

Jonghyun POV

Honestly, when i really think about it, he wasn't even that cute. Really. His face was kinda fat and soft looking. And his eyebrows were too thick. He had big ears and his nose was kind of squashed to his face. In a really cute kind of way the added on to his bunny look and

NO! his nose was squashed. His lips were also way too big, the way they took up half of his face when he smiled. His smile.... that warm,gorgeous, bright smile that his entire face light up and his eyes form two tiny slits and... That's right!! what was up with that anyway?! One eye squinted up more than the other, making his face look lopsided. totally wierd. Yeah, i mean, really. Compared to Minho, Taemin, Kibum and I, he wasn't nearly as good lokking as any of us. 

"You haven't left yet?"

I snap out of my thoughts at the sound of Key's voice and turn to see him heading into the kitchen, blonde hair messed up and one hand scratching his stomach under his shirt. He opens the fridge and looks at the time on the oven.

"It's almost one. I didn't think i'd sleep so late. Do you want me to make you something?"

I just had breakfast but i nod anyway and he pulls on an apron.

"How long have you been up?"

"Not that long. I got up at 11:15 but Doori called and said to just take the day off. Our dad is there with her today, so they don't really need me."

Key nods approvingly.

"You've been working a lot lately. If your dad is going to be in town for a while than maybe you could take a few days off. You could use it."

Kim co. actually has three other locations set up around Seoul and we'r opening up two more in Daegu. My parents have been busy setting up over there so they've been out of town. But Key's right, if my dad is planning to stay in town for a bit, i could use the rest. 

"What are you going to do today?"

Key shrugs and keeps his face on the frying egg for the bibimbap.

"Taemin gets out of school at three and we were going to go on a date. Other than that i don't have any plans."

"You want to just hang out?"

He turns and smiles at me.

"Sounds good to me."

I watch him cook and try to keep my town casual.

"So, uh, you seemed close to that bartender guy. What was his name again?"

Nice, nice. Very casual, he doesn't suspect a thing.

"You mena the one you were drooling over and could barely talk to?"

"What?! What the hell are you talking about?!"

"You know! Jinki hyung, Onew. The reason you spent the entire night moping because you embarassed yourself in front of him?"

I open and close my mouth and make small sounds of outrage and protest. Key just smiles, drops a steaming plate of bibimbap between us and points at me with his chop sticks.

"Really Kim Jonghyun, how long do you think i've known you? I was pretty surprised, though. You're not one to fall  for someone at first sight."

"I didn't fall for him. He's not even that good looking."

Key rolls his eyes and even i can hear how lame that sounded.

"Jinki's hot, Jjong. Even i thought so the first time i met him. And he's a total cuty personality-wize. The only major flaw is that he's a total clutz, a walking disaster. Someone should put a bumper around him."

I think about pretending i have no idea what Key's talikng about and walking away, outraged by the suggestion that i might actually like that tofu faced bunny, but Key's right. We know eachother too well to play games.

"Do you think he's gay?"

I ask bluntly, scooping egg into my mouth. He seems to think for a moment, nibbling on the ends of his chpsticks.

"Probably bi? He's the kind that is weak to flirting, boy or girl. I think he'd go for anyone who treated him nicely enough."

"Yah!! Are you calling him easy?!"

Key gives me a surprised but amused look and i can feel my face warming up.

"Look at you, already playing the part of the jealous boyfriend. That's not what i meant, I just wanted to say that he's pretty innocent."

Key suddenly stops eating and looks at me.

"You like Onew?"

"Uh... I think we already established this?"

"So you really do like him? Like, you want to date him?"

He's leaning over the table now, staring at me intensly.

"Kibum, you're creeping me out. It's kind of obv-"

"Yes or no?"

My face gets warm and i look down at the table as i mutter a reluctant 'yes'. Kibum smiles slowly and whips out his phone.

"I know what we'r going to do today."

Onew POV

Chicken, chicken, we all like eating chicken, yeah, we all love eating chicken, yeah, Chicken is the best!! Fried chicken, grilled chicken, i love chickeeeeennnn!!!!!!

I continue to skip happily down the side walk singing my chicken song when all of a sudden my phone vibrates. I pull it out. It's probably Joon, texting me to ask why i'm not at his house yet, and saying something like he's eating all the chicken, which i know isn't true, but it always makes me rush anyway. I'm surprised when my screen reads Kibum and i press the answer button.


"Onew hyung?"

"Hey Kibum. What's up? Did you need something?"

"Do i have to need something to call my friend? Aigoo. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today with Jonghyun hyung and i."

Jonghyun. The really hot guy with the killer smile and puppy eyes wo ordered a bailey's. Which was shocking considering his appearance, but hey.

"Actually, i have plans for lunch with a friend of mine right now."

"Oh, that's fine hyung. It doesn't have to be now. We can go out for coffee or ice cream later."

I think about it.

"Actually, there's a cafe i really wanted to try, my friend says that they have the best pastries. Maybe we could meet up there at around six and hang out until we have to go to work?"

"Sounds great! Text me where it is. See you later!"

He hangs up and i look at the phone, confused. I wonder why Key wanted to hang out all of a sudden? And with Jonghyun? Not that i mind. Jonghyun was a little wierd, but really good looking. He's probably a little bit shorter than i am, but definately has a better body. He's the kind of guy that girls fight one another for. When he shook my hand i couldn't help but notice how y his forearm was, which is kind of starnge, to think a person has y forearms, but he really did, and-

And i should stop trying to think while i walk. I gently rub my forehead where i can already feel a bump rising from my sudden and rather ciolent encounter with the light post. I stand up and walk quickly to Joons, hoping that chicken and an ice pack will make me feel better.


A/N: There is a lot of buil up going into this relationship.... oh well. I hope everyone is liking it? Please comment and subscribe, i will hold you all close and give you yummy happy chpaters full of Jongyu love (eventually ^^')

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Chapter 16: Waiting for the JongYu!!!xD Update soon!!^^
BaeYeonRin #2
Chapter 16: Hahahaha, this is so funny:)) kkk I hope they will make it... soon:)
Chapter 16: omg this update someone punch me or something so I can collect my thoughts oh my god I am rambling but I just love you. you're cute. and tbh Key needs like a good kick in the or something for messing up my JONGYU LET ME JUST SAY THIS. but I love key so all is forgive you are beautiful and wonderful let me cuddle you and this story you wonderful human being bless you let me kiss your forhead and then give you a hug I love you good bye now~
Chapter 16: asdfjgkhlj;fjslal <3
Chapter 15: This chapter is so cute.... x)
Chapter 15: XD marcus really is amazing!! and i love this update!!! i don't really like mir....but this was just tooo cute!
Chapter 15: like can I just cry sweet tears of joy forever pls and thnx. I saw you updated and I was literally screaming and crying and just sobbing on the floor I love this story so much can I just sit in a corner alone and think about how wonderful it is ugghhhh.
This update made my kokoro go toki doki desu if YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN LIKE I LOVE JOON AND I LOVE ONEw so thank you for that.
Chapter 15: OMG. and i just finished it all and im so so so so sos os os so happy.

can i just love you because this is so great.

I can't
Joon omg, that part had me laughing so hard.


You need to update lots more yo
Chapter 15: awww my joonieee. after onew he is the one i love. this chapter was freaking cute with joonies pov. and i liked the way he thought jongyu as a couple of traitor.
loved it<3