a little watery. The feeling of panic i had when i saw him fall is coming back and i freeze.

"I-i'm sorry. We were supposed to have fun and i, i'm so clumsy i..."

Instinct from years of being a player takes over and before i even realize what's happening my hand is on his face, pulling it to look up at me.

"Onew, it's ok. You can't help it if you tripped. It was my fault for calling out so suddenly."

I rub gentle circles on his face with my thumb on his plump cheek and smile at him.

"Does it hurt?"

He gives a tiny nod. I lean forwrd to kiss the cut on his lip. I watch him for a reaction but he just looks up at me with those brown eyes and half shuts his eyes. My heart is slamming against my chest and our lips are about to touch, i can feel his breath tingling my chin, when someone slams into me from behind. What the hell?! I whip around and there's a guy dressed in all black, with a black beanie on his head. I repeat, What the HELL??

Onew POV

Jonghyun's breath is suddenly gone from my lips and i hear him grunt. I snap my eyes open and seriously wish i hadn't. Joon is dressed in all black and wearing thick framed sunglassess, like some character in a really bad spy movie.

"I noticed your friend fell, is he ok?!!"

Jonghyun is looking at him like he's crazy, and if i was feeling embarassed before, it's nothing to how i feel right now. Is it just me, or is this day getting worse?



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Chapter 16: Waiting for the JongYu!!!xD Update soon!!^^
BaeYeonRin #2
Chapter 16: Hahahaha, this is so funny:)) kkk I hope they will make it... soon:)
Chapter 16: omg this update someone punch me or something so I can collect my thoughts oh my god I am rambling but I just love you. you're cute. and tbh Key needs like a good kick in the or something for messing up my JONGYU LET ME JUST SAY THIS. but I love key so all is forgive you are beautiful and wonderful let me cuddle you and this story you wonderful human being bless you let me kiss your forhead and then give you a hug I love you good bye now~
Chapter 16: asdfjgkhlj;fjslal <3
Chapter 15: This chapter is so cute.... x)
Chapter 15: XD marcus really is amazing!! and i love this update!!! i don't really like mir....but this was just tooo cute!
Chapter 15: like can I just cry sweet tears of joy forever pls and thnx. I saw you updated and I was literally screaming and crying and just sobbing on the floor I love this story so much can I just sit in a corner alone and think about how wonderful it is ugghhhh.
This update made my kokoro go toki doki desu if YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN LIKE I LOVE JOON AND I LOVE ONEw so thank you for that.
Chapter 15: OMG. and i just finished it all and im so so so so sos os os so happy.

can i just love you because this is so great.

I can't
Joon omg, that part had me laughing so hard.


You need to update lots more yo
Chapter 15: awww my joonieee. after onew he is the one i love. this chapter was freaking cute with joonies pov. and i liked the way he thought jongyu as a couple of traitor.
loved it<3