Tonight I Can Write the Saddest Line


Tonight I Can Write the Saddest Line

A fan fiction based on Pablo Neruda's poem of the same title.


It was first a Super Junior fanfiction challenge with ahnseunghee, but the fic was dropped when she backed out of the challenge so I figured there's a nice way to not let the fic go to waste. If the fic is familiar to you or you've read the fic already, I made some adjustments to fit the new characters.


"A story of two persons, one trying to make his own destiny, and the other trying to run away from his own."



I love your mother, and you know I love you as well.

He had that statement planted firmly in mind as he grew up. As a child it was a reassurance that even though they had different blood running through their streams, they were still family. But as he grew up it became a simple reminder that though being a family meant how it’s spelled, different still meant different.


It was pretty easy and fun, growing up as a child with only his mother. He had all the attention any other child would have traded for them to experience. The undeniable gaping hole whenever the topic of a family was brought up was covered with bright smiles, big hugs and an exchange of I love you’s even from the lips of a still learning to talk child.

He was a pretty smart child. He knew something’s missing in the picture and he saw it on other children’s hands while in the supermarket. He stared at his right hand where his mother had a tight grip on him and on his left hand where he carried a light bag of vegetables, and he smiled up at his mother. Holding her tightly, knowing too well not to ask.


So when he received a rare visit from a man who introduced himself as his mother’s friend, he just nodded his head and played along.

He loves his mother and brother, and his respect for his step father was undeniable as well. They never let him feel he’s unloved, materially speaking. Everything his brother had, they made it sure he had too. But that’s not really what he’s asking.


During Sundays when they’d go out to eat or buy groceries, in his mind he would trade all the toys he had on his left hand to switch places with his brother even just for an hour, sandwiched between their parents, his left hand holding their dad’s, and his right, their mom’s. But he knew when to keep quiet, and he knew where to draw the line between dreams and reality.

Maybe that’s when he started to feel more different. His brother's their parent’s son, and he’s his mother’s son born out of wedlock. And still they loved him, maybe a little different, but that’s what they said, and that’s what he believed.


Until he graduated high school and his step dad talked to him, telling him the couldn’t afford to shoulder his school fees for college anymore. It’s not like he’s the only person who didn’t have the chance to go to college. So he stopped for a year, working, saving money for his tuition the next year.

He’s still loved. That’s what he thought until he heard them.


They’re moving out, and they didn’t want him with them. His mother protested, but didn’t risk losing her son and husband fighting for her other son.

They’re the vision of the perfect family he had in his dreams. And now being an adult, he saw what he hadn’t when he was still a child. That they still let him join, and let him feel he belonged, they still tell him they loved him, and smiled with a hint in their eyes that said, it’s up to you to figure it out.


So he moved out first before they could even think of leaving him alone while he’s asleep. He told his mom he loved her, hugged his brother, and nodded to his step father.

They waved at his retreating back from the front porch of the house, looking more like a family without him on the picture, and they went back inside the house with smiles on their faces from a joke let out. He disappeared in their lives faster than he intended them in his.


He was on his way to the small apartment he rented with his hard owned money, sitting at the far end of the train with his bags and luggage beside him with a sigh and a smile from the old lady in front of him.

He’s living a new life, without empty promises and false reassurances. He will work hard, meet a lot of people, study and graduate, he’d find another job to cover his needs, he’d live peacefully in his small apartment, and maybe he’d buy a puppy to keep him company.


That, and he almost missed his station.

02/03 so i finished the update... But idk how to post it since im using ipad now and cant use laptop coz i left it at home. What to do?


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SooSmiles #1
Chapter 7: Just came across this old story. It's a shame it was never finished. I like how well the thoughts and emotions are expressed, and it would have been nice to know the ending. Would live to know if Chanyeol met his destiny...I think he did.
It's almost as if the fanfics I read reflect the real ChanYeol. Mischievous and always a happy virus, yet deep inside he's deep and longing for the emptiness to be filled. It suits him. Please update! kkk~
Subscribe this!! The story is very good. Can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 6: what no!! how could you kyungsoo... chanyeol must be really shock.
Chapter 6: this
whos jongin lol. ahhh chanyurrrr, i hope you're not jealous XD

kaisoo and chansoo at the same time omo~
sakuraa_moe #6
Chapter 6: Askjghlljjafklljhfhklhjkllj!! Chapter 6!
Nooooo channiee will be sooo jealous at the kaisoo moment displayed to him >.<
Chapter 6: lol kyungsoo is so cute in the morning. I would have probably kicked chanyeol once I opened the door xD but my friend does this too, coming to my home at like 6am when I'm lacking sleep, while making me feed her and she just sleeps in my bed until she has to leave OTL

uh oh, jongin is here now. chanyeol is gonna be sad and jealous =(((
Chapter 5: Fanboy scream, you're back :D I'm a huge ship!kaisoo, but Chansoo makes me bjdjefjdekijfnidefndef in warmth. Anyways, thank you for updating and I congratulate you in advance and wish you luck in the next to months! Keep up the great work Author-nim!
mrluffy #9
Chapter 5: :D congrats!! I am so happy that you updated this. You deserve lots of rest. Good luck, authornim!!