


Taemin quickly changed in the bathroom in his room, while Minho went home to get his stuff. When Taemin stepped out of the bathroom and ran into a half Minho. He blushed. 
"Mianhe hyung."
Minho smirked. Walking towards Taemin, he noticed how the younger was staring at his abs. Then it hit him. Taemin still liked him. He grabbed his chin and pulled him closer. 
"Hy-hyung, w-we ca-can't. I-i-i don't l-like you."
"Do you know why I turned you down in grade 6?"
"Because I thought that you needed a girl in your life. Not a boy nor a man."
Taemin was on the verge of tears. 
"I have a girlfriend. Are you happy?"
"Hell no. I want you, but i've wasted my chance."
"Hyung I-"
Taemin was interrupted by a pair of lips on his. 
"You talk to much."
Being overjoyed, Taemin threw his arms around Minho and kissed him until both needed air. Onew, who had been watching them, coughed. Handing the blankets in his hands to Minho, he kept on staring at both of them. 
"If I hear any loud noises tonight, i'm going to assume it's you."
He joked. Making the two blush. 
"Now you see how it feels when you're made fun of."
He mumbled while leaving. The two dongsaengs laughed. 
Just a quick update today. Kai will appear next chapter. ^^
Before I say anything I love your name^^
And don't worry Kai will just be in one chapter and like in a lot of fanfics he'll sorta be like a Hyuna...if that helps....
There some disease-like thing that gives male female hormones..
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Maychunji143 #1
Chapter 8: Hi!! New reader here Your story is fantastic its so good please update soon! I wish you the best of luck with your confession!^u^
Haha X3 I read this when I was in the car going to Niagara falls. Kept me from being bored. Good jobs! I really like it even though I'm not a fan of ff ;D
ZoeChaomaniac #3
Very awesome story~ although I get slightly confused at some parts, it's a great plot!!! <3
Thanks you guys^^ you so nice.
SHINite #5
Awesome story..
Can't wait for the next updates!!!!<3