Not a chapter..sorry..


So...I'm really sorry for not updating lately..please don't harm me in's just that...there's school, school comes with people, people come with problems, problems come with pain, pain comes with depression, then suicide..


I haven't been updating because, I can't believe I trust you guys enough to tell you this, but I'm like this one girl, and yes I am biual..haters gonna hate potatoes gonna potate, and she likes me back. We're both friends but I want to change that, so I'm planning how to ask her out this coming Christmas. Also, I'm still trying to figure out the next chapter, I hope you guys understand (and aren't homophobe because of you are why have you read this far of a story about two gays...) 


Until next time, bye~~

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Maychunji143 #1
Chapter 8: Hi!! New reader here Your story is fantastic its so good please update soon! I wish you the best of luck with your confession!^u^
Haha X3 I read this when I was in the car going to Niagara falls. Kept me from being bored. Good jobs! I really like it even though I'm not a fan of ff ;D
ZoeChaomaniac #3
Very awesome story~ although I get slightly confused at some parts, it's a great plot!!! <3
Thanks you guys^^ you so nice.
SHINite #5
Awesome story..
Can't wait for the next updates!!!!<3