Lemon Drop


(quick note: all of the chpaters will be named after shots because i have lost chapter naming creativity and because it seemed like a better idea than just chapter one, chpater two, etc. so yup. the shots might or might not be related to the content of the chpter. oh, and i feel you should all know i know nothing about cars. nothing. NOTHING. that is all. enjoy.)

Jonghyun POV

Song Dam Noona leans against the hood of the car, occasionaly bumping my calfs and ankles as i work under the car.

"But i really don't think it's working out, you know?" she's saying.


"It's not that i don't like him, it's just that, like... you know?"


I wipe my forhead against my shoulder and swivel my head, trying to get the right angle under the right tire of the car. The owner said that he thought something was wrong with the breaker fluid, which is probably true too, but with a car this old i always like to check all the tires as well.

"...And the ring was so pretty, so i thought, you know, maybe we could try again." I feel a kick to the bottom of my left shoe.

"What do you think?"

"Sounds great." I push myself from under the car and straighten up grabbing my toolbox and rag off of the hood. Noona pouts at me and puffs air out of her cheeks in frustration.

"You weren't even paying attention."

"What else is new?"

We both look up at the sound of the voice. Kibum is leaning against the doorframe of the of the entrance way to the garage, smiling in at us. Noona runs at him and smacks his chest lightly.

"He never listens, Key, it's like talking to a wall. And here i am pouring my heart out." Key nods sympathetically.

"I know, i know. You can tell me all about it later over a cup of tea." Noona smiled and walked past him. Kibum and i had actually been dating for almost two years. We had a pretty great relationship and didn''t break up because of a fight or anything. We just realized after a while that we were more suited to be friends than lovers. Honestly, i love Key to death, just not like that. Anyway, right now he's going out with this really good looking younger guy named Taemin, and he's absolutely head over heels. Kibum smiles and his lips as he eys me up and down.

"You look so y with grease on your biceps."

"Like what you see, huh?" i my top teeth and smack my rag against his thigh playfully.

"What's up? I thought you were doing job interviews today."

Key flashes me the peace sign and puts his other hand on his hip, striking a pose.

"That's what i'm coming to tell you. I just got hired at some fancy four star restaraunt that they'r opening up just down the street from here, walking distance."

"Nice, doing what?"


"Wait, what the hell kind of restaraunt is this?!"

"No, you pabo! I'm the person who stands at the desk when you walk in and asks how many people are in your party and tells you how long you have to wait. Stupid, what's the matter with you?"

I sigh and throw the rag over my shoulder after wiping my hands on it. Key and i walk out of the garage and through the office into where noona is making tea in the attached kitchen. Honessly, i feel a little embarassed, but serioulsy. What's the firstthing that's going to come into my mind if he says host? He sits down and accepts the tea from Noona.

"The pay is pretty good and i can always work my way up. Like i said, it's a pretty freaking nice place. I start next week, when the place officialy opens."

"So did you just come here to brag?" I smile and pull at his blonde curls as he winks cheekily at me.

"Maybe a little. But i also kind of wanted to ask for a favor. I kind of, sort of, lostmyapartment."

"YOU WHAT?!" Noona and i shout at the same time. I stare wide eyed at my best friend.

"How the hell do you lose ana apartment, Kibum? Did it grow wings and fly away? What do you freaking mean you lost your apartment." Key flinches and pouts.

"Don't shout, i don't need your sarcasm. I helped my dad pay off a kinda big loan a few months ago, and he promised he'd pay me back by this week but..."

"He didn't. Of course he didn't. That , i keep telling you he's useless. Come on, we'll go together and i'll beat him 'till he gives you the money."

"We can't." Noona  steps forward.

"Kibum-ah, you can't keep protecting him and.."

"No, really, we can't. He ran off, i have no idea where he is. That's why my job search got so desperate. I need a place to stay for a while, just 'till my first few paychecks come in. I was going to stay with Minnie, but i really don't want to bother him, and his parents are still uncomfortable with our relationship. And your apartment is really close to my new job, so i thought..."

Key lets his words drift off and a heavy silence clings to the air of the tiny kitchen. I lean my elbows against the table and run greasy fingers through dirty hair. This situation with Key's father is really starting to wear me down This has been going on for as long as i've known him. That man's totally useless, someone who only knows how waste money, and then go looking for more, wherever he can find it. Key's fingers brush my forearm.

"Sorry, Jjong. I wouldn't ask unless i really needed it."

I grip his wrist and let out a sigh.

"I know. I already finished everything i was planning on working today so i can help you mover your stuff over now."

Key smiles tiredly. He looks over at Song Dam and asks her if she needs any help but she waves us out of the office, saying she'll close up. As key and i walk to my pick-up he leans against my shoulder and gives his singature wide smile.

"Remind me i owe you big time for this."

"Trust me, i won't let you forget it."


A/N: Soooooo first chapter and onew is nowhere to be seen... yet hohoho. And if you're wondering if that drama with key was planned... it wasn't but i'll just go with it. please look forward to the appearance of the dubu leader next chapter! subscribe and comment!! please tell me what you think so far, does it sound interesting?  constructive criticism is welcome.

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Chapter 16: Waiting for the JongYu!!!xD Update soon!!^^
BaeYeonRin #2
Chapter 16: Hahahaha, this is so funny:)) kkk I hope they will make it... soon:)
Chapter 16: omg this update someone punch me or something so I can collect my thoughts oh my god I am rambling but I just love you. you're cute. and tbh Key needs like a good kick in the or something for messing up my JONGYU LET ME JUST SAY THIS. but I love key so all is forgive you are beautiful and wonderful let me cuddle you and this story you wonderful human being bless you let me kiss your forhead and then give you a hug I love you good bye now~
Chapter 16: asdfjgkhlj;fjslal <3
Chapter 15: This chapter is so cute.... x)
Chapter 15: XD marcus really is amazing!! and i love this update!!! i don't really like mir....but this was just tooo cute!
Chapter 15: like can I just cry sweet tears of joy forever pls and thnx. I saw you updated and I was literally screaming and crying and just sobbing on the floor I love this story so much can I just sit in a corner alone and think about how wonderful it is ugghhhh.
This update made my kokoro go toki doki desu if YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN LIKE I LOVE JOON AND I LOVE ONEw so thank you for that.
Chapter 15: OMG. and i just finished it all and im so so so so sos os os so happy.

can i just love you because this is so great.

I can't
Joon omg, that part had me laughing so hard.


You need to update lots more yo
Chapter 15: awww my joonieee. after onew he is the one i love. this chapter was freaking cute with joonies pov. and i liked the way he thought jongyu as a couple of traitor.
loved it<3