Oil Slick



I woke up and made Jjong breakfast like i've been doing for the past three days. There's no way i'm just going to live like a free-loader  in his guest room when he's helping me out like this. I glance at the digital watch of his oven and quickly put seram wrap around the bacon and eggs, leaving them on the table with a small note attatched. The restaraunt opens the day after tomorrow and today is the official employee training day. We get our uniforms and everything. I grab my bag and head out the door, glancing nervously at my watch before i decide to take the stairs. There's no way i'm going to risk being late. Jjong lives in a twenty story building across the street from his garage. It's not the newest or nicest place in town, but his apartment is big enough and the neighbors keep to themselves. And it's only ten minutes away from the restaraunt walking distance. So, hey, i'm not complaining. I always thought it was kinda funny that this less than wonderful area was lterally right around the corner from one of the hottest streest in Seoul, but whatever. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and can't stop the giddy smile on my face, or the squealy giggle that escapes my lips.


From: Taemmie

Hey baby!! you up yet? if not, GET UR UP!

good luck on the training and make sure to send me a pic of ur new uniform (bet ull look y ;s)


Honestly, after Jjong and i broke up, Taeminnie was just a rebound. I never thought i'd get serious with a guy younger than me. Or prettier than me, for that matter. I like to be the one to stand out. But, how could i resist that guy? I'm totally crazy in love with hi-qjghungh!

I blink up at the sky, confused as the back of my head thuds painfully. um... ouch? 

"Ungh-uh... OMO!! omygosh i am so sorry! mianhe mianhe!! Oh no, your phone, it's totally destroyed, omo, this is all my fault i'm such a clutz!!!" 

For a moment, i'm absolutely breathless. all i can think about is how, wow, this guy has gorgeous lips, is he wearing lip gloss? Or are they just naturally pink and delicious and what is he holding in his hand? Wow it's a total heap of scrap metal i wonder what-

"OMYGOD!!! My phone! you pabo, airhead! What the hell? Why don't you watch where you're going? You better be willing to replace that!" 

y lip's eyes are starting to water and i immediately feel guilty. After all, he wasn't the only one spacing out. I bite my lip as he looks down and hands me the broken phone.

"I'm sorry. How much was it? I'll pay for it to be fixed."

I know i should apologize, but i'm too proud to.

"Whatever, it's fine. I'm late for something so just forget about it."

I stuff the remnants of my phone in my back pocket and start jogging in the direction of Black House (restaraunts name as of now) and praying that this little encounter doesn't defign the rest of my day. God must be on break today because when i glance over my shoulder, y lips is following me. I grunt and pick up the pace but he stays on me. I turn the corner and move from run down buildings and dirty streets, to fancy cars and glass skyscrapers. Ten seconds later, look who turns after me. That. Is. It.

"I told you! You don't need to pay me back! It's fine! What are you following me for?! Beat it, before i report you, you stalker!"

He's so shocked by my outburst he falls over backwords, as if the force of my words knocked him over. He blinks up at me confused.

"I-i work i-in this direction."

I'm an asswhole. I stand there completely deflated and feel my face turning completely red. y lips blinks up at me and scrambles to his feet.

"I'm sorry i made you uncomfortable. Umm... if you want i can stand here until you get to where you're going? Oh! r maybe i could walk in front!"

He blinks at me expactantly and smiles eagerly, proud of himself for being so clever. I can't help it. I laugh.

"No, i'm sorry. I was just being snappy. It's fine let's walk together. Where do you work?"

He points ahead of us. 

"There's a new restaraunt being opened on this street in two days. I'm working as a bartender there."

No freaking way.

"What's it called?"

"Black House."

I can't believe this. I start laughing so hard i almost drop my bag. y lips looks at me through his caramal brown bangs, blinking confusedly.

"What's so funny?"

"I'm working there too! I'm Kim Kibum, new nightime host of Black House."

I bow slightly and hold out my hand to him. He stops walking and a slow smile spreads across his face, revealing cute bunny teeth. His eyes squnt up as he returns the bow and extends his hand.

"Lee Jinki. It's nice to meet you Kibum-ah."


A/N: Too short? I know forgive me. The chapters will start to get longer from here (i hope) and bunny and puppysour will have there fateful meeting next chapter (promise promise) 

What do you guys think? Painfully boring? or ok? Don't be shy, now. tell me what you think!!


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Chapter 16: Waiting for the JongYu!!!xD Update soon!!^^
BaeYeonRin #2
Chapter 16: Hahahaha, this is so funny:)) kkk I hope they will make it... soon:)
Chapter 16: omg this update someone punch me or something so I can collect my thoughts oh my god I am rambling but I just love you. you're cute. and tbh Key needs like a good kick in the or something for messing up my JONGYU LET ME JUST SAY THIS. but I love key so all is forgive you are beautiful and wonderful let me cuddle you and this story you wonderful human being bless you let me kiss your forhead and then give you a hug I love you good bye now~
Chapter 16: asdfjgkhlj;fjslal <3
Chapter 15: This chapter is so cute.... x)
Chapter 15: XD marcus really is amazing!! and i love this update!!! i don't really like mir....but this was just tooo cute!
Chapter 15: like can I just cry sweet tears of joy forever pls and thnx. I saw you updated and I was literally screaming and crying and just sobbing on the floor I love this story so much can I just sit in a corner alone and think about how wonderful it is ugghhhh.
This update made my kokoro go toki doki desu if YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN LIKE I LOVE JOON AND I LOVE ONEw so thank you for that.
Chapter 15: OMG. and i just finished it all and im so so so so sos os os so happy.

can i just love you because this is so great.

I can't
Joon omg, that part had me laughing so hard.


You need to update lots more yo
Chapter 15: awww my joonieee. after onew he is the one i love. this chapter was freaking cute with joonies pov. and i liked the way he thought jongyu as a couple of traitor.
loved it<3